CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

I love the way I think too and for that...more bloopers!!



Eric: I hate fish eggs (laughs)
Rory: hey Adam did you miss me?
Adam: *turns around* No but the script does. You ever look ar it?
Rory: *smiling* shut up.


Adam: I hate fish eggs.
Rory: Hey Megan did you miss me?
Adam: He she he ...she..he...(laughs)
Emily: PICK ONE!!


Rory:Hey Megan did you miss me?
Director: CUT okay, stop sounding so pathetic.
Rory: Hey i'm just doing what you told me to.
Director: Then do it like i'm telling you now. Less pathetic.


Rory: Hey Megan did he miss me?
Kim: Who?
Adam: I wonder who it might be
Emily: Maybe it's david
(all laughing)
Rory: *sarcastically* Ha ha very funny.


Rory: Hey megan did you miss me?
Adam: She actually forgot your game.
(all staring at adam)
Rory: really? Because i thought i had good game.
Emily: I've never seen you play.
Rory: That's because I play chess.
Director: Guys....let's get a move on here.


Rory: hey Megan did you miss me?
Adam: She actua she actu..she actuall....*^$ I can't speak!!
(all dying of laughter)


Rory: Hey Megan did you miss me?
Adam: She actually forgot.....oh my God..I can't remember it.
Emily: YOU actually forgot your lines?
Adam: It happens, i'm only human.
Kim: I'm hungry lets do this fast.
Emily: Why do we do the hard stuff before lunch?
Rory: Yeah it just screws us up even more.
(all looking at director)
Director:....It's not my fault! I'm hungry too!
*david walks by with a sandwich*
David: I'm Horatio Caine. I get what I want.
Emily: *licks lips* Should we?
Adam: I don't know..guys should we?
Kim: I'm all for it.
(all bounce on david, stealing his sandwich. They all fall on the floor)
Rory: Okay ow that hurt. Em get off my foot!
Emily: Get off my hair!
Kim: Get off my FACE!
Adam: Ow my fingers!
David: And I still have my sandwich. *digs in* And that children is why they call me *puts on shades* Horatio Caine.
Rory: That's a fictional character.
Director: Okay, lets wrap up the scene, and for god's sakes, there's a whole tray of sandwiches over there.
(all run for the table)
Director: I shouldn't have told them about the sandwiches.

dying of laugher...

:lol: Hi, I am just wondering how can our Speedle siai it in such a pathetic way with his cool face... :lol:...no way... :lol:
Nice new bloopers, now that I'm done being mad at Ryan Wolfe and have CSI: Miami season 1 on DVD, I might be able to contribute.
I'm sorry I don't get some of the bloopers. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:


"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy.
ok i'm new to this but when i thought these up they sounded funny.....

this is a prank pulled by Rory. Khandi, Emily and Eric are in this scene, David is watching off camera and Rory is nowhere to be found......and i'm using the actor's initials to make it easier to type...

KA: which one is the db in?
Director:bottom left!! ok action!!!
AR: Alexx, we need to process the body.
KA: ok Eric.*she goes to open the dorr when she burst out laughing*
Director: Khandi, what is it?
KA: someone's replaced the name cards for the dbs'
Director: WHAT!?!?! *he reads the cards out loud* Symour Butts?!? *Everyone laughs* I.C. Wiener, Opheila Rass, Al Coholic?!? Ivana Wizz?!? *angrily* ok whose i dea is this?!? ...wait a minute!! where's Rory?!? *he reads the last card* Rory Cochrane? *he whips open the door and lifts up the sheet to find Rory smiling mischeviously* RORY COHRANE!!!!!!
RC: HAHAHAHA!!!!!! *he gets up and runs away*
Director: RORY GET BACK HERE OR YOU"RE A DEAD CSI!!!!!!! *he runs after him*
*Rory runs through the set and everyone is laughing hysertically*
*director is seen chasing after him with ropes and duct tpae*

end scene

and this is from Lost Son

Take one

DC: SPEED!!!!!! *Rory pretends to misfire the gun and falls to the floor chewing the blood capsule. David kneels next to him and wipes the blood away*
DC: Speed, hold on stay with me..
RC: i can't.....feel anything
DC: shhhh, it's ok
*Rory jerks a little and lies still*
DC: SPEED?!? Speed! Speed?
*David puts his head on Rory to pertend to listen for a heart beat but pushes down on his chest to hard*
RC:David....can't breathe!!
Director: Rory you're dead remember!?
RC: well i'm sorry...david's pushing down...to hard..difficult to breathe!!!
*david was being oblivious the the whole convorsatin and still had his hear on Rory*
Director; david Get off him!!!!
DC: oh sorry!! i was caught in the moment!!! *David gets up*
RC: *gasping for breath* what are you trying to do really kill me?!?

