And since Grissom was just going to go to Sara's room and we were suppose to hear heavy breathing coming out of said room, it would have ruined the premise of the episode and proves it was just written to bring out GSR.
I know about the double posting rule, but I wanted to respond to this quote and I totally agree about this.
It was a beautiful episode the way it was and it's sad to think it was supposed to be a GSR moment instead of the wonderful story about a CSI six months after dealing with his own trauma helping a child thorugh hers. It was praised by critics alike and George proved his acting chops as well as his battle for the integrity of his character-whom the writers have not always treated well.
And Way To Go was a sad episode because if ANYONE remembers, Brass was shot and nearly died! This should have been a Brass eppy, but instead it went to GSR and sadly Paul got some of his limelight taken from him-and he's one of the best actors on the show and is on par with George with giving awesome, emotional perforances.
So with this long tirade, there is relevant point here-I'd like a category with a Best [Insert character here] episode.
Such as "What was the best Nick episode?" or "What was the best Brass episode?"
Give the fans of each character a chance to sort of talk amongst themselves about the best episode of their character.
Most memorable crime scene Ther have been hundreds crime scenes over the course of CSI's 9 years, but Sara Sidle trapped under a Mustang in the Nevada desert, with rain pouring in around her, is the one who got your vote. And who are we to argue--I'ts a sensational sequence! winner Dead Doll second Minature Killer [various epsiodes] Shower death Butterflied!
I don't agree (and I didn't vote in this poll, I didn't even know this poll was going on). I could give many other even more wonderful scenes of CSI's in peril.
How about a man buried alive, you felt his pain. I didn't feel that with Sara, but I felt Brass's pain when he realized he accidentally shot a cop! That was painful! I felt Catherine's pain when she woke up in a hotel room and then processed herself because she thought she had been raped and then her daughter was kidnapped and her dad shot, all within 48 hours! I think I would have been driven to drinking if that were me!
Maybe a "Best CSI In Peril" category.
Sorry Destiny, I won't tell you how to do your job.