CSI:Las Vegas - Who's Your OTP??

Hey - much as I do find that video funny, it's against board rules to link to it, and I think that it would be more welcome at a ship debate. No sense in turning this into an argument.

I know that wasn't your intention, and I don't mean to mod.
noealonso, it's completely hilaous, but i think someone is gonna lock this forum after that :lol:

expect a mod-slap. period. lol
Snickers is definitely my OTP.

Of course, I also have soft spots for Gris/LH, Gris/Cath, Nick/Greg, Nick/Sara/Greg, Warrick/Cath, and Greg/Wendy.
CatNip's my OTP. I think everyone in here knows that by now.

My second would probably be Gris/LH. I like Sandles and CSX too.
My OTP: Sandle all the way baby!! :D It's just so adorable. It was my first ship ever!

Others: Grissom/Catherine, Grissom/Lady H, Catherine/Warrick, Catherine/Nick, Grissom/Catherine/Warrick, Warrick/Catherine/Nick. *Ahem* Yes, I ship Catherine with alot of people. :lol:
OPTs: Yobling, Sandle, GLH, and toooo bad you guys didn't mention Brass/Sofia! So I voted for "other" as well. I discuss the ships, read and write fics :)
well, the poll can be slightly confusing at that part b/c you can vote for many and there are still answers like "1&2" or "all of the above" so you have to add people who voted on those as well. i gotta admit, i missed the "you can vote for many" note and i marked only "all of the above".

That is totally my fault. :rolleyes: I did this late last night and I was tired and man was there a lot of typing to do. The third poll should have been "choose only one". Sorry for the confusion.

Thank you noealonso for deleting that video link before I found it. I have, however, been linked to it and it was clearly stated in the guidelines above that there would be no negativity in this thread (that includes videos).
Man, Brass gets no love. Fortunately, my OTP is Brass/Catherine. Second ship is Brass/Sofia.

Yeah, I like Brass.
I voted Grissom/Sara for my OTP...Just because I'm that cool...or something. >.>
I also voted -

And, for the last poll, I chose 'All of the above'. ^-^
My OTP is & always will be Gil & Catherine :D

my OTP is Nick/Greg.
others I ship, are Grissom/Cathrine, Cathrine/Warrick, Warrick/Sara
and I ship by reading, and going on forums, since I get writers block really easily, and suck at making art.
My OTP is Grissom and Sara.. I'm an old timer on the show..meaning watched it from the beginning the "PILOT' and they've been flirting.. and smiling and sharing.. caring.. and having the tight working camraderie from the onset..their competely in tune and fused at the hip and the chemistry is so intense and so "in your face" it's un-mistakeable :eek: and in S/6's finale. they finally showed it!!!to everyone.. and the writers are sharing tid-bits of them little by little "NO Dear" in "Double Cross" and last week's 'Happenstance" "I won't wait up for you" ;) so that's a done deal.. and many fans always knew....... and the 2nd OTP, would probably be Cath/Warrick.. he threw a wrench into this by getting married.. (what were you thinking dude) :(they've also got great chemistry :p...as far as the other CSI's mentioned.. friends and co-workers, to me that's all I see with the rest of them ;)

I also: Grillows, Snickers, and YoBling

My Others: Hecklie--> Hodges/Ecklie.
And I ship Greg and myself.. hah not gonna lie.... i call it Grevie... Greg + Evie :lol: