CSI games on Wii?

That sounds really cool! Thank you for the link.

As you said, I hope they do use all the Wii capacities, it will make it seam even more real than the PC games.

Now that would be kickin'. I love my Wii - combine that with CSI?

I'd be in video game heaven. Plus, with the wiimote and all it's capabilites, it's would seem all the more real.

If I had a Wii, that would sound like a lot of fun!

I bet that you could really feel like a CSI playing that game.
I did a little bit more digging, and it appears that Telltale Games (the group behind the PC version) recently had ads out for developers pertaining to a Wii project.
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This is one reason I got a Wii, I heard that there was talk of a CSI game and recently I put mine on reserve. Not to wait till Sept 18th for it. *sigh* : )
Wow this looks awsome! But September 18? That's almost as bad as waiting for the CSI to start back up again. I was hoping for something CSI to help me make it through a CSI-less summer. Oh well, better September than never.
It could come out earlier, but that's what the list of Wii games Game Stop gave me on Monday says. I'm really hoping for sooner as well!
They should have like a 1st person shooter style game for CSI! I think that would be great coz they could have the CSI's investigating and collecting evidence with you, as well as like training to become a CSI with the other cast members!

I think this would be great on Wii coz of the new intergrated controls it has compared to other consoles!
They should have like a 1st person shooter style game for CSI! I think that would be great coz they could have the CSI's investigating and collecting evidence with you, as well as like training to become a CSI with the other cast members!

I think this would be great on Wii coz of the new intergrated controls it has compared to other consoles!

I agree that would be really cool and the Wii is a great system for a CSI game because of the controls.