CSI: Miami Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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Wow, you're fast, Luna! You created awesome icons (by the way: beautiful ava, I like it!), I snagged the third and will credit, for sure :) *yummie Ryan*

And I gave also a try for Nikki:


It was a pleasure to make s.th. for our little mascot ;) :D
Hey all. Please limit the images/icons to three for each post. Then just provide url links for the rest. This is in consideration of dial-up users who may take a long time to download images. Thanks. :)
kimberiea, i love the calleigh icon that is on this page. she is just so cute!
i love all of the Calleigh icons from everyone because well frankly i love Calleigh :D
These teasers of Emily are really cool, I love the shoots themselves, the colors are awesome, but the font is kinda common. Love'em ;)
I think the font goes well with them, but that's just me. :p

They're awesome!!. :D
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