Criminal Minds

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Just saw a casting notice for the season premiere. The cast should be heading back to work soon!

Can't wait to see what happens in the new season! :D

Violent mini-Gube? I have to see that video! :lol:

Yay for season 2! :lol: I'm interested to see how they finish the cliff-hanger from the season 1 finale. I mean, I know we've figured out a bunch of the stuff, but there are still some pieces of the puzzle that I'm curious about.

And because I like posting pictures, here are a few (they're not new, but I loves them anyway). :)

Thomas Gibson/Hotch

Shemar Moore/Morgan

Matthew Gray Gubler/Reid

Lola Glaudini/Elle

Mandy Patinkin/Gideon

AJ Cook/JJ

Kirsten Vangsness/Garcia
Yes, Garcia does rule. I hope she gets plenty of screen-time in season 2. :)

You're only about halfway through the season, Hormiga? Well, there were some excellent episodes later on--"Riding the Lightning," "A Real Rain" and "Charm and Harm" immediately come to mind, but I've yet to see an episode of CM that I didn't like. ;)

I'm glad you like the pictures of Gube as a model--for some reason, I find it really amusing that he's a model. Dunno why, maybe because I think he's just such an adorable, geeky guy. :p

BTW: I love your banner. ;) Chase certainly is pretty. :lol:
Love those pictures Faylinn! :D You picked out some good ones.

I love your banner too Hormiga! :D Of course Chase is pretty.
Oh dear lord!

That one of Mandy Patinkin/Gideon.... it looks like he's trying to be sexual but failing miserably!

*wipes tears*
I've read that a "ghost" of Elle's dad will appear in the episode.

Also, I've come across some more modelling photos of Matthew (some might've been posted before)- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Aww, those are some great pictures, ThisIsMe, thanks for posting them. :D

And re: the spoiler, all I have to say is: Ooooooh...that could be interesting. ;) I can't wait until the new season starts.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the way that the finale ended? Like maybe the guy shoots her and she almost dies, so she sees her father's ghost...just a theory, but I'm wondering how else they could bring in a ghost. When people are dying/hallucinating/however else you want to put it, they can include 'ghosts' but on a regular basis, it just wouldn't fit into the show IMO. Of course, maybe it isn't going to be an actual 'ghost' but maybe her having memories about him or something, remembering before he's going to be interesting to see how they do it.

By the way, I don't like that picture of Mandy, but I had to post one of him so that everybody would be accounted for, and my supply of pictures is limited...maybe because he scares me a little bit. ;) :lol:
The thing about spoiler tags is...when you get an e-mail telling you that the fabulous Criminal Minds thread has been updated, the spoiler is there, in lovely black and white print. Bah.

Anyways... I'm back! Did you miss me?


You lying lot. You never even noticed! *fwaps* Anyways...what I want from the premiere...really REALLY want. Really really REALLY REALLY want... is the solution to THE DAMNED PUZZLE. So my summer was not a total waste!
*sniff* I missed you Lyn. I've just been sitting here, sadly waiting for you to return, like a poor abandoned puppy dog. ;)

Sucks about the spoilers...but you would have read it anyway, right? :p

I want to find out the solution too. Other questions I have: Who the hell is the guy? Is Elle okay? Can I have Reid's baby?--oops! Didn't mean to post that last one. :eek: ( ;) Heh heh)
*sniffsniff* I missed you too. Greece was too hot and Turkey was hotter. I DIED. And was then thoroughly investigated by hot men...not wait, I dreamt that last bit.

Well yes, I would have read it, but I lose out on the fun of the dragging the mouse thing that makes the texty magic happen! Where's the fun in that?! Bah.

I miss Reid. I miss the way he dorks into my life once a week (or once every two weeks if Fox are messing us about...). I miss the way Hotch looks at him in despair or Morgan makes fun of him. I miss the boobahs! I miss Garcia's sexual innuendo! This blatantly isn't good enough, and I need to be furnished with an entire new series like NOW.

But of course Elle is ok. She's Elle. She's probably tortured a confession out of the guy, ran and saved the girl, had a torrid affair with Morgan and cured Reid's mum in the time they've kept us waiting. And I bet she looked totally fabulous throughout.

And... you're having Reid's baby?! OMG. IS that why you've turned green? Is it morning sickness of your username? :D
monkeyrabbit said:
Oh dear lord!

That one of Mandy Patinkin/Gideon.... it looks like he's trying to be sexual but failing miserably!

*wipes tears*

Are you dissing Mandyboobah?! Goodness me. I'm not sure that's actually allowed, you know.

It's the glasses, isn't it? It's like the cherry on a really dubious cake. He needs square glasses.
Fay doesn't like hot weather. In fact, Fay would much rather stay inside with the AC blaring. ;)

Dragging the mouse over the spoiler space is fun! Even if you already knew what it said, you could still drag the mouse, just for kicks. ;)

Damn Lyn, now you've totally ruined the new season for me, telling me all about Super!Elle. *cries*

*sniff sniff* I miss all of those things too! And I miss the shirtless scenes we got in the finale. :devil:

If you mention Mandy Boobah, Teh Fay is forced to post the picture! *gasp*


The green is a strange side effect of reading too much Danny/Flack fanfiction. *sigh* I wonder what color I'll turn when I finally check out the Hotch/Reid fanfic? :lol:

Oh, and I'm pregnant for Reid and Morgan at the same time--it's possible! I saw it on the Maury show today! Those would be some interesting twins, wouldn't they? :lol:
I don't like hot weather either, and got lovely sunburn on the top of my head. I look like I have mutant dandruff as it peels.

So very attractive.

Oh noes! I should have put Super!Elle under a spoiler thingy, and then we could have had safe texty fun. :( But they're just robbing us now. Why couldn't they have a summer special - double the length, which wrapped up the last episode, and then we could have had a happy smiley season premiere. Or about as smiley as you get for Criminal Minds, which isn't a whole lot. Except when Hotch gets naked, obviously.

THE PICTURE. See, Mandy is trying to warn you about the dangers of fanfiction. Because you're green now, but if you keep reading it, you'll end up looking like a boobah. First the yellow one, then the orange one, then the pink one, then the purple one, and if you totally over-indulge, you'll end up as the blue one, which is a special hell for those who look for Hotch slash.

Which means you, Faylinn. I think you become a stripey one if you actually WRITE it.

You saw on the Maury show that you can get pregnant by Reid and Morgan at the same time?! No wonder you're green - Reid junior will be trying to work out your total body mass or something, while baby Morgan is fighting with him and telling him to go to the beach and score hot chicks.

You don't have a baby Hotch as well, do you? He'd totally be sitting in the middle with sunglasses on, looking totally unimpressed. Then he'd phone someone to get him out of there.
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