CSI:Las Vegas - Who's Your OTP??

GregIsHott said:
And I ship Greg and myself.. hah not gonna lie.... i call it Grevie... Greg + Evie :lol:

Dude, that's my name! Except it's spelled I-E-V-Y, but still. WHOO! :D

Aaaanyways. OTP: GSR. Always has been, always will be.

Other ships: Kessom, Sandle, Yo!Bling and a bit of CatNip :)
My OTP: Sara/Greg
Others: Nick/Greg and Nick/Sara

Haha, I apparently like everything to do with Sara and Greg in the LV front! :lol: I've always been this way... (but more neutral.)
GregIsHott said:
Reeble said:
GregIsHott said:
And I ship Greg and myself.. hah not gonna lie.... i call it Grevie... Greg + Evie :lol:

Dude, that's my name! Except it's spelled I-E-V-Y, but still. WHOO! :D
hah sick! so you can join in on the Grevie fun... lol

Who doesn't want to join the Grevie fun? I'm in. :p
My OTP is definitely GSR and has always been that. Coming in second is Yo!bling. Greg/Sara and Nick/Sara are cute, but I don't exactly ship them. I haven't written any fanfic yet, but I'm trying to start. I read so much of it though! :D
Obvious by my avatar and banner my OTP is Catherine and Warrick. I love Yo Bling. I used to run a fansite for them ( had to take it down though :( ). I've written and read a ton of fanfiction for them. I've done art for them. I've participated in threads about them. Pretty much everything for Yo Bling.

Other ships : GSR, Nick/Greg, Grissom/Catherine/Warrick, Grissom/ Warrick, Sara/ Greg, Sofia/Brass, Sara/ Nick ( I love a lot of ships on CSI - it's my main show.)

GSR - read a ton of fanfiction on them and read threads.

Grissom/Catherine/Warrick - Read a bunch of fanfiction on them.

Nick/ Greg - Newbie to this pairing though I think I've always liked the idea of them together. I've read tons of fanfiction. I've written a cross between Yobling and Nick/Greg. I'm planning on writing some fanfics for them. I've done art. I've also just started to post in their thread.

Grissom/Warrick - Read a bunch of fanfiction on them.

Sara/ Greg - Read a bit of threads on them. This is my husband's favorite pairing.

Sara/ Nick - I've read fanfiction and written fanfiction with them as a secondary pairing. I've done art for them. I've read the threads but not posted in them.

Sofia/Brass - Just read the threads for them.

Take Care,
For me it's definitely Grissom/Catherine. I've been a supporter of this ship from the beginning of the show and I don't think I'll ever change my mind. :)

My other ships are Catherine/Warrick, Grissom/Lady Heather, and Grissom/Catherine/Warrick. I also think Nick/Sara, Greg/Sara, Nick/Sofia and Brass/Sofia are really cute, but I don't consider myself a shipper of these pairings yet.
mine's Grissom/Catherine and Nick/Sara!
Grillows and SNickers for me...maybe Greg/Sara(Sandles) too

and I don't mind these...:

Grissom/Lady Heather
Snickers all the way!!!!

Shortly followed by Warrick/Sara/Nick and Nick/Warrick.
Voted for Cath/Vartann, plus Cath/Warrick too but Snickers is my No.1 By miles!
ahh my OTP is Nick/Greg n i also ship Cath/Warrick and sort of Grissom/Sara!
i actually like Brass/Sofia as well but i freakin forgot to vote!