CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

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Re: CSI: Holland #3

im happy that i dont have school but we never had projects like that i wish we had.. ok im just a low school girl not high in education and know i only have a diploma of the mbo spw so not much im just a little dom..hihi
Re: CSI: Holland #3

JayneEmilysRealm said:
Ohhhh projectweeks :D I should organise one for 2nd years students. This year's topic: theatre, music, film and dance :D :D My kinda topic! We already have booked two bands to perform and give workshops and I hope we're going to watch 'Step Up' and on the last day we'll have an "Open Podium" and "Battle of the Best" :)

Ohh, 'Step Up'! I love that movie so much. :D It's awesome.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Me and my friend are going to see 'The Devil Wears Prada' tonight :lol:. I think it'll be very funny. :) And afterwards we'll be going out. It's actually my first time, and I'm not even legal :lol: I'm fifteen, and as all of you know it's only legal to go to 'clubs' when you're sixteen. But here in my city they don't really ask for your ID, so. I look pretty old. :D
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Hi :)
I haven't been here for a while. I had a lot to do for school. Luckely it's allmost holiday :) .

We don't have projectweeks at my school :( . We do go camping in the second year
and in the 4th year we go to London and Rome .
Re: CSI: Holland #3

MissRoosFox said:
Me and my friend are going to see 'The Devil Wears Prada' tonight :lol:. I think it'll be very funny. :) And afterwards we'll be going out. It's actually my first time, and I'm not even legal :lol: I'm fifteen, and as all of you know it's only legal to go to 'clubs' when you're sixteen. But here in my city they don't really ask for your ID, so. I look pretty old. :D

Haha, I've never went out yet either. But a friend of mine told that the later you go, the more strict they get on asking your ID. :p Well, in Amsterdam then, I dunno if you're going out here.
And I really want to see that movie too. It seems so funny!
Re: CSI: Holland #3

It was, really, really cold this morning. I was wearing a winter jacket, a vest, a sweater and an overall, and I was still very cold. We had Physical Education outside, well, only a 'coopertest' (the 12 min thing). But during that test, I was actually very hot. :p
Re: CSI: Holland #3

i have it so cold that i turned on the verwarming and have a blanked around me and many socks on and i big sweater with a hot cup of thea but warm No way..
Re: CSI: Holland #3

owh man, i've tomorrow the first 2 hours PE with this weather :( OMG i can't run anymore :lol:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Gawd, I HATE the coopertest! I always get insufficients on that darn test!

And I have PE the first two hours too, but then on Friday. What is it that they want to tease the fourth forms? ;)
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I have stupid knees..I have Osgood Schlechter or something like that..so I can't run the coopertest or the 'piepjestest' :D but it sucks to do nothing too :p
Re: CSI: Holland #3

My blood pressure's always really low, so when I run too fast, I'll pass out. That's excactly what happened to me this afternoon xD.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Is it me or was this episode soooo boring?!!

And uh, CSI night, Saturday night? Great, just the weekend when I'm in Center Parks.. :rolleyes:

So Rashomama is on Saturday instead of Monday? What's up with that? They wanna start early with season 7? :p Please do!
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