CSI:Magazine Awards


Head of the Day Shift
In issue #4 of The Official CSI Magazine, we asked you to take part in our Inagural Awards, and the votes simply flooded in...Drum roll please. As in all polls, this is not everyones opinion or view, just the ones that fans voted in this poll, & some might say "it's all GSR shippers", but this is a cross section of fans who sent their votes in for fav. episode, regardless>... Some might agree with these, and some not, as I did.. its for enjoyment;)

Best season one episode Most shows take time to bed, and as a result first seasons usually are patchy affairs. Not so with CSI's freshman year, which literally changed the face of television. The superb Sex, Lies & Larvae in which Grissom and Sara discover a bug riddled body in the desert and have to determine the time of death [Sara becomes a vegetarian thank's to the resulting expieriment] which is pretty darn gross soo the winner is SEX LIES AND LARVAE second Unfriendly Skies and third Blood Drops!

Best season two episode Season finales are something the CSI writers excel at, so it's no surprise to see The Hunger Artist topping this particular poll. Notable for being the episode where we discover Grissom is losing his hearing, this brutal instalment sees the CSI's investigating the death of a model who's been savagely disfigured Winner:: The Hunger Artist second Scuba Doobie-Doo Third Primum Non Nocere!

Best season three episode Grissom, Sara, Catherine and Greg all get delicious moments in this enthralling episode remembered for the crime lab explosion that nearly killed Greg. For the record, Grissom calling Sara "honey" wasn't in the script--WP improvised the moment..winner Play With Fire second Lady Heathers Box third Blood Lust!

Best season four episode Offering a revealing glimpse into the normally guarded Grissom's psychem Butterflied sees the veteran CSI questioning his choices in life, when he investigates the murder of a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Sara. His touching monologue in the closing scene is simply heartbreaking! Winner Butterflied second Invisble Evidence third Fur and Loathing!

Best season five episode With Quentin Tarantino at the helm, the CSI season finale was always going to be something special, and it proved it with George Eads, giving a humdinger of a performance as the buried alive Nick "It was only supposed to be an hour show, revealed William Petersen, in the 1st issue of this very magazine, but Quentin was having such a great time doing it, that it turned out to be 2 hours" and we're sure glad it did! winner Grave Danger second Nesting Dolls thrid Committed!

Best season six episode From Jim Brass being gunned dwon in slow motion to Sara emerging from Grissom's bathroom in a bathrobe, it's not difficult to understand why Way To Go was popular with CSI fans, what an episode, and what a great finale scene! winner Way To Go second Rashomama third Gum Drops!

Best season seven episode One of the most harrowing CSI episodes ever, this tale of five showgirls who are abused and slaughtered in their shared home sends shivers down your spine every time you watch it. The moment where one of the young women dies in Sara's arms is particulary heart-wrenching winner "Empty Eyes second Living Doll[/b] third Ending Happy[/b]!

Best season eight episode Would she live or would she die? That was the question on every CSI fans lips when Dead Doll aired in 2007 Thankfully Sara Sidle survived..but not before the CSI writers put us all through the emotional wringer..winner Dead Doll second Goodbye and Goodluck third For Gedda!

Most memorable death Most of us are still coming to terms with the death of Warrick Brown, you cruel CSI writers you! so tragic winner Warrick Brown second Holly Gribbs "Cool Change" third Michael Keppler 'Law Of Gravity"

Best director Ken Fink takng the helm of some of the best CSI' ever including Blood Drops, Play with Fire, Rashomama and Dead Doll second Richard Lewis, third Danny Cannon

Best writer David Rambo We reckon his beautiful handling of the bee proposal in "TCOTCDC" might have earned him an extra brownie point or two. second Sarah Goldfinger third Carol Mendelsohn

BEST OVERALL EPISODE Although not a typical CSI episode--revolving as it does around Sara's fight for survival in the Nevada desert, rather than a murder inquiry DEAD DOLL simply ran away with this category, which just goes to show how much you care about these characters... A deserving winner! DEAD DOLL second Butterflied third Grave Danger!

CSI Magazine issue #7!
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It is clear that a mass amount of a certain group of shippers voted for these awards, as I just couldn't see some of those being chosen by the mass of the fans. "Dead Doll" for best overall episode?
It is clear that a mass amount of a certain group of shippers voted for these awards, as I just couldn't see some of those being chosen by the mass of the fans. "Dead Doll" for best overall episode?

Clearly. I mean Way To Go being the best season 6 episode too?? It was good but I do not think the best.

Nesting Dolls and Committed for season 5??? Yeah whatever, At least GD won.
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It is clear that a mass amount of a certain group of shippers voted for these awards, as I just couldn't see some of those being chosen by the mass of the fans. "Dead Doll" for best overall episode?

That's exactly what I thought when I saw the winners in the magazine. Because a lot of the episodes chosen are not the best episodes.

In fact, I didn't vote for any of those episodes, except Grave Danger.

