CSI:Magazine Awards

I bow down in to you all, sorry I could have changed it, but another fan put my post in "QUOTES" so gosh another mistake:( 20 lashes with a big wet noodle~

Desertwind, sorry if you feel upset. But others sometime go spoiler free and don't want to be spoiled, thus the "Spoiler Box". Maybe just remember next time. ;)
Personally, I don't care what Destiny puts in the poll. There is a question, you answer (or not), then it's done; no comments allowed. To each his own. There are about 20 million viewers out there that may feel differently than you, and me.

Polls are meant to be fun and are often thought provoking, especially when you have 8 years and about 190 episodes to consider. Let's try to have fun with this.
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First, spoilers do need to be in tags or preferred that they stay out of non spoiler threads. If your unsure if its a spoiler you should contact a moderator be it the poster or the reader.

Second, the only reason ship discussion is being allowed in here is because it was part of the discussion of the orginial post, keep in mind if you don't like reading it scroll past it when you see the ship name.
Also having a spirited discussion is one thing but remember everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you are entitled to disagree just be respectful about it.

Third, Polls can be done in a way that is fun, and that can satisfy everyone. That being said I have all the catagories I need and trust me when I say this, this is going to be ONE LONG POLLING. How long you wonder? lets just say that you will need to flex and warm up your wrists and fingers, because you will be typing. As to when I will do the poll it will be soon. And trust me when I say this it should satisfy everyone one way or another. ;)
Well I have the catagories ready and I think it will be as I said long, but should satisfy everyone to a degree. Here is how it will work, I will put up the thread and lock it for 3 days, to allow you to research and be sure of your nominations, you will then have 7 days to get in on this then the thread will be locked. The rules (and yes there are a couple) of how this will work, will be listed in the thread you will not need to copy those. ;)

So the question is when will it start? It will begin sometime on Friday (Jan. 9) and will remain closed until sometime Monday which will be the day we unlock it. The other thing, it will be stickied while it is locked, so we don't lose it.

So now we move back on to the topic of this thread strictly. ;)
Well I hope our version of the poll is deemed fair enough to not start any arguments. Desertwind? I think people jumped on you a bit too quickly. The spoiler tag thing was a simple mistake, no worries. And I think people just wanted to say that GSR was something that, while thought of right from the beginning, wasn't actually established until much later, and the show did fine both with it and without it. That's all. No worries, sorry if you felt like you were being ganged up on.
Well I hope our version of the poll is deemed fair enough to not start any arguments.
We'll find out it is now up for everyone to get familiar with and start their copy and research as I stated above. ;)
Destiny, the list looks good except for one small thing. :)

There's no place to vote for best Greg episodes.
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I think it's just a mistake, Nick's got 8 categories so probably Greg got blended with him :) I'm sure it will be changed :)
Yep, thanks and it has been fixed, greg disappeared for a few moments in transfer from wordpad to the post and is now back. Enjoy. :D
Hi Im [name removed by administrator] Szmanda and I am in love with eric szmanda and his work I probably have to say that because we are dating and have been for 2 monthes we dont fight or argue :thumbsup:
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