Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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I think Ride the Lightning is one of the worst episodes of the whole series. There's just something about the tone that doesn't feel quite right.

I'm almost done with the series now. I'm on Zoe's Reprise right now and then I just need to watch the last 6 episodes of the 4th season and then I'll have seen everything (so far). I'm ready for the 100th episode coming up!
*laughs* Well, it wasn't exactly one of my favorites, but I don't think it was necessarily the worst... I suppose it felt a little Law and Order or something...

I remember liking the last six episodes. Not perfect, but nowhere near the worst, IMO.
I think Ride the Lightning is one of the worst episodes of the whole series. There's just something about the tone that doesn't feel quite right.

I'm almost done with the series now. I'm on Zoe's Reprise right now and then I just need to watch the last 6 episodes of the 4th season and then I'll have seen everything (so far). I'm ready for the 100th episode coming up!

Riding the Lightning is one of the most disturbing episodes of the show, period, IMO. There's something about it. The idea that the woman was innocent, and did what she was doing to protect her son, because she knew that it would be impossible for him to have a life if it came out that he was their son.

I also find it rather disturbing for someone to be so guilt ridden and be so...done that death is the best and only option.

One point of interest for anyone else who's seen the episode recently (I try to avoid it, I find it just that damn disturbing), as it was on A&E or Ion recently. You notice when they go up to the house to talk to the boy, and then decide to back off, the adoptive father tells one of them, I think it's Gideon "Thank You." So, IMO, It's clear that he knew exactly what was up, and what effect it would have on his son.

IMO, it's not a bad episode as far as writing, acting or what have you, exactly the opposite. It's just disturbing as hell.
Criminal Minds is gonna make a video game

I don't care if it sucks, I want it.

Colonel Worf-- That makes sense. I think I assumed that you thought it was terrible, but that makes complete sense. You are right, too... it was different.

I think it was because there really wasn't any profiling. Like, they already knew that the guy was a killer. The most profiling there was was "she doesn't seem like the murdering type", and that was pretty much it.
I thought this was a great episode. I liked InCharge!Morgan. Although, I gotta admit, I think he's getting way too involved with the victims and their families. I just kept saying No, No, NO when he was talking to Tamara Barnes, and then when he went Personally to tell the latest victim's sister that they'd found her eyes. I think a phone call would have been fine, and a nice thing to do.

I wonder what Garcia will do when she finds out. 'Cause you know she's gonna. And you notice how he deflected when she asked about the necklace. Big boy is getting too enmeshed, and when you get enmeshed, you lose your objectivity.

I also loved Garcia and JJ getting Morgan his own office. That was the sweetest gesture, even if it's temporary.
I have decided that I want a Derek Morgan of my very own, complete with six-pack abs and the nice looking suit he was wearing in last night's episode

The case was creepy as hell...ewwwwwwwwww

In charge Morgan was very still seems odd though with Hotch not in charge and I think Rossi agrees

I love Garcia, nuff said

Morgan getting involved with that lady from the previous episode has bad written all over it. No sweetie, don't do it...please! I'm begging you. I am sure that Garcia will have something to say when she finds out too...and I am almost 110% certain that Hotch will find out too.

Love this show...and like I said, I would like a Derek Morgan of my own... :)
I like Morgan in charge but I am a Hotch fan myself. I dont like that Tamara girl. I think Morgan and Garcia should be together. I think they have great chemistry together.

As for the plot of the story. YUCK!! that guy was a freak. Who scoops out someone eyeballs. :( I thought is was a nice thing that Morgan went to that family to tell them they found the victims eyes. It showed that Morgan is compassionate with people. It was overall a good episode!
I'm pretty sure I'm new might have posted once foever ago, but I can't remember. Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say hey.

Last night's episode was kind of creepy. The whole digging out the eyes was weird. However, it probably wouldn't have been so weird if the UnSub didn't look like the creepy kid in my French class that's in love with me. Seriously, I thought I was going to have nightmares about him last night! LOL

Other than that, I really liked it. I miss Hotch in charge though. Don't get me wrong, I love Morgan, but he just seemed kind of awkward giving Hotch--and everybody else for that matter--orders. I did love Hotch's little remark to him at the end. I can't remember what it was, but I loved Emily's reaction.
I apologize for being so MIA this week. AP classes= FAIL... If you procrastinate on your 20,000 notecards and essay like me. Since Iwas busy writing that essay the night before it was due, I couldn't Live Tweet during CM. I'm so sorry! =[

So, my #1 wanted Christmas present is a DVD recorder thing. So, hopefully, I will have the second half of the season... Forever. So, then, this problem will be solved.