David Rambo winning? There's a surprise. Gee, I wonder what ship he supports. :rolleyes:

At least Grave Danger won.
Ahh, no this is the official CSI Magazine, and GSR is not a disease:confused: it's the couple who have been shown since the beginning, and a beautiful thing. Actually the magazine has articles with Lauren Lee Smith very lengthly, and Archie and Wendy, cute together talking about being 'Lab Rats" also long and Fishburne, and Ecklie funny take he says "when I walk by people think they smell "rotten cheese":lol: ok this is the deal, this is some fans who voted in this poll, and it obviously wasn't the ones who aren't into some of these episodes , I said it was for enjoyment, and many of those are not my favs, either, but some are~to each ones own:)
Ahh, no this is the official CSI Magazine, and GSR is not a disease:confused: it's the couple who have been shown since the beginning, and a beautiful thing. Actually the magazine has articles with Lauren Lee Smith very lengthly, and Archie and Wendy, cute together talking about being 'Lab Rats" also long and Fishburne, and Ecklie funny take he says "when I walk by people think they smell "rotten cheese":lol: ok this is the deal, this is some fans who voted in this poll, and it obviously wasn't the ones who aren't into some of these episodes , I said it was for enjoyment, and many of those are not my favs, either, but some are~to each ones own:)

GSR not a disease? Mania and obsession fall under categories in psychology text books, so I would beg to differ.:lol: Kidding!

I'll slap myself too, Destiny.

Yeah I think this is a GSR magazine glosses over to look as if it were a "CSI" magazine.

Nesting Doll and Committed-highly focussed on GSR eppies.
Way To Go-the best, no way, Gum Drops rocked and was highly praised by critics.

Runs off to superglue my mouth!
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I don't think Fur and Loathing should be on that list. That ep was so weird and creepy. The only good parts were funny comments made by Cath "I like hairy chests, but I'm not about to bop a six foot weasel" and Greg's "well, that's what you get for eating..." :lol:

I definitely think Gumdrops and Grave Danger were great eps. Play with Fire was good, but broke my heart to see Greg hurt ... same goes for the ep where he got beat up (for some reason the name of that ep escapes me at the moment lol).

They should have had a "funniest episode" category... cause I think that would definitely had gone to "You Kill Me" and "Rashomama" was another one that was humorous (mostly cause of Greg's thinking back in black and white like those film noirs lol).

I kind of actually disliked Nesting Dolls cause of the way they wrote Sara in it... that disrespectful comment they wrote for her to say to Cath (throwing Cath's stripper past in her face) was not necessary to get the point across that the case upset Sara on a personal level. IMO, the writers should not have had Sara say that. They could have had her saying "you're not looking at all angles of this and I'm going to go over your head" and then have Ecklie reprimand her. But having her make a comment about Cath's "sexuality clouding her judgement" just seemed over the top and out of character IMO.
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I'm very curious as to how the poll was conducted. For example-
How many people voted?
How were voters selected?
Was the vote blind?
I'm very curious as to how the poll was conducted. For example-
How many people voted?
How were voters selected?
Was the vote blind?

The magazine said it was conducting a CSI Awards and you went to their website to vote in the categories. People weren't selected. They did the same thing for Miami and New York.

GNRF, that episode was 'Fannysmackin'
Some more categories from this magazine, and I don't think any particular epsiode was selected, but the fans who voted in this poll sent in their favorites, I guess if a fan contacted this magazine they could ask "how and what was the criteria for this poll~

Best guest star--female This one came down to just a few votes, with Jessica Collins chilling turn as the Minature Killer just barely edging out Melinda Clarke as Lady Heather, both characters showed up in S/9! winner Jessica Collins as Natalie Davis second Melinda Clarke as Lady Heather third Faye Dunaway as Lois O'Neill[/b] in "Kiss Kiss Bye Bye"!

Best guest star--male When William Petersen took a mid-season break in S/7, the CSI writers opted to bring in "Scream's" Liev Schreiber for a 4 ep. run as troubled CSI Michael Keppler. A masterstroke of this result is anything to go by--shame he was killed off! Winner Liev Schreiber second Roger Daltry as Mickey Dunn, third Matt O'Toole as Paul Milander!

Best Grissom one liner I just had to involve Sara didn't it? In this wonderfully judged scene, which takes place at an ice-hockey arena, a curious Sara asks Grissom 'Since when were you interested in beauty"? to which Gil replies "Since I met you" AWW! Winner "Since I met you" second.."Crazy or not, here we come" [Committed] third "I'm wrong all the time, that's how I eventually get it right" ["Justice Is Served"]!

Most memorable crime scene Ther have been hundreds crime scenes over the course of CSI's 9 years, but Sara Sidle trapped under a Mustang in the Nevada desert, with rain pouring in around her, is the one who got your vote. And who are we to argue--I'ts a sensational sequence! winner Dead Doll second Minature Killer [various epsiodes] Shower death Butterflied!

