CSI: Hangman #8

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Las Vegas

C1: Ta-in- yo-r -et -or a wa--?
C2: -now how m--h yo- -i-e -y -itt-e -eta- -i-, so I'm -i-in- him to yo- as an o--i-e(-)warmin- -i-t.
C1: That is so tho--ht---. Now te-- me why yo- rea--y sto--e- -y. Yo- -he--in- -- on me?
C2: No.
C1: What'-e yo- hear-? Who ta--e- to yo-?
C2: See? Yo-'-e -een on the -o- -or a wee- an- yo-'re a-rea-y -aranoi-.
C1: When I was yo-r ri-ht han-, an- yo-r -e-t, I a-ways -new that i- it hit the -an, that yo-'- -e the one to -et -irty.
C2: Hey, that's the -o-.

guessed letters: S,A,E,H,W,N,Y,T,M,O,I,R
Cath: Taking your pet for a walk?
Grissom: I know how much you like my little fetal pig, so I'm giving him to you as an office-warming gift.
Cath: That is so thoughtful. Now tell me why you really stopped by. You checking up on me?
Grissom: No.
Cath: What've you heard? Who talked to you?
Grissom: See? You've only been on the job a week and you're already paranoid.
Cath: When I was your right hand and your left, I always knew if it hit the fan, you'd be the one to get dirty.
Grissom: Hey, that's the job.

No humans involved (season 5)
Ok, here is the next quote. It's from New York

x: --- -- -- -- ---- -- --, ---?
y: ---- -- --- ----?
x: --- -- -- ---- -- -- --- ------- -- ----- -'-----, ----- -- - ----- ----- -- --- -------- ----, ------ -------- -- --------, --- ----? -- ------- --- -----? ----- ---, --- ------? --------- -- ----- ---- ---- ---- --, --- ---- ---- -- --- --- ----- ----- -- ----- -- -- --- -----.
y: -- -- -- ----- --'-- ---- -- --. ----- --'- -- ----- -- -------- ----. - ---'- ----. ----- -- -- -- --- --- --- -- --- ----- -------- -------- ------ -- --- ------- ----- ---'- --------.

Good luck everybody :D
x: --- -- -- -- --at -- --, ---?
y: --at -- --- --a-?
x: --- -- -- -a-- -- -- t-- --r---- at t-r-- -'-----, -ta-- at a -r--- ----- -- t-- -r------ ----, ------ -a------ t- -a------, --r --at? T- -r-t--t a-- --r--? –r-- ---, t-- ------? ----t---- -t ----- ---- t--- -at- --, a—t--- --r- -- --t t-- -ra-- r-a-- t- t-r-- -- t- t-- -----.
y: -- -- -t –a--- --'r- ---- at -t. -a--- --'- -- ----- at a--t---- ----. - ---'t ----. -a--- -- -- -t --r t-- --- -r t-- t---- -------- a-t-a--- t-a--- -- --r ------- t---r ---'- --r--r-r.

Used: A T R
x: --- -- -e -- --at -e --, ---?
y: --at -- --- -ean?
x: --- -- -e -a-e -- -n t-e --rn-n- at t-ree -'-----, stan- at a -r--e s-ene -n t-e -ree--n- ----, ----n- -a---e-- t- -a---e--, --r --at? T- -r-te-t an- ser-e? Ser-e ---, t-e ------? S--et---s -t see-s ---e t-e- -ate -s, an- t-en -ere -e --t t-e -rass rea-- t- t-r-- -s t- t-e ---ns.
y: -e -- -t -a-se -e're ---- at -t. -a--e -e'- -e ---s- at an-t--n- e-se. - --n't -n--. -a--e -e -- -t --r t-e -ne -r t-- t--es s--e---- a-t-a--- t-a-ns -s --r --n--n- t-e-r s-n'- --r-erer.

Used: A T R E N S
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