Okay, so I have decided to start rating UNSUBS on a creepiness factor, and I think this guy deserves about an 8. Agreed?

So... Unit Chief Morgan. I mean, WOW. He REALLY stepped up. And people really went along with it. It wasn't what I was expecting. It was odd... I mean, I'm just not to InCharge!Morgan. But he makes a pretty good leader. I think he understands Hotch SO much better now.

Hotch worked well as Not Leader. He was very much Mom this week. Lots of Gentle!Hotch.

Let's hope that this doesn't last long, because I don't know how long poor Morgan can take it. He was stressed out and sad... He took on so much more responsibility. I feel bad for him.

Okay, so, we saw the return of THAT woman... Who just seemed desperate to me. She was awfully clingy, and the whole, "I feel better when I talk to you" thing was just... Ugh. I hate it. Relationships outside of work are cool, but I do not like this woman. Although, I could be biased.

While I'm on the subject of Morgan's love life, there was some nice M/G in the ep for me to fangirl over. Like when Garcia asked Jayje, "How's MY Morgan doing?" And, of course, the office. I hope he keeps the picture. And I think Alex knows exactly what screen cap I want, lolz.

So, when he called THAT woman after Garcia left (And yes, I know her name, but she is just THAT woman), my first thought was "Why would he do that right after what Garcia did for him?" And then, I was like, "Oh. It's 'Penelope' all over again. HA. Take that, Garcia." Somehow I feel as if Garcia deserves this, as much as I hate THAT woman and Morgan being with her. It's payback.

So... That was an extremely incohesive post that I hope you all and follow and reply to. Sorry.

Wow. I have to apologize a lot on here. I'm not a good person, apparently. Sorry.
No need to apologize. She really should be "That Woman" or "This victim's Sister" to Morgan. He's getting way too involved, and losing his objectivity; which one has to keep to do their job as a profiler effectively.

And yeah, it was interesting to see Hotch in a more "backseat" role in this one. Morgan did well as Team Leader, but will he step down gracefully, or will it really be a problem?

BTW, When is the 100th episode? I know it's during sweeps, I just forgot when....
I mean, I think it's wrong for him to be involved with someone related to a case (actually, I'm pretty sure it's against the rules, but I'm just referencing an episode of Miami where Speed told a victim's friend he couldn't date her), but I think it affects him more personally than professionally. Other than the court case, what happened then is over. Plus, she was just related to the victim, and they've caught the killer, so I don't see it being a huge objectivity issue.

Okay, I think he'll be glad to step down because you could tell he was extremely stressed out about having that much responsibility- especially for the victims and their families. However, I see him questioning Hotch's ability to handle all of that, as well as him still feeling like he has that responsibility to save everybody. It's like him becoming Unit Chief magnified his need to be The Protector. And while I see him WANTING to step down and not having all of that responsibilty, I'm not sure he CAN. I'm hoping for a talk with Hotch soon where he's like, "How do you DO this?"

The hundredth episode will air on the 25th.

When The Reaper returns to Washington for a final showdown, the team works frantically to catch him before he reaches SSA Hotchner's family. Section Chief Strauss returns once again in this episode in addition to Kevin Lynch, William LaMontagne Jr., Agent Anderson, Tech Agent Sharp, U.S. Marshal Sam Kassmeyer, Haley Hotcher, Jack Hotchner, and C. Thomas Howell as George Foyet/The Reaper.
IIRC, it is both against the rules for him to be involved with the relative of a victim on a case they work, and unethical. There's pretty explicit protocol, and even after a trial/plea deal, a defense attorney could find grounds for appeal/release if they posit that a law enforcement official had personal involvment on a case.

Also, IMO, Morgan is getting too personally involved and attached. He's trying to do to much for the family members. They talk a lot about objectivity on the show. Gideon lost his, Elle lost hers, and they snapped, albeit in different ways. You basically can't profile if you can't be objective and get personally involved. That's why they aren't supposed to investigate cases they're involved in, like Gideon's friend Sarah that got killed at his apartment.

BTW, thanks for that info about the hundredth episode. It really looks like it's going to be incredible.
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