CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

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Re: CSI: Holland #3

the teacher are so damn *piep*, i've next week 9 tests and it's not a test week, and south is having vacation and i have those stupid tests the whole week. that's so unfair, man i need vacation!!!!! :mad:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Whoa that's much :eek:!
I have two examinations (tentamens, pta's...) next week
one on monday and one on friday
I have them in the morning so I still have to go to school
and then the week after that I finally have vacation too :).
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Next week we've got what they call 'Activiteitenweek'. We don't have normal classes, but we're gonna visit museums and do these projects... blaah. At least I don't have to do homework for it.
And then the week after holiday! :D
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Next week I'll have normal classes, except for tuesday. We'll go on a 'Rondje Cultuur'. I hope it'll be fun, we're also going to have an acting battle, which I'll really love.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I'm opening Veronica Magazine today, and what do I see. That annoying girl from Holland's Next Topmodel :eek:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Sarastar, you're Activiteitenweek is called Projectweek at our school but I think it's the same.. my theme is history which is cool cause we're going to the Anne Frank house :D what's your theme??
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I don't know, probably something like a role play (that sounds wrong :p). I really love acting.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Oh, well, we don't really have a theme, except that all the excursions are for the subject CKV. Which is kinda stupid, because I don't have that subject (you don't have to follow it if you have Greek and Latin) and still I have to join the other classes in their projects. :p
But the Anne Frank house is cool! I have never been there (and I even live in Amsterdam), but I really want to. :)
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I had a week like that last week. But we called it 'actiefweek'.. it has been the best week I've had so far on this school :) I really had a good time.

And SaraStar, if you don't have CKV, do you have KCV? or something like that?
Re: CSI: Holland #3

SaraStar said:
Oh, well, we don't really have a theme, except that all the excursions are for the subject CKV. Which is kinda stupid, because I don't have that subject (you don't have to follow it if you have Greek and Latin) and still I have to join the other classes in their projects. :p
But the Anne Frank house is cool! I have never been there (and I even live in Amsterdam), but I really want to. :)

Well, I've been to the Anne Frank house and I thought it was very boring. But that's just my opinion.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Ohhhh projectweeks :D I should organise one for 2nd years students. This year's topic: theatre, music, film and dance :D :D My kinda topic! We already have booked two bands to perform and give workshops and I hope we're going to watch 'Step Up' and on the last day we'll have an "Open Podium" and "Battle of the Best" :)
Re: CSI: Holland #3

That's so cool, Jayne! We don't have projectweeks at my school. :( My school's very teaching-oriented, which means we do nothing but studying.
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