CSI: Hangman #8

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From Miami:

C1: A-- -o- --ad-?
C2: I'- no- -oin- in.
C1: -'-on, i-'-- b- -ood -o- -o-- -on-id-n--.
C2: No, -o- ---- -i--- I -ad- a -oo--- -i--a--.
C1: ---, -o- ---- --- on- --o -i----d o-- --- ---d-- ----on, -o- ---- --- on- --a- b-o-- --- -a--.
C2: I -a-- ba-- -oo -oon.

Letters Guessed: A, B, D, I, N, O
Calleigh: Are you ready?
Delko: I'm not going in.
Calleigh: C'mon, it'll be good for your confidence.
Delko: No, you were right I made a rookie mistake.
Calleigh: Hey, you were the one who figured out the murder weapon, you were the one that broke the case.
Delko: I came back too soon.

Broken Home
that_girl1 where are you? it's your turn :)
i think if she doesn't show up it would be okay if someone else posted a new quote...i would but right now i don't have one :rolleyes:
Sorry guys!! I was really busy this weekend but here's the quote, finally!:p

This is from Miami.

C1: ---- --- ------ ------ ------ ---, ------?
C2: --- --------, ---- --------, --- ------ ------... --! --- --- -- --- ----- --- ---- ---------- ---- ---- --- ---- -------...
C1: -- --------- --- --- -- ------.

Good luck! :)

C1: --at -a- -a--ta ------- -am--- ---, a---a-?
C2: --- --------, ---- --------, --- -a---t ----t-... --! --- -a- -- t-- ----- --- t-at A--t-a--a-- -a-- t-at -a- ---m ----a--...
C1: -- -a---a--- --- -a- -- ta---t.

Letters Guessed: A, T, M

C1: --at -a- -a--ta ------- -am--- --r, a---a-?
C2: --- ---c----, c--- --e-----, re- car-et e-e-t-... --! --e -a- -- t-e ---e- --r t-at A--tra--a-- -a-- t-at -a- -r-m E---a--...
C1: -- -a--ca--- --e -a- -- ta-e-t.

Letters Guessed: A, T, M, C, E, R
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