CSI Icons #5: Showcase, Links and Requests

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Wow, those icons are great Speedy, I really like the style you've used in number 5. :D Keep up the good work, I'll be hoping to see more of your work in here. :D Well done.
*is a little late in getting here*

Thanks so much for the icons, Kat! I seriously can't pick a favorite, I love them all! :drool:
hi im new!!! and im lost!!!! i dont know how to put an avatar, how can i make and use icons, and what is allowed and what isn't...

if any of you could help me i would really appreciate it, oh an one more think, when does your status change?? cuz being a civilian is boring...;)

well thank you in advance

nice to meet u!!!
Welcome csirocks77 :) Nice to have you here!

In order to have an avatar, you have to have been a member for two weeks and have at least 50 posts. Just hang in there, and it'll come ;)

Your status changes with the number of posts that you have. You can find a list of titles and post numbers here

Hope this helps!
ohh!! thank you DragonflyDreamer, ok so in 2 weeks and 50 posts i will have my avatar. But was the deal with the icons?? i would love to have one of greg, nick and grissom !!!!
Welcome to the board also from my side csirocks77! :)

Concerning your questions about how to make an icon and what's allowed/what's not I'd suggest to check out our Fan Art Forum Guide
There you can find our special rules, some great resources links and some tutorials how to make icons etc.
That thread is also for any questions you may have, so don't hesitate to post there if you need an answer.
For requesting an ava you're already in the right place for CSI LV, and when you want s/th for a different show, just scroll through the forum and you will find respective threads for them. :)
Here's one of lab tech Travis:







Cath 2

Nicky 2


More later.
Fab icons DD, the colouring looks great on all them, and smart use of text, I especially like the ones from Grave Danger. But I'm not able to see 5... Well done.
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