CSI:Miami bloopers (What do you want to see?)

Hahah! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:!This is funny! And a great escape from Speed's uhm..Yay! Love the bloopers!! I just imagined David actually getting one of his sarky one liners wrong! Maybe you should try it! :lol:!
Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm a Lab Technician!*yay!!*
I just realized i was a csi level 2! WOOT! carry on the bloopers, i'll be back in 6 hours because of dumb boring school :lol:
I got one, I think....

Golden parachute

Adam: Hey Herb Ritts, you wanna finish this?
Rory: *continues to take pictures*
Adam: *whispers* Rory, that's your line man.
Rory: * stares blankly then moves out of the shot*( crew burst out into laughter.)
Adam: He's certainly in the zone* laughing*
Director: Alright , lets try it again gentlemen.

take 2

Adam: Hey Herb Ritts, you wanna finish this?
Rory:*tries to take the picture, camera breaks* I'm spent, I need more film. ( Adam and crew laugh heavily)
Adam: * between laughter* Do you need a moment?
Director: We'll never get this done. Can we get a workable camera for Rory!

take 3
Adam: Hey Herb Ritts you wanna finish this?
Rory: I need a minute....
Adam: *agitated* Well, why don't you let me take the pictures and you can breast stroke, @#$$%%&* ! I said breastroke didn't I?
Rory: Adam where is all of this hostility coming from? *laughs can be heard off camera*
Director: Gentlemen, please!

That's my attempt. Here's one more

Body Count : Scene Horatio arriving at the traffic light.

take 1

Director: And , action!

* Hummer pulls up and David gets out quickly, stumbling*
Director: David are you okay?
David: Yeah, I just got a little too happy* smiles broadly*
Director: Okay lets try again.

take 2
Director: Action!
* David :gets out and runs into the radio car, ( bleep, bleep) Guess we have to do that one over. *smiles*
Holt: David, don't rush we'll be here for a while* smirks*
Director: Let's go again.

take 3

Director: Action!
David: * gets out and stumbles slightly but keeps moving* Finally, pinnoccio gets his strings cut!
( claps and laughter fill the scene.)
Holt: Ladies and gents, Mr. David Caruso!
David:* smiles and bows, erupting into a fit of laughter*

Well, I tried!!!!! :lol:
yeah really brilliant :lol: I have one..Lost Son...Just because i can

David: SPEED! *shoots*
Rory: *clicks gun and it fires*.....Um...
Director: CUT.
Rory: Was that suppose to happen?
Director: No. Let's try this again.


David: SPEED! *shoots*
Rory: *clicks gun and looks at it*
(man shoots)
Rory: *falls on the floor* .......*beeping is heard*
Director: CUT...why are you swearing?
Rory: Ow.
Director: Ow? Are you kidding me?
Rory: No, I mean it actually hurt.
Director: That's not suppose to happen, it's a squib.
Rory: And this stupid pill thing i'm suppose to chew on? gross.
Director: Get over it Cochrane, this is your last scene.
Rory: Fine, I quit.
Director: *rubs forehead* ....You already did.
Director: You're only job is to die and make it look good.

David: *runs over to Rory*
(rory spits the blood out from side of mouth)
David: Speed.
Rory: (does a bunch of stuff and then dies)
David: Speed.....speed....*pressed on chest*
Rory: *grunts*
David: *giggling*
Director: CUT...David...don't press so hard..Rory...you're dead so shut up.

(i took a shot at it :lol: )
yeah really brilliant :lol: I have one..Lost Son...Just because i can

David: SPEED! *shoots*
Rory: *clicks gun and it fires*.....Um...
Director: CUT.
Rory: Was that suppose to happen?
Director: No. Let's try this again.


David: SPEED! *shoots*
Rory: *clicks gun and looks at it*
(man shoots)
Rory: *falls on the floor* .......*beeping is heard*
Director: CUT...why are you swearing?
Rory: Ow.
Director: Ow? Are you kidding me?
Rory: No, I mean it actually hurt.
Director: That's not suppose to happen, it's a squib.
Rory: And this stupid pill thing i'm suppose to chew on? gross.
Director: Get over it Cochrane, this is your last scene.
Rory: Fine, I quit.
Director: *rubs forehead* ....You already did.
Director: You're only job is to die and make it look good.

David: *runs over to Rory*
(rory spits the blood out from side of mouth)
David: Speed.
Rory: (does a bunch of stuff and then dies)
David: Speed.....speed....*pressed on chest*
Rory: *grunts*
David: *giggling*
Director: CUT...David...don't press so hard..Rory...you're dead so shut up.

