CSI Levels and Rank?

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I thought 100 cases was one benchmark for working solo (though the supervisor makes the ultimate decision)but I also could be wrong. Maybe pabzi's right.
I think it is 100 cases because in season 1 (can't remember the episode) Nick and Warrick both had solved 99 cases, I think, and Nick solved one more and he got promoted to CSI Level 3... And Warrick didn't solve his or something, so he didn't get promoted until later.. Sorry if that's not all correct. I haven't watched it in a long time.
I don't even thing Mr.Sanders will make it as a CSI Level 1..
He can't stand Field Work!
If you've seen Episode 2.18, 'Chasing the Bus', When this Nutter called Sean puts Chloroform in the Bus's Tires causing it to crash and kill 9 people, Greg appears for Field Work and total freezes up when the Bus driver Collapses.
If i am right then Greg isent fit for a CSI Level 1! HeHe ^_^
That was when Greg was still in the lab though wasn't it. Since Season 5 he's been getting more and more adept at field work, even in the episode where he tried out the slime gunk stuff in the boot of the car where him and Sara were collecting evidence that time?

I remember that episode too sandersidle - didn't it turn into a kind of race between the two of them to see who solved the 100th case first.
Greg already does field work so thats moot, and I believe the levels are based on the work you do, at the time of evaluations and when a spot for promotion opens.

RE: 99 cases solved was in the pilot (Yep Nick Got it):
WARRICK BROWN (To nick): Ninety-nine. You and me, dead heat. Next crime solved gets promoted to CSI-3, man.

In the ep "Eleven Angry Jurors" Nick and Sara were both up for Lead CSI though nick got the spot, it was said that it was based on evaluations. Officially in "No More Bets" though it turns out there was no budget for it.
as destiny said, greg does quite alot of field work and haldles it well. starting mainly from season 5, but if i remember, hed been out a few times earlier other than chasing the bus.
Sofia herself clears it up so to speak in Season 6 episode #1 Bodies in Motion

She explains that she had just qualified for her shield when the Sheriff "volunteered" her for the CSI unit.

If I understand correctly she wanted to be a Cop, was instead sent to become a CSI, worked at that for some time (she was the acting Day's Supervisor so I assume she was there long enough to work up to that), then after the mess with Ecklie in Season 5 she quit the CSI unit and went back to police work becoming a Detective.

So, she WAS a CSI but is NOW a Detective.

Hope that made some sense! :)
^^ Yep it does. Thanks. :) It's clearer to me now... since I never got the whole Sofia-thing although I love her! :lol:
So if I've got this right...CSI Level Three's can work alone but CSI Level Two's cannot? Basically that's what I always thought; a Level Three can head their own case without help from the Lead CSI, unless drastic measures need to be taken, if say...things get out of hand like the two cases crossover and connect to the other?

Keep the info coming gang, this is helpful. BTW if anyone is wondering why I'm so interested in this, it's partly for fanfic reference (Whenever I get around to writing one of my own) :lol: and an RPG a friend and myself are going to take a crack at trying...neither of us could quite figure out how the whole rank thing worked so I figured it help to ask fellow fans. ;)
Cova said:
So if I've got this right...CSI Level Three's can work alone but CSI Level Two's cannot? Basically that's what I always thought; a Level Three can head their own case without help from the Lead CSI, unless drastic measures need to be taken, if say...things get out of hand like the two cases crossover and connect to the other?

If that's right it won't be possible for Greg to solve a case on his own at Level I? I'm also writing a FanFiction about Greg and I already send him to a case on his own. I didn't think of asking here before I started writing. ^^
But I think I can change the story. Won't be any problem. :)
Thats the great thing about fanfic, you can change how the levels work. I think that they can work alone persae but they have to report back to (whoever) more so then if they were in a higher level.

But here is a link to Wikipedia-CSI that gives the ranks/levels of the CSI's.

Supervisior: Grissom
Level 3: Catherine
Level 3: Nick
Level 3: Warrick
Level 2: Sara
Level 1: Greg

Re: Catherine's rank, when the two shifts reunited she dropped from Supervisior back to Level 3, But she has the senority over everyone but Grissom. So she could be considered second in command.
I think that is just an error on Wikipedia's end.

Everything I have ever seen has Sara as a CSI 3.
Destiny said:
Thats the great thing about fanfic, you can change how the levels work. I think that they can work alone persae but they have to report back to (whoever) more so then if they were in a higher level.

Ah. Okay. Thanks. I just wasn't sure if it's possible to do so. But I think I can make it more real. That's no problem. :)
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