CSI: Hangman #5

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C1: -o --o th-n- -e -a- -e a--e to -- the hot-o-s th-o--h the -n--ed-ents?
C2: No. -e----e -t o- not -ost hot-o- co-pan-es a-e -e-- p-op--eta-- o-e- the-- -ec-pes.
C1: Ho- a-o-t th-o--h ------e -a--s?
C2: Oh -eah, -‘-- --n -t th-o--h the hot-o- app--ances -ata-ase.

Letters guessed: A, S, N, H, C, E, O, T, P
Catherine: Do you think we [might*] be able to ID the hotdogs from the ingredients?
Hodges: No, Believe it or not most hotdog companies are very proprietary over their recipes.
Catherine: How about through the griddle marks?
Hodges Oh yeah, I'll just run it through the hotdog appliance database.

* she said might there, you have -a-. I wasn't sure which word you were thinking about, "can" maybe? Though the n was guessed before...

Oh, and the ep was Dog eat Dog from S6
Alright. Might, may, no real difference. I could be wrong too...
Ok, on to the next:

CH I: -- --- --- --, ------- --- ------ ----- ----- -- -- - ----- -------- -- --- ------- -- --- ----.

CH II: ----'- --- ------ ---- ---.
CH I: -- --- --- -e, ------- --- -e--e- --e-- ----e -- -- - ----e -e-e--e- -- -e- -----e- -- --e -e--.

CH II: ----'- --- ------ ---- ---.
CH I: I- --- -s- -e, ------- --- -e--es --ei- ----e -- i- - ---ie -ese--es -- -e- s----e- i- --e -e--.

CH II: ----'s --- ------ -s-s ---.
CH I: If --- -s- -e, ------- --- -e--es --ei- ----e -- i- - ---ie -ese--es -- -e- s----e- i- --e -e--.

CH II: ----'s --- ------ -s-s ---.
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