CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

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Re: CSI: Holland #3

20 yellow! and 4 of them where double so a red card :p omfg

tnx for the compliments for the pics!
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I immediately went upstairs, so I haven't seen any expression. I'll see it on the news tomorrow.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Guys, I'm not Dutch in any way but I too am sad that Holland lost. I really expected them to beat Portugal but the ref pretty much screwed everything up. I really wanted them to win and get revenge as well but I hope England stuffs 'em! Figo is just...arggghh :mad:.

Oh, and Dutch people rock :D.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Awwww thankies JF.. YAY for Dutch-fans :p Well and you rock for coming in here and post that.. heh.. I feel all.. awww I want a group hug!!!!!! :D

That ref totally lost control. Remember in the end, Deko and Van Bronckhorst were watching the game together.. I bet they were discussing the ref's actions really. That ref really lost some respect there on the field.
Re: CSI: Holland #3

*hugs* No problem. You guys had the support of every single Greek person that I knew, plus more, A bunch of them were very upset that Portugal won, including myself. Argh, I hope Figo gets banned next match. That ref must've been paid off or something...
Re: CSI: Holland #3

^Can you believe after 1st half I posted in WC thread that I have respect for Figo? He so let me down.

*passes Heineken to Jayne*

Now it's another two years to wait :(
Re: CSI: Holland #3

*accepts Heineken from Ducky* I know it's early morn, but you just know exactly what I need *sigh* Thanks :)

I think I might go and live like a recluse for the coming two years.. well not virtually, because I wouldn't be able to leave this forum :p
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Portugal just reminded me of how much I hate them! They did it in 2004 exactly the same way......*looks for something to hit really hard* Holland def was the better team, we had the ball way more! The portugeese did NOT deserve to win, especially not with the dirty game they were playing!
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Thanks JF. I am actually surprised how many people are in favour of Holland around here :D

And wow this thread is good. Already into our second page :p
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Portugal played dirty!!! I hate them... and to see them cheer because they won while they didn't deserve it pissed me off big time :mad:... That stupid Figo gave our player a butt on the head and didn't got anything :(

Anyway! Happy birthday Princess Alexia :lol:
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