CSI: DuCaine

I laughed once i saw the song was 'Let's get it on'. ;) The deep voice of, who is it, Barry White? I dunno. But i can picture it. But i'm having trouble with the dancing and singing and laughing part. lol
This entire series is wonderful...so CUTE!! I've only read one other story fir this pairing. It's called Ballistics..

Can anyone send me the special story? I missed getting it before.
Hehe, this one is getting rather interesting. I will have to look for this update in the near future hun. Good writing.
Emerald Eyes is RPing with me! :D

the link to where we're doing this is in my signature :)

I have to say again......I am still hyper about this lovely update :D

EDIT: I made my new Icon in celebration of their... ahem.... new found freedom?! :lol:
Thank you everyone!! The end was kinda cheesy, but I love cheese! :D

My next update will be a continuation of the 'Wrap My Words Around You' scene, and the long-awaited dinner!! Sorry it took so long, my muse was hammering away at various other scenarios. :rolleyes: But I was listening to a song and it hit me!! I literally scribbled down all the images that came, and I kept having to replay the song over and over to capture them!! Phew!!

I just have to type it, so hopefully it'll be up by tonight!! :D Yay!

See you later!!

Okay, I'm back!! :D

Here's the scene, and I'd recommend playing Des'ree song, 'Kissing You' as you read. Makes it sweeter! ;) :) It gets a bit steamy in the end, so any minors be aware. Nothing too graphic. It's vital to the plot, so it's necessary. Enjoy, and apologies for the long wait!!


Fade in:
(Shot of Calleigh brushing her hair
in front of a vanity mirror.)

Cut to:
(Shot of her reflection as she puts
on her lipstick, pursing her lips.)

Cut to:
(Shot of her high heels walking down
the stairs.

She moves to the main hallway, picking
up her purse from the small table by the

Cut to:
(Side shot as she fixes her hair in the hall
mirror, blinking slowly.

She takes a deep breath, standing still again.

She looks to her door as she hears a knock.)

Cut to:
(Shot of the door as Calleigh walks up to it
and answers it.)

Cut to:
(Door opening to reveal Horatio standing there,
his hands on his hips, and he meets her eyes.)


(They stand a minute, as Horatio's eyes flick over
her black dress.)

HORATIO: You... look amazing.

(Calleigh smiles, dipping her head demurely.)

CALLEIGH: Thank you.
(She looks up, pinning him with a longing look.)
You look very handsome.

(Horatio ducks his head, smiling.)

HORATIO: Ready to go?
CALLEIGH: Uh-huh, let's go.

(She steps out the door, closing and locking it behind

They walk together to Horatio's Hummer.

Horatio opens the passenger door for Calleigh.

She smilesas she gets in.)

CALLEIGH: Why thank you, kind sir!

(Horatio makes a small bow.)

HORATIO: You are most welcome, ma'am.

(Calleigh giggles as Horatio shuts the door, walks to
the driver's side and gets in.)

Cut to:
(Shot of Hummer pulling away.)

Cut to:
(Crane shot of Hummer driving along the road.)

Cut to:
(Front shot of Hummer as Horatio looks at Calleigh,
then Calleigh looks at Horatio, smiling.)

Cut to:
(Shot of Miami, the city lights bright.)

Cut to:
(Hummer pulling up in front of an Italian restaurant.

Horatio gets out, and opens Calleigh's door, taking her
hand as she steps out.

She smiles, biting her lip shyly.

A valet walks up, and Horatio hands him his car-keys.)

HORATIO: Thanks, son.

(The valet nods.)

VALET: You are welcome, sir. Have a lovely evening, ma'am.

(Calleigh smiles nodding.

She and Horatio walk into the restaurant

Camera pans away, and up to the sky, and focus in on the full
moon in the clear sky.)

Fade in:
(Interior shot of restaurant, with slow dissolves of people eating,
waiters serving, and wine-glasses being filled.

Camera pans to a private table in the corner of the restaurant,
where Horatio and Calleigh are sitting together, completely
absorbed in one another.

Dissolves in and out of them both talking, and their hands interlaced
on the table.

