Criminal Minds

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Question, when does the new season air in the US?

(Oh, and it's Derailed on tonight for me .... they've missed out Natural Born Killer for some reason. I hope they don't start missing out episode a lot)
I'm so pissed right now...I just typed a really long post and it told me that it couldn't proceed...:mad::mad::mad:

Anyway, here goes again.

Shirtless!Morgan and Shirtless!Hotch? Totally my psychic influence on the show. :p

I'm not big on literature, so I don't think I'll be able to help much with all of that. I do, however, think that the Margerie Kempe thing is a red herring. Even if the guy knew all about them, how would he know what book Reid bought or for whom? I think the point of that was to illustrate that Reid's mom is going to be important to the plot (as others have said). How frickin' convenient that she's a professor of 15th century literature? ;)

I felt bad for Garcia when she had to tell them how the guy hacked in. I'm quite positive that our guy is the "Sir Kneighf" from the game (is kneighf some medieval spelling for knight, I wonder?). Didn't the screen say something about "I have a surprise for you" right before the "all work and no play" thing popped up on the screen?

Oh, and since the game took place in Camelot, I'm thinking that, if the player is the unsub, that the story the book code comes from could be Arthrian in nature. With that in mind, I searched for 15th century literature, and the only thing of interest that I found in the approximately 5 minutes I spent is the book "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory. The thing that stuck out to me about it was that many authors used this work as a source for modern Arthurian works (including T.H. White for "The Once and Future King"). The people on LJ are probably far closer than I am with the books that they've come up with, but it can't hurt to speculate. ;)

I think Garcia is going to play a big role in starting the 'quest' because she knows all about it from that game she plays...I wonder why they didn't include her as soon as the saw the video, since the guy said she was part of the team...I know they were mad at her, but maybe she could have said something about how to start a quest...heh, then again that's probably why they didn't have her in there--so they can save that for the next season.

How did the unsub get not one but two accomplices to help him with the clues? And if guy #1 got skewered, I wonder what the fate of guy #2 is?

I wonder if the art the unsub had at his house will be significant? The theme of the paintings seemed to revolve around knights and/or demons (and one looked like an excorcism to me...*shrug*). But since I'm not an art person any more than I'm a medieval literature person...

The guy's hands are probably important as well. Like IvoryRaven said, it could be vampirism or a different medical condition...that could be significant.

The guy (who we should really nickname by the way) stated that the dead convicts were 'unrepentant men' so that sounds sort of religious. Perhaps the connection between medieval knights and religion is important?

How did the unsub know to go to Elle's house? He could have waited outside the FBI office for the first one to emerge and followed her, but I can't help but think that the cheery looking dude that drove her home had something to do with it. Heh, maybe I'm just overly suspicious. ;)

I wonder if he's going to shoot Elle or just take her hostage? Then it would be a race to save the Boston girl and Elle (and they wouldn't have her input to solve the case).
In terms of saving Elle, I remember that the window directly behind her was open. I'm hoping that someone will randomly pop up and shoot him. But, that would be way too easy I suppose. :p
I know how the ep finished now, and i have to admit that i don't think they'll shoot Elle. I don't know how it will happen but i just can't see it..

Okay..i need a little help with one thing. With the whole "save her"..who is the her? Is it Elle? Do we know?
:mad: I really wish it hadn't ended with a cliffhanger, because now we all have to wait to find out the rest dang!
Fay - Guy number 2 was the headless guy. Unelss you're referring to the guy who delivered the parcel to Mrs "totally has an idea of what's going on" Hotch. We'll have to find out next season what happens to him

You could be right about Morte D'Arthur. Your job for today is to see if there's a 1963 version of it. *boots Fay towards library*

I had never thought about the unsub being Garcia's kinky online love interest. But that would totally fit.

I know there's soemthing I'm missing, but I can't put my finger on it.

Edit : Look!
OOH! That book looks more than promising--if that's not significant to the show, I'll eat my "James and the Giant Peach" DVD (heh, I loves me some British clay-mation bugs ;)). :p

I wonder why the book cypher won't work? I think I'll go to my local library on Monday and see if they have that book...

Hmm, so there's a character named "Sir Knave" in "La Chatelaine de Vergi?" That seems like a clue to me. Maybe I shouldn't have relied on my close-captioning to tell me that it was 'Sir Kneighf' on the game. ;) Sir Knave sounds much more likely.

And I'm still convinced that our unsub was the guy in the game. After all, he could have used the time they spent playing the game to hack into the computers for information. :)

BTW: I found a site that said that there was a copy of "Le Morte de Arthur" printed in 1963, but after that book was posted on LJ, I don't think I need to bother much with looking. ;) (But I will keep my eye out just in case. :))
It's going to be hard to make the code work. I honestly don't think its the word in a sentance on a page (you wouldn't get 16 words on a line..) But somehow it has to work.

And Faylinn, go with "Le Morte de Arthur". You never know, it might be it! If the book on LJ doesn't work, then you might as well give it a go! :)
I just watched this taped it Wed. intense- nail biter- how'd that creep get all their personal info- wouldn't that be really impossible to do? and what's wrong with Gideon :(creepy and the ending WOW- can't wait till the finale- good show- ;)
Er...that was the finale desertwind--we have to wait until the new season starts in September to see the rest of it (at least I think the season starts in September...). In the meantime, however, the fans are supposed to be able to take the clues that the team got to figure some information out. Right now the big thing is deciphering that book code...but we have to find the right book to do so...

The guy got the information by hacking into the FBI database through Garcia's computer while she was using the Bureau's wireless internet to play her online game.

Gideon was upset because the cabin was the one secret place he had, the one place where he could escape the rest of the world, and that guy took it away from him when he found out where it was. Now Gideon feels like he doesn't have anything left. :(
About the book. The last number could be letter number, and the whole thing would be a big anagram? Or, the book referred to in the code could e mentioned in "The Collector"?

Has anyone read it?

Edit (again) - I managed to get a hold of the 1963 hardback British first edition. Eee!
Lyn you're doing amazing at this thing!!

I do feel sorry for Gideon about the cabin, that must be hard losing that one "safe" place you have.

*grumble* - I got a phonecall from my dad in America, he took great pleasure in teasing me about watching the finale!!!!
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