CSI Levels and Rank?

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Did you guys know that they don't really have CSI 1, 2, and 3 in real life? I thought it was kind of weird that CSI would change it, but I do understand that they were trying to make a story and stuff. Just sharing my information of the day! Sorry if that was stupid.
Back again, I just thought up a good question, though its more episode related it still is on the same subject.

In the episode Jackpot, when Nick is discussing the case with Grissom, I vaguely recall Grissom making a remark to Nick that he couldn't challenge his (Grissom's) theory since he was a CSI Level 2 or something to that effect? But now years later since he became higher in rank, he could challenge his theory? Little help guys and gals?
Are you sure it was "Jackpot"? Cause Nick became a CSI 3 in the "Pilot", and then promotion for what it was worth in "Eleven Angry Jurors". I think you might be thinking of another episode, cause Nick is credited in the ep but from what I can tell of the script he didn't appear in "Jackpot"?
Destiny said:
Re: Catherine's rank, when the two shifts reunited she dropped from Supervisior back to Level 3, But she has the senority over everyone but Grissom. So she could be considered second in command.

Hi Destiny,
I respectfully disagree. In "The Time of Your Death", episode 22 of season six, there is a scene with Catherine and Sara in Cath's office. The nameplate on Cath's desk clearly says "Catherine Willows Supervisor"
You can find stills of this at EricaSJ's site. The scene begins around photo #515. One good shot of the nameplate is #569 but there are many others.
I doubt very much that she would have been allowed to continue to use it if she had been bumped back to CSI3.
Plus, she still has her office. She must still be supervisor, though less senior to GG.
If you are getting your information from wiki, remember it is a free resource and worth every penny. :lol:
I thought Catherine lost her supervisor last season, but they didn't explained it why she lost it. Now, she acting Supervisor while Grissom gone. Co-supervisor be fine. She did went back to CSI level 3.
I don't know if this belongs here, but-- Mac on NY is the Head Investigator. He's 1st Grade, but Grissom is the Co-supervisor and CSI Level 3...
It's the other way round and I don't quite get it... :lol:
While I did get the info from there, the fact is that the night shift can not have two head supervisiors, that would mean that Catherine would have had to drop back to level 3 with a co-supervisior attached to the title.

As to the name plate and the office, that is easy to explain if a person so wanted to, the office being apart of the package but if you recall during her time of being supervisior she shared the office with the "duck lady", and as to the name plate, go to all the trouble to have it made why not keep it cause everyone knows the difference, either that or the prop department didn't care if it stayed or not lol.

kissmesweet, Okay techinqually were suppost to keep it to the LV show only but I will answer your post with this.
Mac is Head Investigator 1st grade,
Grissom is Head Investigator
Horatio is Head Investigator Lieutenant
I think each state has its own rankings, and in some they are cops, and scienists, ect. I guess that is what each show is trying to say, were similar but still different.
Destiny said:
and as to the name plate, go to all the trouble to have it made why not keep it cause everyone knows the difference, either that or the prop department didn't care if it stayed or not lol.

PDs take rank very seriously, like the military. No phony IDs even for sentimental stuff. If the plate were off in a corner, the prop dept error might possibly float, but this is a show where props mean a lot. That nameplate was not there accidentally. If you check out the vidcaps on Erica's site, you will see that it is featured prominently, dead-center in many of the frames, right between Sara and Cath. It was deliberately put there to clear up these questions. In 7xll Gil told Greg to see his union rep so there is a union! Demoting someone without good cause could be a real problem for the PD. Some viewers opinions of Cath do not count as just cause. :p
Anyway, I think that CSI-1 2 and 3 are proficiency levels and not department ranks. Nick, Sara and Warrick are investigators, like detectives, and GG and CW are co-supervisors with GG having more seniority. Why do you say there couldn't be two supers? It's a seven-day operation.
kissmesweet said:
I don't know if this belongs here, but-- Mac on NY is the Head Investigator. He's 1st Grade, but Grissom is the Co-supervisor and CSI Level 3...
It's the other way round and I don't quite get it... :lol:

Mac in NY is a Detective 1st Grade. In both the Miami and NY series, the CSIs are police detectives--in the Las Vegas series the CSIs are civilians affiliated with the police department.
Cova said:
Back again, I just thought up a good question, though its more episode related it still is on the same subject.

In the episode Jackpot, when Nick is discussing the case with Grissom, I vaguely recall Grissom making a remark to Nick that he couldn't challenge his (Grissom's) theory since he was a CSI Level 2 or something to that effect? But now years later since he became higher in rank, he could challenge his theory? Little help guys and gals?

I know which episode you're talking about. I'm pretty sure it's not 'Jackpot', but the name escapes me now. Anyway, a woman comes forwards changing her testimony, and Nick tells Grissom he thinks it's worth looking into again. Grissom then asks Nick if he agreed with his decision to close the case before, because Grissom was a higher rank it was his decision. I don't think it means lower level CSI's can't work solo, I just think it means if you are sharing a case the highest level CSI gets to call the shots.
Well I am not going to argue about a name plate, but its a fictional tv show and there are times when they don't think of everything, check out bloopers and such regarding, so and so wore gloves in one scene but not in the next, but then they were back on. Besides in Leaving Las Vegas, Grissom told Catherine that she would Temporaily in charge, if that is the case then she isn't a supervisior like she was but rather a more Next in line in rank or maybe took a co supervisior title, and Kept the package, which if she temporaily takes over makes her a supervisior giving a reason to keep the name plate who really knows.

As to looking at caps If I get time I will but it doesn't change my opinion on it, and thats all we have so its more of an agree to disagree situation. ;)
Destiny said:
As to looking at caps If I get time I will but it doesn't change my opinion on it, and thats all we have so its more of an agree to disagree situation. ;)
So you are not interested in facts. Too bad. Shouldn't a mod make sure that the information presented is accurate - don't you have a responsibility to your members to be open-minded? Statements by mods carry weight - try to get it straight.
I just thought I'd mention that someone emailed David Rambo and he actually said Catherine was still a supervisor.
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