Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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I'm trying to think of what a spinoff would be about. Whatever it is... I'll be watching. I'm a sucker for Criminal Minds and procedurals in general.
i finally got around to watching eps 1 & 2 of the new season tonight. what a great start to the season! i thought both eps were fantastic. i was really pleased that in the first one they made the hotch/reaper storyline kind of secondary, it worked very well that they were getting on with other things and made doing their job the priority (much as i quite like mac-centric eps, i think csi:ny could maybe learn something from this!).

the 2nd ep was just great as well, i felt so sorry for the killer, and i like when crime shows make you feel that. of course many killers are cold blooded villains but many are sympathetic characters who have some trigger in their life to make them turn deadly, and i thought this was a particularly good example. plus i really felt for the poor bloke in terms of the medications and stuff, having been on most of those myself! i liked how they contrasted the sympathetic but clinical methods of the team (ie do the profile, find the trigger etc) with the rather harsh and unyielding methods of the detective (we just have to stop him!), it really highlighted how different attitudes to mental illness can be, i thought, and i was glad about that.

one more thing - are there any plans for prentiss and hotch to get together? they do seem quite close, and i really like them together. it's funny because i remember when prentiss started there was a fair bit of animosity towards her from the others but recently she fits in so well i find it hard to watch episodes with elle in them because she seems slightly wrong somehow!

i'm really looking forward to the next one - they've started really really well, i just hope they can keep it up.
I think that part of the thing with Prentiss and Hotch is that when she first came to the BAU, Strauss wanted dirt on the team, she wouldn't give it. As a matter of fact, she quit rather than give dirt.

I think Hotch knew that, and that's part of why he went to her house to convince her to come to Milwaukee with the rest of the team.

IMO, she always appreciated that fact; so, I think she's just trying to look out for him, because she knows he's really going through something with being tortured by Foyet, then having to have his family go into protective custody.

Also, regarding "Haunted;" I thought it was masterfully done. You could tell right off the bat that the guy Call was not well. I think that was really well done.

I really, really felt for the guy, and like other people have said, it really illustrates the issues in dealing with people who have mental illness. The way the pharmacist reacted, as well as the other people surrounding him, like the stalk boy, approaching with a box cutter still in his hand. Yeah, that's the way to deal with someone obviously in a state of crisis. :rolleyes:

I also liked how they showed that Hotch is not alright. Being snippy with his team, and snapping on Garcia like that. It'll be interesting to see how that gets resolved.
I like how sympathetic Morgan looks in those pictures... But not so much that woman's clear flirting.

I missed the cookie part??? Epic Fail.

I liked the first two episodes, or at least what I paid attention to. I am SO ADD. It's sad.

I noticed the Emily/Hotch thing, too... When she was is in his apartment, I thought for a second that something was going to happen. And I couldn't decide if I would find it sweet or upsetting. And that bothered me.

'Seven Seconds' was on last night on A&E. I LOVE that episode... I knew exactly what episode it was about as soon as it came on. It also has my favorite quote: "Fairy Tales do not teach children that dragons exist. Fairy Tales teach children that dragons can be killed." I forgot who said it, but I loved it.

This epsiode also reminded me how much I love Morgan with children. 'The Big Wheel' and 'Minimal Loss' also make me smile because of that. There better me a lot of Morgan/children interaction. I love it.

I don't remember what's happening next week... Alex?
I think all of them in one way or another suffer from PTSD, Garcia, Reid, JJ as examples. Garica was shot on her own door step, Reid torchered and drugs, JJ having to shoot those dogs and all that, that happened with Reid. It's how they handle it. Hotch's PTSD could be long standing, such as when that explosion did some damage to his hearing.

As to Emily and Hotch, first may I add I hope not, and second I don't think so, I think their relationship is just that of mutual respect for each other, as explained above. But I think in someways, Hotch is still trying to get past his divorce and deal with the job. For him to get into a relationship with one of his agents would put a strain on the team imo. And he wouldn't want to lose Emily as a team member, or jepordize the team because if they got into a romantic relationship someone him or her would have to go, and with Emily she trusts him but that trust like with everyone else only goes so far.

The one thing I like about this team is they are more family, Morgan flirts with Garcia but neither takes it seriously. Reid took JJ to a ballgame, but that wasn't serious. It's all about completing each other and complimenting each other. They may have their outside families, but they are family on the job, they are playful and joking, caring and kind, and know that they can count on each other in that time no matter what. Emily when she confronted Reid about how he was acting, and Reid lashed out at her that she hadn't been there long enough to know him. She didn't flinch she didn't spit, she let it go but gave off the vibe that Reid picked up imo. Hotch gave that speach to Struss about his team that is family style.

