CSI: Hangman #5

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What do you want a U for? The quote has been solved... But if it makes you happy, there you go *hands U to Dolphin*
So, anyone know who said it or do we just give this round to Dragonfly?
Oh! Okay! I got it now! The first part was... some guy who was at the movie, that they were questioning... I can't remember if he had a name. The second part was Brass. Is that right?
Ok, I'll do that next time, though the letters guessed are obvious, as they are the ones put in between the dashes ;)
And if the quote is from me it's always LV but I'll add it the next time.
By the way: There's no open game at the moment, we're waiting on Dragonfly to come up with one, so no need to ask for letters ;)
Okay! I've got one! This one's from Miami. It might be a bit long, but I thought it would be too easy if I didn't put the whole thing.

Char 1: --- ----- - ------ ---? --- --------- ---- ----- ----. --- ----------- ---- - ------ -------------. --- ----- ----?
Char 2: -- -------. -- ----'- ---- --------. ---.
Char 3: ----- -------.
Char 1: --- ----.
Char 4: --- - ---- ---- ---? - --- ---- --- ---- --------.

Good luck!
Char 1: --- a---- I a----- ---? --- -a--a-i-- --i- ----- -a--. A-- i-------i-- -i-- a ------ i-----i-a-i--. --- a---- --a-?
Char 2: -- -------. -- -i--'- --a- a----i--. -i-.
Char 3: ----- ---i---.
Char 1: --- ----.
Char 4: -a- I -a-- ---- ---? I --- i--- --- ---- ---i----.

Letters guessed: A I

Char 1: --- a---- I arr--- ---? --r -arra-i-- --i- ----- -a--. A-- i---r--ri-- -i-- a -----r i-----i-a-i--. --- a---- --a-?
Char 2: -- -------. -- -i--'- --a- a----i--. -ir.
Char 3: --rr- ---i--r.
Char 1: --- ----.
Char 4: -a- I -a-- ---r ---? I --- i--- --- -r--- ---i----.
Letters guessed: A I R
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