CSI Levels and Rank?

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mellojello said: So you are not interested in facts. Too bad. Shouldn't a mod make sure that the information presented is accurate - don't you have a responsibility to your members to be open-minded? Statements by mods carry weight - try to get it straight.
It doesn't matter whether or not I am interested in fact, its a fictional tv show, this board is all about opinions and theories, ect. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with them, if you can't agree then you agree to disagree and move on. -- As to being open minded I am just because I disagree doesn't mean I am not.

Being a moderator I am here to make sure the atmosphere is maintained, the rules are followed properly and the forum is run in an orderly manner, those are the facts and accuracy that I deal with, and at the sametime I get to have the perk of being a member as well.

Also if you would like to continue this further feel free to pm me this is not a conversation for either this thread or for the board, if you or anyone has a problem with the way that I do my job please feel free to contact T'Bonz the Admin, or take it up in QSF (Questions, Suggestions & Feedback).
Here's a question - what rank is Sofia? I know that Jim is a captain, but I was wondering what detective rank Sofia is.
Drumchik, I think Detective is Sofia's rank. I don't think that they have levels or any specialized rankings that go with it, apparently they get to keep it simple, Officer, Detective, Captain, ect.

The only time I think anything special would come in would be what they are a Detective of, ie homicide, Narcotics, robbery, ect.
You're welcome, I don't know if I got the edit in there in time where I added to the post, if I did cool. :)
From Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department informational booklet:

The Department offers a vast array of promotional and transfer opportunities for Police Officers. After meeting the necessary training and experience requirements, you may then compete to promote to Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant, and Police Captain. The requirements for these
positions is as follows:

 Six years as a Police Officer (Academy time does not count) to test for Sergeant.
 Three years as a Sergeant to test for Lieutenant.
 Two years as a Lieutenant to test for Captain.
 The ranks of Deputy Chief up to Undersheriff are selected from the rank of Police Captain.

You also have the opportunity to test to transfer to specialized assignments after completing at least two years as a Police Officer in patrol. Some of these assignments include:

Abuse/Neglect Detail
Air Support
Background Investigations
Bike Patrol Detail
Crimes Against Youth and Family
Community Relations
Financial/Property Crimes
Gang Crimes Section
Homicide Section
Intelligence Section
K-9 Detail
Mounted Patrol Unit
Polygraph Section
Recruiting Section
Resident Officer Section
Search and Rescue
Special Investigations
Traffic Division
Training Bureau
Vice/Narcotics Bureau
the nick and grissom thing was from 11 angry jurors, but the case was a few years old, so he was still a csi level 2 at the time.
as for catherine, i could have sworn either she said something to someone, or ecklie said something to her. but skimming transcripts i found nothing. i was under the impression she had all the priveledges of a supervisor but grissom outranked her overall. but ive been known to make up details when i dont remember so dont quote me on that! :lol:
Wait in "11 angry jurors" he was considered a Level 2 (nick I mean) but in the "Pilot" ep he was made a Level 3. Talk about a blooper. Hmm.
Okay found the Problem, techinqually allmaple is right, but the context of the main question is the problem. The part comes in is that it techinqually took place before the show aired. note the lines from the ep:

NICK: Well, if she's lying, she's obstructing justice and wasting my time, but if she's telling the truth, we may have closed the investigation early.
GRISSOM: At the time, you were a level two, I believe. So closing the case would have been my decision.
Okay, I haven't watch the show for a long times. I forgot Grissom did said that, when Nick was level 2 100 case ago before he became level 3.

I'm sorry, Allmaple. I forgot that show, it was my favorite episode.
yeah sorry, i guess my wording was a little confusing :lol: i meant they were talking about a time a few years before in 11 angry jurors. thats been known to happen with me, being confusing and all :D thanks for helping make it sound like i knew what i was doing D! :lol:
Bah, I watched that episode last night so I was scrolling to the end of the thread thinking I can show off my knowledge that it's 11 Angry Jurors and the bit with the sister who changes her story... But you beat me to it. It's also the part where Grissom asks Nick if it were a fresh case if he would challenge Grisson's decision to close the case. Nick says yes, and how he doesn't care if people think he get's too emotionally involved with the victims and their families because that's how he works. And then the final scene is Grissom writing the email reccomending Nick for promotion.

Incidentally, in all the Mary Sue fanfic I write, I'm always a CSI 2. I don't like to make it TOO unbelievable. :lol:
Destiny said:
Drumchik, I think Detective is Sofia's rank. I don't think that they have levels or any specialized rankings that go with it, apparently they get to keep it simple, Officer, Detective, Captain, ect.

The only time I think anything special would come in would be what they are a Detective of, ie homicide, Narcotics, robbery, ect.

Actually, they have grades within the rank, but you don't go around saying, "This is Detective 1st Grade Mac Taylor". The grade is a pay level, with 3rd being the entering or lowest level, then 2nd, then 1st--not earned through testing but by time in service. Higher ranks, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain are acquired through testing and availability of positions (in other words, if you have 5 detectives who pass the sergeant's exam but only 3 positions available, the top 3 scorers are promoted and the other 2 have to wait for available positions to open before they can get their promotions). One point I'm not sure about, though, is whether those who pass the exam can choose to take any sergeant position available (ie, if a homicide detective passes the exam, does he HAVE to wait for a sergeant position within homicide, or can he choose to take a sergeant position in narcotics or some other division?)

Detective ranks/grades have nothing to do with any specialized areas (homicide, narcotics, robbery, etc). A uniformed sergeant has the same authority as a detective sergeant, and a homicide detective has the same authority as a narcotics detective. However, the grade can determine who has top authority--a homicide detective 2nd grade has the lead position over a robbery detective 3rd grade).

Information obtained while researching police departments for a fanfic I had planned to write. Hope this helps!
I think though also it varies from state to state, and department to department, for instance while that works in one part of the county I live in, in the one of the city areas they don't do it that way, and then the rural area which is served by the sheriffs do things differently, to be honest they confused the heck out of me when I asked them one time.

Also when I said "The only time I think anything special would come in would be what they are a Detective of, ie homicide, Narcotics, robbery, ect." -- I was referring to when they answer the phone (ie: Robbery Det. [name], ect), or alot of times they show up they would give their rank, name and sometimes the department. ;)
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