CSI Icons #5: Showcase, Links and Requests

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Thanks Kat...I love them all! So hard to decide on which one to use.. :eek:

CSI_Stokes_Girl, you might want to try the NY thread, this is the Vegas thread. :)
When I was making my screencaps the other night, I capped two pics of Sara from the ep "Viva Las Vegas". She was practicing talking to Grissom in front of her locker mirror. I cropped the caps and then got this idea for this avi. Hope you like it:


When I first did it, it was going at too fast a speed, so I redid it to slow it down. If someone wants to use it and wants it to go even slower let me know and I'll redo it again. :)
Wow GregNickRyanFan, that Sara icon looks really good, I like the idea, and the text is great, well done. :D
Thanks! :) It was just one of those things where I looked at the pics and a lightbulb went off in my head. :lol: I put it off for a while, but the idea wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to do it to shut my icon muse up. :) :lol:
Aww, the Greg icon is really cute Kat, well done, I really like the style you've used, looks fab. :D
Love the Greg icon! :)

Here are some Grissom ones:



This third one... when I took the screencap, Griss was checking a car for evidence. The dust on the car window made it look like it was in his hair... which is why I got this idea. The lyrics are from "Close To You" by the carpenters.


How did that end up that small and unreadable. I sized it the same as the other two. Ugh. I guess I'll have to redo it if I still have the pic. :lol:
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Okay, attempt number two:


Edited to say: That's much better. I changed the font which probably helped some too. It's still a tiny bit blurry, but at least it's readable. :lol: Snag if ya want. :)
GregNickRyanFan, I love all of the Gil icons you made, they are so cute, I really like how the text moves on the animated ones and the text on the other is very cute, well done. :D
thanks for the kind words everyone! Here is one for Steph.....she requested this like ages ago. :lol:

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