Calleigh sips her wine slowly,as Horatio rubs his thumb over the back
of her hand.

Horatio leans towards her, speaking quietly.)

HORATIO: I have something for you...

(Calleigh's eyes shine, and her smile is wide.)

CALLEIGH: Horatio, you shouldn't have...

(Horatio shakes his head.)

HORATIO: Yes... I should have.

(He reaches inside his inside jacket pocket, pulling out a long,
rectangular velvet box.

He places it in her left hand.

She gazes at him, sighing happily.)

CALLEIGH: Thank you.

(Horatio watches her as she opens the box.

She lets put a gasp, putting her hand to her mouth.

Horatio regards her silently, his smile soft.

With shaking hands, Calleigh lifts out an emerald necklace,
surrounded by diamonds on a gold chain.

Calleigh lays it in her palm, stroking it gently.)

CALLEIGH: Oh, Horatio... it's beautiful...

(Horatio leans over, taking her hand in his.)

HORATIO: Not as beautiful as you...

(Calleigh laughs, blinking back happy tears.)

CALLEIGH: This must have cost... I'm... oh, thank you.

(Horatio smiles, squeezing her hand.)

HORATIO: You are welcome. Not all the diamonds in the
world can show you how much I love you...

(Calleigh bites her lip, caressing his hand.)

CALLEIGH: This comes very close, Handsome.

(Horatio chuckles.

Calleigh holds the necklace in her palm, sniffing.

She holds it to her heart.)

CALLEIGH: I'll treasure it.

Cut to:
(Side shot of Horatio getting up, and moving to stand
behind Calleigh.

He gently takes the necklace from her, and fastens it around
her neck.

Calleigh watches him, and closes her eyes as his fingers brush
her neck.)

HORATIO: It matches your eyes...
(He takes her chin in your hand, tilting her face towards his.)
Your beautiful green eyes.

(She sighs softly, and they share a look before Horatio sits
down again.

Calleigh gently strokes the emerald, looking down as it hangs
around her neck.)

CALLEIGH: Thank you...

(She looks to see if anyone is around, before resting her eyes on
Horatio again.

She leans forward across the table, taking hold of Horatio's shirt
collar and tugging him towards her.

She softly kisses him, her hand cupping his cheek.

She pulls back, her eyes sparkling.

Horatio licks his his lips, blinking slowly.)

CALLEIGH: (softly) Thank you.

(Horatio gazes ar her, before leaning in for another kiss, his left
hand finding her hair, and his right hand holding her arm.

Calleigh smiles against his mouth, her thumb stroking his cheek.

They break apart, staring at each other, before the waiter comes
along with dessert.

Calleigh picks up her spoon, and feeds Horatio some of her ice-cream.

Horatio swallows, licking his lips slowly, his eyes never leaving hers.

Calleigh blushes, giggling madly.

Horatio takes her hand again, interlacing his fingers in hers.)

Fade in:
(Shot of the candle on their table burning down, before they both get up
and leave.)

Cut to:
(Shot outside the restaurant, as the valet pulls up with the Hummer.

Horatio nods his thanks, slipping the valet a 20 dollar bill.)

VALET: Thank you, sir!

(Horatio nods, opening Calleigh's door, and getting in himself.)

Fade in:
(Shot of Hummer driving along the road.)

Cut to:
(Interior shot of Horatio and Calleigh.

Calleigh's fingers touch her necklace, as she smiles.

Horatio glances at her, his eyes intense.)

Cut to:
(Shot of Calleigh looking out the window, her eyes suddenly distant,
lost in thought.)

Cut to:
(Horatio looking back out at the road, exhaling softly.)

Fade in:
(Shot of Hummer pulling up in front of Calleigh' house.

As Horatio and Calleigh get out, cue music of 'Kissing You'.

Intro plays as they walk up the path to Calleigh's front door.

They reach the door, and stand facing each other.

Calleigh looks down, clasping her hands, as Horatio shifts from
side to side, avoiding her eyes.

Calleigh looks up, her eyes searching his face.

Horatio gazes back at her.)