(i took a shot at it :lol: )

hahaha that one was funny. and thanx to whoever posted the murder in a flash one.
Hahahah!! Funny! I love the David quotes about Pinoccio! How cute is that! I've got one..i think..

*TAKE 1*
Adam: Hey..you okay?
David: *laughs a little* I think so..
Adam: uh..*refrains from laughing*
David: Adam..your line?
Adam: I'm sorry man..your laugh was too funny!
*whole crew laughs*

*TAKE 2*
Adam: Hey H..you okay?
David: *fakes a smile* I think so...
Adam: *laughs hard* What was that for!?
David: Unlike you..I want to get lunch..*smiles*
Adam: Just fake a lil' laugh man!
David: Alright. Alright. Don't even smirk Adam!

*TAKE 3*
Adam: Hey..you okay H?
David: *forces a fake laugh* I think..*laughs and looks away*
Adam: David! Just make a little giggle man!
David: I ca-*laughs*can't! Can I not laugh at all?
Director: David, we'll get you one of those shirts that make you ticklish.
David: No! No..I'm fine. Really. I'll get this. Adam..work with me here...*laughters from the crew*

*TAKE 4*
Adam: Hey H..you okay?
David: *fakes a laugh* I think so..*smiles and glares*
Adam: Yeah well. The professor still dosen't want to give Riddick up.*restrains from laughing*
David: Well then*puts sunnies on*lets educate the professor.*Walks off camera*
Director: CUT! Finally..where's the pizza?
*Claps and cheers from crew and cast*
David: How were we?
Director: Good..no more laughing scenes for you tho! *points teasingly at David*

Haha! From episode "Crime Wave" after the demolition of the building.
yeah really brilliant :lol: I have one..Lost Son...Just because i can

David: SPEED! *shoots*
Rory: *clicks gun and it fires*.....Um...
Director: CUT.
Rory: Was that suppose to happen?
Director: No. Let's try this again.


David: SPEED! *shoots*
Rory: *clicks gun and looks at it*
(man shoots)
Rory: *falls on the floor* .......*beeping is heard*
Director: CUT...why are you swearing?
Rory: Ow.
Director: Ow? Are you kidding me?
Rory: No, I mean it actually hurt.
Director: That's not suppose to happen, it's a squib.
Rory: And this stupid pill thing i'm suppose to chew on? gross.
Director: Get over it Cochrane, this is your last scene.
Rory: Fine, I quit.
Director: *rubs forehead* ....You already did.
Director: You're only job is to die and make it look good.

David: *runs over to Rory*
(rory spits the blood out from side of mouth)
David: Speed.
Rory: (does a bunch of stuff and then dies)
David: Speed.....speed....*pressed on chest*
Rory: *grunts*
David: *giggling*
Director: CUT...David...don't press so hard..Rory...you're dead so shut up.

(i took a shot at it :lol: )

Okay this was a riot! Taking a little frustration out are we, speedcochrane? I loved the part when Rory says ow and the director says are you kidding me? It was classic....
okie dokie, since this is where all the fun happens, let me take another shot at it lol. Think....um..lemme see here.....spring break.


Rory: Can you read the tape sir, it says crime scene?
Ted: Hey I got a permit to be here.
Rory: Oh......Sh*^$
Director: CUT....no...


Ted: Hey I got a permit to be here.
Rory: Oh, you got a permit! *walks over to guy and takes out cell phone* Well i'm going to let you tell that to the family of the girl who was murdered here last night. I'm going to let you tell them that we can't process this........um.....
Director: *whispers* Crime scene.
Rory: *smiles*
Ted: *smiles*
Director: CUT. Do you even know what show you're on?
Director: Do you want to STAY on this show?
Director: Don't be a smart *bleep* rory.


Rory: I'm going to let you tell that to the family of the girl who was murdered last night. I'm going to let you tell them that we can't process this crime scene because you have a permit for a party. Then i'm going to arrest your cheap tequila pushing.....why are you laughing?
Ted: *bends over* sorry give me a minute...Rory Cochrane is telling me off..Rory Cochrane..telling ME! off....*giggles*
Director: CUT...finish the scene or I'LL be telling you off.
Hilarious!!! I love this thread. I'll come up with something later though* runs to Word Perfect* I got a fic to write!!!
Hilarious!!! I love this thread. I'll come up with something later though* runs to Word Perfect* I got a fic to write!!!

you better get going on that...lol..jj.

Ok here's a short one.

take one

Adam pics up knife and sneezes

Director: And cut perfect Adam
Adam: No I realyl sneezed
Dierctor: Ok well then god bless you
Adam: Thank you


ok yeah totally lame but i gave it my best shot