CSI: Miami Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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Speed and Jon Togo icons.

i really like it! thanx! the one thing is the coroner sign behind her would've been awesome... but i still love it! as soon as i'm able to i will put it as my icon... thanx again! i like your icon too... it's like emo-greg! :lol:
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about the coroner sign, you're right, it would have been great. I just wasn't sure where to put the text otherwise. I could try another one, but I could make it animated so that I can fit the text in wherever, if you'd like. :D
Nice Icons guys. Here's a few from me!


More at My LJ

Its the second entry and then there's more down the page as well. And feel free to friend me if you like.
I love all the icons in your LJ speedmonkey2 Added you as friend ;)

And Tinkerbell, that´s a fabulous LOST icon :lol:
I love all the icons here, and I have kind of a request. Can anyone of the talented icon makers here make me an (animated, I think) icon using this pic, and then have it say: "Come on Ryan, you know you want to! Just lean in a little closer... Bit more... (or something among those lines) Then have it go all black, with the text: "Hey! Turn the lights back on!"

If someone could try this, thank you very much!
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