Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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I love Reid, he's my favorite... but even I agree that writers have focused too much on him. And when someone whose favorite is Reid can say that, then the writers need to pay attention. :lol: Thankfully this season the writers have focused less on Reid and more on others.
I love Reid, he's my favorite... but even I agree that writers have focused too much on him. And when someone whose favorite is Reid can say that, then the writers need to pay attention. :lol: Thankfully this season the writers have focused less on Reid and more on others.
I agree although reid is also my favourite they do focus on him alot which is good until it gets too much, then he just feels overused.I hope they do more of the other characters this season they are also deserving of some decent storylines, especially more Emily and more Garcia :lol: i can always use more Garcia
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The writers portrayed Reid's injury really quietly, which I was happy about. I was worried that it would end up a big deal, but it was just kind of like "oh by the way, Reid got shot".

Morgan, Emily, and UnSub Guy
Morgan and UnSub Guy
Emily and UnSub guy

You know, I'm tempted to think that this isn't the episode that I was thinking of. The UnSub guy looks so... normal. And doesn't seem to be creeping Emily out at all. So either the pictures are lying to me, or I was thinking of the wrong episode.

Also: We have the number one and number seven clips. Win.
Hotch is my favorite in this show, but I love it when they let Reid do heroic things. He's just a neat character.

I'm feeling kind of spaced right now because I just had to get a tooth extracted, so I'm not necessarily responsible for what I type today, heehee. And god did it hurt. It really was like torture at this certain point toward the end. I feel like I'm having PTSD now. Not kidding either.

LoupGarou, you're probably right about Rossi not thinking it's a big deal that Hotch didn't choose him for team leader. And about how observant Rossi is. Rossi is my second fave in the show. It's going to be interesting to see what the writers come up with. I hope the episode a week from tonight is a new one. I'm going to try to watch the repeat tonight, but I'm not sure I'll make it.

Thanks to whomever it was who answered my post from a week ago or so and said that a woman would be the lead in the spinoff. I wonder who they'll pick. But they have to have a hot guy in it too! :) I really do hope they can pick actors who are as capable as the ones in the original. I mean all of them could be nominated for Emmys in my opinion.
The actors on CM are awesome. They really get their characters.

You know, I was thinking about Rossi's role in the team and I realized that it goes back to the family thing again. Rossi's better as the second in command. After all, he's (Step)Dad. A.K.A the guy that you run to when Mom yells at you. *smirk*

(Hee, Rossi's my second favorite character, too. So not only is he the typical second-in-command, he's the second-favorite-character. Which for me just means that he's a tiny bit less awesome than Emily.)

[I just realized that my avatar is my first and second favorite characters, in the order of favorite ranking. How convenient.]
Rossi is my least favorite character. I like him enough but he is not so awesome as the rest.

I will add more of my favorite scenes later but I like all of the M/G that Bryn mentioned.I also like all of the scenes between Reid and Morgan.Like when Morgan told Reid how to flirt at the bar.A good one is when Rossi and Morgan were watching "The Young and the Restless" waiting for Reid at the hotel.And all the team moments.There are so many actually but that is why this show rocks.:thumbsup:

I just realized that there is no new episode today.:(

Thanks for the pictures ,Alex.
I can never decide who I like best. I think first is tied with Em and Morgan. Scond would be JJ or Garcia, third Rossi or Hotch, and then there's Reid. So... I'm not actually sure.

*Sigh* I'm feeling too lazy to say something worthwhile.

Thanks, Alex, for the crash course in linking and the pictures.

So, I don't secretly like Reid, or... You know what, I'm doing this tomorrow. I'm too tired to function, but I'm worried Alex will beat me with a stick if I don't post SOMETHING.

So, on last thing... I don't think Rossi ever really wanted to come back as a leader. I think he's satisfied. I promise more tomorrow. As usual.
Hey! What did I do? :lol:

That title is just not funny. Other than that- this looks kind of creepy. *mutters* Would've been good as a pre-Halloween episode...