Take 2

DC: RORY!!!! wait I mean...uhhhh... what's your character's name again? I need a script!!!!
RC: OMG you just messed up!!! you!! the amazing David Caruso!!!!!
*he runs to get Adam, Emily and Khandi*
RC: hey guys guess what!!!!
AR: what? did you actually remember your lines?*he laughs*
RC: NO!! Hey wait a minute!! no, it's David he forgot my character's name and then he couldn't remember the scene!!!!
EP: are you serious!?!
KA: WOW!!!!
AR: this is like CSI: Miami history!!!! the amazing David Caruso forgot a whole scene!!!!!
DC: so what Rory does it all the time!!!!
AR: but he always does!! you never do!! that's why this is a big deal!!!!
RC: now who needs to read the script?!?
DC:HA HA very funny Cochrane!!!!!
:lol: The DVD's need to show their bloopers. Like the good ones. :lol:

David: As cold.....as ice? As ice? What the... Look, i've put up with the one liners for a long time. But if i say this i'll have Ice Cube or Vanilla Ice knocking at my door.
HAHA i just got a good image of both of them banging on the door of his trailer and you gave me a good idea!!!! again using initials...just makes it easier...

*Vanilla Ice and Ice Cube banging on the door of DC's trailer*
VI:David Caruso!!!!
IC:Get your ass out here!!!!
Both:"as cold as ice"?!?!?
VI:is this some kind of joke!?!?
DC:hey, don't blame me i don't write this crap...go blame the writers!!!!
hey i just thought i'd try it out. these are some scenes from if looks could kill. i don't know what the name is of the actor that plays nick so i jus named him nick. they probably suck


Eva: Nick
Nick: Eva oh i hoped….wait you’re not Eva
(all laugh)


Eva: Nick
Nick: natalia, oh I hoped I would run into you
Adam: you two know each other?
Eva: yeah could you just give us a second?
Adam: sure, walks of trips over something and falls on the floor
Eva: (trying not to laugh) adam, you alright?
Adam: yeah
(all laugh)


Eva: Nick
Nick: natalia, oh I hoped I would run into you
Adam: you two know each other?
Eva: Yeah, could you just give us a second?
Adam: sure (walks off)
Eva: I don’t know how the hell you got out of jail
Nick: (pause) neither do I, I probably escaped
(all laugh)
director: ok let’s try that again


Eva: i don’t know how the hell you got out of jail
Nick: (pause) I’m sorry I still don’t know, wanne help me find out?
Eva: get this man a script, please
(all laugh)


Eva: you can’t do this to me, you can’t do this to me. Get out!
Nick: Steps backwards, stops, presses elevator button
Director: CUT what is going on?
Nick: sorry the door doesn’t open
Director: oh for the love of god somebody fix the damn door. And get me a drink please


Eva: you can’t do this to me, you can’t do this to me. Get out!
Nick: leaves
Adam: who was that?
Eva: …..i don’t know, i’m sorry
(all laugh)


Emily: i heard you had an welcomed visitor today?
Eva: i’m sorry i thought it was an unwelcome visitor?
Emily: give me a script!
(all laugh)


Emily: i heard you had an unwelcome visitor today?
Eva: eric
Emily: he’s just worried about you and…..
Director: get her a script please, i wanne finish this before lunch
(all laugh)


Emily: i heard you had an unwelcome visitor today?
Eva: eric
Emily: he’s just worried about you and quit frankly so am i what’s going on
Jonathan: walks in
Director: CUT what are you doing here
Jonathan: am i not in this scène
Director: no
Jonathan: then what scène am i in?
Director: the one that’s being filmed at the other side of the building
Jonathan: sorry guys
(all laugh)


Emily: what do you think it is?
Eva: i don’t know, but i just want to kill him
Emily: hey that’s an excellent idea you want help?
(both lauhg)
director: sighs, we’ll never get this done


Emily: what do you think it is?
Eva: i don’t know but i just want to kil him
Emily: blank stare
Director: are you trying to kill me?
(all laugh)
this is from the ep Spring Break.

*Adam goes to take his shirt off to dive into the pool*
*It gets stuck to his wetsuit*
Emily:*laughs* need some help there?
Adam:No. i got it. *he gives it a good tug and he falls into the pool*
*all laugh* *Rory was off camera*
Rory:HAHA!! Hey can we get a towel over here for the guy who can't take a shirt off without falling!?
Adam:Shut up Rory! *he pulls Rory into the pool. then Rory and Adam both pull Emily in*
Emily:eek:h that's it you're so dead!!
*everyone laughs*
I could'n stop laughin reading all the bloopers :lol: :lol:
I love Emily/Rory moments :lol:
But I would also like some boopers from "course of the coffin"....from the scene of Ryan and his hallucination :lol:.....or from "going under"
from COTC

*Jon is in the mourge hallway when the "DB" rises up off the gurney*
*Jon runs away....slips and hits his arm anmd it bleeds*
Director:CUT! OMG!! are the props ok?
Jon:hey I'm F***ing bleeding here and all you care about are your props!? I'll be in my trailer!

Adam: Starting to believe?
Jon: Well ehh… there’s a dead guy walking around there, I suffered temporal paralysis and then there was some spontaneous combustion over there… and all that since we brought this thing (points to coffin ...and Adam and Jon laugh)
Director:eek:k cut! what's so funny!?
Jon:it says "here lie David's sunnies that I ran over with my car- RC" LOL!!! who's RC?
Rory:*comes out* NEVER!!! You'll never take me out alive!!!
Director:that can be arranged...
Rory:OK FINE! I'm gone!! happy!?!? *Rory walks away*
Director:ALL THE WAY RORY!!!!
Rory:*yells* OK GEEZ!! Keep your pants on!! pary crasher!!
*he leaves*