Once again, I'm invading the UK.
Athersgeo, first off I must say how much I've enjoyed hearing your rants and nitpicks about episodes.
I have to admit that I've enjoyed writing them. It's been a really, REALLY long time since I've been into a show that's actually still on the air (*cough* Queen of Swords *cough*) and I've been remembering just how much fun it is to take part in an alive fandom and in a place like talkCSI, where people actually understand it if you take notice of the little details!
And I also have really been intrigued by the difference in views and tastes on the opposite sides of the pond. Episodes that seemed to have been received fairly well in the States didn't seem to get as good reviews in the old country. Of course, this is solely based on the opinions expressed on this forum.
*grins* I think the episodes that have worked best are the ones that could happen anywhere - in that regard, stories like Lost and Found or World's End are pretty good examples - whereas the ones that rely on a specific aspect of American culture (*cough*American Football*cough*) don't translate as well, partly because the whole American sports set up is very different to how things work here. [I was going to pick on Unshockable and country music here, but I actually quite like country music and I think I've probably already flogged Unschockable to death!]
Second, please elaborate on this Nick Stokes/Anthony DiNozzo connection. Episode irrelevancy be damned. :lol:
*laughs* Okay. See if I can make this coherent...
As I've possibly mentioned, in addition to watching CSI, I also watch NCIS. A little like CSI, if you throw a stone at the UK TV schedule, you'll probably find an episode of NCIS, so I've now gotten to see every episode at least once. Most of them, I've seen more than once and it was as I was watching a repeat of either 'Missing', 'SWAK' or 'Faking It' (and I really don't remember which one it was) it suddenly dawned on me that in the NCIS universe, if there's a character who's going to get shot, stabbed, beaten up, infected with plague, have his car stolen, have his car blown up or be accused of murder, it's going to be Anthony DiNozzo. I mean, sure, bad stuff does happen to other characters from time to time, but by and large, the crap usually sticks to him...
...which inevitably led me to remembering my comment from way back at the start of this season about why is it always Nick?
And then I started actually looking for the similarities in the two characters' stories and it's actually kind of strange just how many of those there are. I mean, they're both the same age (more or less), both largely defied their fathers to be where they are now, both look/looked for approval from a boss who wasn't/isn't over inclined towards giving it, both are frat boys, both were jocks, both are/were ladies men, both have been stalked, both flirt with female coworkers (admittedly, I don't think anyone's ever threatened Nick with death by paperclip - but that's possibly because LVPD doesn't employ an ex Mossad assassin, and I'm not sure that the thought didn't cross April's mind in 'Death and the Maiden'!)... The final straw was Hodges telling Wendy "and he's demanding pizza", which is the only food I've ever seen DiNozzo actually ask for. (Though, fanfic to the contrary, I don't think he's ever actually demanded it from hospital - though I'm pretty sure he WOULD...)
So there you go.
/giant nerd
And now I have a monster plot bunny that I'm going to be doing my best to completely ignore...
Oh, and "limp piece of celery" had me in tears for some reason. :guffaw:
Always happy to entertain