If I had to put my characters in order, it'd probably be Emily, Rossi, JJ/Garcia (tied), Hotch, Morgan/Reid (tied). It's not that I don't like Morgan or Reid; I just like the others more.

Do any of you remember a while ago where I was all proud of myself for noticing that Emily wears her watch backwards? I was watching some of the S3 episodes and I noticed that it's not exactly something that's hard to spot if you bother to look. Clever in your own mind, I guess.
I recently started watching this show, and I now find myself hooked on it, I have to admit!

I watch the reruns on A@E when time permits, however, since I am new to the show, I am not sure which season I am in.

I now want to go get all the dvd's.
I would have to say that this is now my second favorite program on the air, after CSI NY.
Welcome, csiny_65! Unfortunately, your soul now belongs to CM. Once you watch it, you're doomed. *evil grin*

What, am I not supposed to put a Halloweenish spin (that happens to be true) on my greetings?

I tend to tell what season I'm in by hair/wardrobe/cast.

If Elle is in it, chances are it's Season 1.

If Rossi is in it and Emily has bangs, it's either Season 4 or late Season 3.

If Gideon and Emily are both in it, it's almost definitely Season 2.

If Emily does not have bangs and Gideon is not in it, it's probably early Season 3.

If Rossi is there, Emily does not have bangs, and JJ does have bangs, congratulations, you're watching Season 5.

If Elle and Emily are both in it, I think you're watching a documentary on CM, not the actual show.


thanks for the info, that will help me next time. I am so loving this show since I started recently. Not sure who my fave person is there yet, though.
Not quite as hooked, obsessed, and into it as my fave CSI NY show(and CSI NYguy) of course....

Of course, now that I am liking it, there is no doubt that I now have to go get all the dvds. Perhaps I shall ask "Santa" for some...LOL
Hey! I'm back! LOL. I'm on my iPod, so I apologize for any retardedness.

Let me just begin by saying that I'm with my friend whose dad is a cop, and I just rode in the back of a cop car. It was uncomfortable, yet awesome.

Welcome newcomer!!! The iPod will not allow me to view your name or type in bold, so I apologize. Anyway, Alex is right. Your soul now belongs to CM, and since you're posting here, to us. Mwahahaha.

I can't pick a favorite character. Wah.

This stupid iPod won't let me open the spoiler box. This upsets me.

Anyway, about me NOT secretly liking Reid... I thought he was okay pre-Revelations, and then he had way too much self-pity. And since then, he's had his moments. This season, he's mostly been in the background, and he's been an okay guy. I just don't like him on principle, I guess.

Alex, what do you mean what did you do?

Once again, I promised tomorrow and lied. Please don't hate me. Or beat me with a stick.
Bryn: I was laughing about the "beat you with a stick" comment from earlier. And that's why I hate coming to this board on my iPod. You should've seen me when I realized that I couldn't open the spoiler box. It was probably hilarious to watch. (Btw, type and then close it ([ / b ] w/ no spaces) around the text if you want to bold something when using your iPod. You get the [ by shifting in the number/punctuation keypad, in case you didn't already know.)

Hee. You've said that you didn't like Reid, and now you can't not dislike him.

I was in a police station yesterday... but that wasn't as enjoyable because I was having a police report filled out since some woman backed up into my parked car yesterday.
Alex, I find it my fear of you beating me perfectly rational.

I'm sorry someone hit your car. Riding in the cop car was very uncomfortable. The seats are hard plastic. Although there was a Glock sticker. I notice these things, LOL.

The ipod is retarded, but I'm too addicted to this site to pass up a chance to get on.

Now I have a feeling I didn't explain my Reid thing well. Maybe I don't like how he's written. Ugh. Now that I'm trying to explain myself in all confused. Ugh.

Ahhh! Orphan is scary. :( I felt like I could handle psycopathic killers since I plan on chasing them. Ugh. This is scaryyy.
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