CSI Icons #6: Showcase, Links and Requests

Lovely icons everyone! So many Greg, I love LIMS haha.

Steph, I am so snagging that Gregory icon for later use, with credits, of course. ♥

misshelgenberger, I'd like to take the third icon you posted for livejournal, with credits, if you don't mind. :)
After making the pic b/w, I used Art Eyes to make her eyes blue and standout, but it didn't stand out the way I wanted it to unfortunately:

And here's just the plain b/w version:
Okay try using a brush, and add the blue that way to her eyes, that might work better, also play around with the brightness/contrast as well as levels to make the b/w seems better I'll show you:

If you want a step by step guide to get this effect, let me know and I'll PM with details.
Got inspired to make some icons from a pic someone posted in the Szmokin' thread. It's a shame I can't use them for my 100 icons challenge! :lol: I'll add both 100x100 size and these 140x140 size to my LJ later.



Wow Carrie, those icons are awesome, I love the first one in particular, the font on the third one is really cool as well, great job. :D
Nice icons, everyone.

Egeria, love the Greg ones, especially that last one. :)

Here's one I just made. Sorry, I couldn't resist:

Nice icons, everyone.

Egeria, love the Greg ones, especially that last one. :)

Here's one I just made. Sorry, I couldn't resist:

Thanks! I'm still making more...gah that pic is just too yummy!

I love your shower scene icons and banners, :drool: brilliant!
Huge post at my LJ

[40] CSI: New York
[25] CSI: Miami
[24] Speed
[24] CSI: Las Vegas
[18] Supernatural
[07] NCIS
[06] Dark Knight
[04] Torchwood/Doctor Who
[04] Home Alone
[03] Star Trek: Voyager
[01] Degrassi: TNG
[01] Other


More here
I just finished my first attempted icon (with much Gimp and capping help from everyone at the FanArt help thread), and I must say that making it has given me a whole new appreciation for all of y'all who manage to make these things (and make them well!) on a regular basis.




Edit: Never mind the link question. For some reason, I thought there would be a url attached to the picture when I posted it, but there wasn't one.
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That's a gorgeous icons for the first attempt :D

How you mean "how exactly do you guys post an image that's not linked?" ?
Thanks so much, csifann1! :)

As for the question, for some reason I thought the pictures would end up linked (for some reason I remember them doing that in other threads, but I'm probably remembering wrong). When I posted the pictures, they didn't link, so I realized it was a non-issue.

Edit: Okay, new question: I've been trying to change the background. I select the foreground with the 'select foreground' tool, and then try to dye the background with a gradient tool, but it always ends up transforming the foreground instead. What can you do once selecting the foreground on Gimp? Is it possible to turn the foreground into a separate layer once one has done this? And how do you change the background to another image or just to a solid color?
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happyharper13 2nd is very nice

1-12 Emily Deschanel
13-42 CSI 9.19-9.20
43-52 stock


here @ my LJ
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