CSI: Hangman #5

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Getting close!


Char 1: --- a---t I arre-t y--? --r -arra-ing t-i- y--ng -a-y. An- inter-ering -it- a ----er in-e-tigati-n. --- a---t t-at?
Char 2: N- -----e-. -e -i-n't -ean anyt-ing. -ir.
Char 3: --rry ---i-er.
Char 1: Get ---t.
Char 4: -an I -a-e y--r ---? I g-t int- t-e -r-ng ---ine--.

Letters guessed: A E G I N R T Y

Char 1: Ho- a-o-t I arrest yo-? -or harrasing this yo-ng -a-y. An- inter-ering -ith a ----er in-estigation. Ho- a-o-t that?
Char 2: No -ro--e-. -e -i-n't -ean anything. Sir.
Char 3: Sorry O--i-er.
Char 1: Get -ost.
Char 4: -an I ha-e yo-r -o-? I got into the -rong --siness.

Letters guessed: A E G H I N O R S T Y
Hehe, think I got it, Just don't know about ep/character so I'll keep shut and wait for someone else to finish :D

And I'm taking a W while I'm at it, please.

Char 1: How a-o-t I arrest yo-? -or harrasing this yo-ng -a-y. An- inter-ering with a ----er in-estigation. How a-o-t that?
Char 2: No -ro--e-. We -i-n't -ean anything. Sir.
Char 3: Sorry O--i-er.
Char 1: Get -ost.
Char 4: -an I ha-e yo-r -o-? I got into the wrong --siness.

Letters guessed: A E G H I N O R S T W Y
hey, isn't that from "Innocent" (season 2)?? but I'm not sure about the names of the guys :lol

Speed: How about I arrest you? For harrasing this young lady. And interfering with a murder investigation. How about that?
Guy #1: No Problem. We didn't mean anything. Sir.
Guy #2: Sorry officer.
Speed: Get lost
Lady: Can I have your job? I got into the wrong business.
You're right FreakyLady! The quote and episode are both right on. The two guys didn't have names. The 'lady' was Cookie Divine aka Sara Piper. But I say close enough. Your turn!
Whoooo... thanks, Dragonfly. But unfortunately I can't do the next one, because I'm going to go to Italy tomorrow and so I can't check all the letters you're guessing. I'm really sorry.
So I think it's better if someone else does the next one. I would suggest Detective Burn because he already said that he has a clue about the quote. But hey, it could be also someone else. I don't really want to be the one who has to decide here...
I hope you all understand :)
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