Coolest scientific gadget We're sure you all know, but just in case you do't Luminol is that cool stuff that reveals invisible blood traces, and other bodily fluids, that arent' visible to the naked eye! winner Luminol second Jello man Who Shot Sherlock third Red Creeper Fingerprint Powder from Anonymous!

Best use of a song Come on, Who doesn't start singing along to the CSI theme tune as soon as the title credits kick in? God bless THE WHO, "Who are you? who, who, who, who? I really want to know:thumbsup:second Unbound by Robbie Robertson in The Hungar Artist third Running Up That Hill by Placebo in "Ala Cart"!

Funniest moment In a episode with hilarious moments, it was Greg's Phillip Marlow-style interpretation of the Rashomama crime scene that had one laughing just a little bit harder. As Grissom declares in this S/8 Two And A Half Deaths "dying is easy, comedy is hard"--The writers really nailed it here, pure genius! second Grissom and Doc, in "Lab Rats" third The unlucky events that lead a man buried in cement in "Loco Motives"!

Most romantic moment As you'd expect, this category was dominated by the Grissom and Sara love affair, which they kept secret since S/1. "Will they or won't they" well, Grissom finally plucked up the courage to ask Sara to marry him while they were tending bees. The moment where they try to kiss through their protective masks..priceless:p second Grissom holding Sara's hand in the helicopter [Dead Doll] third Catherine falls into Warrick's arms [Down The Drain]!

Here's a photo of the cover of this magazine!
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Some more categories from this magazine, and I don't think any particular epsiode was selected, but the fans who voted in this poll sent in their favorites, I guess if a fan contacted this magazine they could ask "how and what was the criteria for this poll~

Best guest star--female This one came down to just a few votes, with Jessica Collins chilling turn as the Minature Killer just barely edging out Melinda Clarke as Lady Heather, both characters showed up in S/9! winner Jessica Collins as Natalie Davis !

Best Grissom one liner I just had to involve Sara didn't it? In this wonderfully judged scene, which takes place at an ice-hockey arena, a curious Sara asks Grissom 'Since when were you interested in beauty"? to which Gil replies "Since I met you" AWW! Winner "Since I met you" second.."Crazy or not, here we come" [Committed] third "I'm wrong all the time, that's how I eventually get it right" ["Justice Is Served"]!

Most memorable crime scene Ther have been hundreds crime scenes over the course of CSI's 9 years, but Sara Sidle trapped under a Mustang in the Nevada desert, with rain pouring in around her, is the one who got your vote. And who are we to argue--I'ts a sensational sequence! winner Dead Doll second Minature Killer [various epsiodes] Shower death Butterflied!

Best use of a song second Unbound by Robbie Robertson in The Hungar Artist third Running Up That Hill by Placebo in "Ala Cart"!

Most romantic moment As you'd expect, this category was dominated by the Grissom and Sara love affair, which they kept secret since S/1. "Will they or won't they" well, Grissom finally plucked up the courage to ask Sara to marry him while they were tending bees. The moment where they try to kiss through their protective masks..priceless:p second Grissom holding Sara's hand in the helicopter [Dead Doll] third Catherine falls into Warrick's arms [Down The Drain]!

Mhmm. Just as I thought. :lol:
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Thanks for posting, Desertwind. I had voted and was curious about the results, as I hadn't seen them yet.
I thought the results were good; some of mine won, some didn't. It was open to everyone and you could only vote once, so it was as fair as it could be. Of course it's not scientific, but it is interesting and it was fun to participate.
Thanks for posting, Desertwind. I had voted and was curious about the results, as I hadn't seen them yet.
I thought the results were good; some of mine won, some didn't. It was open to everyone and you could only vote once, so it was as fair as it could be. Of course it's not scientific, but it is interesting and it was fun to participate.

Thank's so much jtd94 how kind and courteous of you for your compliment, I appreciate that;). and I felt the same same, I agreed with some others not. I did think Jorja's performance in "Dead Doll" was extraordinary, and she deserved a Emmy nod, for this but I felt the same about George in "Grave Danger" makes one wonder who votes in the awards catagories, but it's interesting to see how fans voted, and what they liked! cool that you participated~
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Thanks for posting, Desertwind. I had voted and was curious about the results, as I hadn't seen them yet.
I thought the results were good; some of mine won, some didn't. It was open to everyone and you could only vote once, so it was as fair as it could be. Of course it's not scientific, but it is interesting and it was fun to participate.

Thank's so much jtd94 how kind and courteous of you for your compliment, I appreciate that;). and I felt the same same, I agreed with some others not. I did think Jorja's performance in "Dead Doll" was extraordinary, and she deserved a Emmy nod, for this but I felt the same about George in "Grave Danger" makes one wonder who votes in the awards catagories, but it's intersting to see how fans voted and what they liked! cool that you participated~

Dead Doll was a remake of Grave Danger IMO. CSI kidnapped? Hmm..