CSI: Hangman #5

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Fine - got
LV 4 u:

Character one: "---- ----- --- -------- -- --, - ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ---------."
Character two: "--- ---- --?"
Character one: "--- ----?"
Good guesses: :)

Character 1: "--en E---e -as --ea--n- -n me, - --s-e- s-me-ne ----- -a-e sa-- s-me---n-."
Character 2: "--- mean me?"
Character 1: "--- E-SE?"

Letters guessed: A, E, M, N, S
wrong guesses: R
Catherine: When Eddie was cheating on me, I wished someone would have said something.
Grissom: You mean me?
Catherine: Who else?

It's pledging Mr Johnson I think.
Alright people. It's been 2 days sice the last post so I'll just go on assuming I was right and not wait for cinfirmation. Can't let the game die down...

There goes: LV quote.

CH I: --- -- --- --------. -------- -- --- ------.

CH II: ----, ----- --------.
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