Pride can stand a thousand trials
The strong will never fall

(Calleigh puts her hands on Horatio's arms, gripping his jacket,
holding him tight, her eyes pleading with him.

Horatio takes her elbows, pulling her closer to him.)

But watching stars without you, my soul cries

(Calleigh takes a shaky breath, leaning her head on Horatio's chest,
sliding her arms around his waist.

Horatio holds the back of Calleigh's head, stroking her hair, his other
arm around her shoulders.)

Heaving heart is full of pain

(Calleigh turns her head, leaning her cheek against his chest, her eyes
closed, exhaling slowly.

Horatio hugs her tighter, his face resting on the top of her head.)

Oh, oh the aching

(Horatio pulls back, framing her face in his hands.

Calleigh's eyes flit back and forth, Horatio's face inches from hers.

Horatio leans in slowly, and gently captures her lips.

Calleigh gasps softly in surprise, melting against his body.)

'Cause I'm kissing you, oh

(Calleigh kisses him back, her arms around his neck, holding Horatio
to her.

Horatio threads his fingers through her hair, his arm firmly around her waist.)

I'm kissing you, oh

(They continue to kiss, as Horatio presses Calleigh against the door.

She fumbles for her door-key, as Horatio kisses her neck.

She turns only slightly to unlock the door, as Horatio grips her hips.

The door swings open, and Calleigh pulls his hand, leading him inside.)

Touch me deep, pure, and true

(Horatio shuts the door, before facing her again.

Calleigh slips off her high heels, before raising on tip-toe, pulling at
Horatio's shirt collar.

His arms come around her slowly, as they sway together for a moment,
their eyes connected, and their bodies inches apart.)

Give to me forever

(Calleigh rubs her nose playfully against Horatio's before kissing him again,
her hands in his hair.

Horatio moves towarsd the stairs, as Calleigh pushes him up against the wall,
kissing him more.)

'Cause I'm kissing you, oh

(Horatio turns her around, pushing his body closer to hers, his hands fisting in her

He lifts her into his arms, kissing down her neck.

Calleigh hangs on, leaning her head back.)

(During the instrumental, Horatio carries Calleigh up the stairs, down the hall
and into her room.

He lays her down, before going to close the door.

He turns back, seeing Calleigh sitting up on the bed, reaching her hand out
towards him.

Horatio moves towards her, kneeling down on the bed, and stretching his
hand out to take hers.

Calleigh smiles, gently pulling Horatio close to her, and kissing him again.

Horatio wraps his arms tightly around her, as they both fall on the bed.

Camera pans out of the window, and to the sky above.

We hear Calleigh and Horatio's voices whispering...)

HORATIO: Calleigh...
CALLEIGH: Oh, Horatio...

Fade in:
(Wide shot of Calleigh and Horatio lying in bed, the sheets covering them.

Calleigh is lying on her back, fast asleep.

Horatio's left arm is draped across Calleigh, leaning up on his right elbow,
gazing at her.

He gently strokes a lock of her hair, and traces the outline of her face.)

Where are you now?

(Calleigh stirs, opening her eyes and looking up at Horatio with a sleepy smile.

Horatio cups her cheek softly.)

Where are you now?

(Horatio stokes her forearm, before leaning in to kiss Calleigh.

Calleigh returns the kiss, her hand on his chest.)

'Cause I'm kissing you

(Calleigh wraps her arms around Horatio, squeezing his shoulders.

Horatio leans over her, his hand moving to her hip, the other cradling her

I'm kissing you, oh

(They break apart, and gaze at each other, their arms around each other.

Horatio gently touches Calleigh's necklace.)

HORATIO: I love you, sweetheart.
CALLEIGH: I love you too, Handsome.

(Close-up of their kiss.

As the music fades, they pull back, their mouths still inches apart.

Close-up as sapphire meets emerald.)


I'll be back next weekend, school calls!! :roll: But I'll be updating once a week for the nexr few weeks. Look forward to Sundays!! :D

Bye! Keep the DuCaine faith!!
OMG! That was absolutely beautiful...and your best so far. That will have me day dreaming all day long. Sigh!