Incase some are wondering what speech I am referring to this is the one. (2x23 "No Way out (2): The Evilution of Frank)

Hotchner: My team? Let me tell you about my team.
Agent Morgan fought to protect his identity from the very people who could save him. Why? Because trust has to be earned, and there are very few people he truly trusts.
Reid’s intellect is a shield which protects him from his emotions and, at the moment, his shield is under repair.
Prentiss overcompensates because she doesn’t yet feel she’s a part of the team. She needn’t worry.
Every day, Agent Jareau fields dozens of requests for our team and every night she goes home hoping she’s made the right choices.
Garcia fills her office with figurines and color to remind herself to smile as the horror fills her screens.
And Agent Gideon in many ways is damned by his profound knowledge of others, which is why he shares so little of himself yet he pours his heart into every case we handle.
I stand by my actions and I stand by my team, and if you think that you can find a better person for the job, good luck.
Wow. That was awesome. I don't think even Alex could have put it that well.

I agree with the PTSD thing, and how they're just a family, completing and complementing each other. While I am by no means an anti-shipper, and do like Morgan/Garcia A LOT, it's nice that they just act like a family. Hotch/Emily wouldn't be horrible, seeing as my friends introduced them as the couple to ship when I first started watching, but I like the relationship the way it is now. What I do love is that Hotch has someone who really cares for him- Morgan is always concerned but is more into confronting or running to Rossi. Emily and Hotch have a great relationship, as do Emily and Rossi.

Maybe she's looking for some sort of father figure?

All of the relationships are great. I feel as if there are certain... partnerships of a sort, people who go to each other. Emily and Hotch, Emily and Rossi, Morgan and Garcia, Morgan and Reid, Garcia and JJ, JJ and Emily...

I love this team. Hands down, the best on television.

Like, okay, on CSI:NY? Stella AND Adam??? Something like that would NEVER happen on CM. Thank God.
Wow. That was awesome. I don't think even Alex could have put it that well.


Kidding. Hats off to Destiny for explaining something better than I ever could. :lol:

I think you might have a point with the father figure option, Bryn. Emily gets along well with everyone on the team, but she tends to float closer to Rossi and Hotch. (Hotch isn't that much older than her (about four years), but he's the "mother" of the team, so you could go for father figure.) I notice that more with Rossi than with Hotch, but it can be seen.

In some sense, Hotch wouldn't be with the BAU if Emily didn't care about the team. If she didn't care, she could've told Strauss everything, which would've jeopardized Hotch's job and possibly Reid's as well. She cares more about the team (as a whole) than her own job. I think that care is why she's making certain that Hotch is okay.

And at the very least, you could say that the reason is simply that Emily was the one that found out that something had happened to Hotch. That right there is a plausible reason.

Is it weird that I'm almost hoping that, since it is a Rossi-episode, he has something Omnivore- or Demonology-esque happen this week so that either Hotch or Emily can pay him back for helping them in those respective episodes?
Thank you. ;)

I see the family thing, Rossi is the father like or Uncle, Hotch is the oldest brother and the rest are the sibs, who know If you have a problem come talk to us. No matter what on or off the job problems. Like Reid when he was found and hugged Hotch saying he knew he would understand what he was saying. This group I swear is so family orinated and honest with each other, they have their secrets but in the end they know that what they say, who they talk to your never judged.

I think some of it is PTSD like I said everyone of them have it to some point. Which doesn't include that little spot in all of us who have it (imo thats the panic/anixity attacks that one might get even for a brief second maybe it comes in the womb lol), that job isn't for the faint of heart. Not only do you have to investigate the criminal you have to crawl in their heads and root around until you find what could have cause them to do what they did, and then at the end of the day crawl back out go home, be all good and fine, then go back to work and repeat the process.

I am a bit disappointed in the powers that be. In that explosion where that agent that looked like Haley died, Hotch said that Morgan was in line to take her spot. But yet back in the third season, second ep. Strauss said this.
Section Chief Erin Strauss: None of you will ever move up the chain of command, you know that.

Kind of made me think :wtf: someone didn't get the note lol.
Yeah, I noticed that... I almost wonder if maybe she was talking about Hotch and Prentiss? But she said "None of you", and if she was only talking about them, she would've said "Neither of you". Unless she was talking about Hotch, Emily, and Gideon, who at that time was MIA. That line always bothered me, anyway, because (as long as we're still taking it that she meant the entire team) it doesn't make any sense. She has nothing on any of the other four members on the team. And besides, she has very little on the three mentioned above; certainly no reasons to fire any of them (except maybe Gideon, but he was quiting anyway so I'm not counting him) or keep them from being promoted.

Every member of the team has things that still affect them in PTSD fashion. Some of them have stuff that is never mentioned, but it's still there. (The two I'm talking about are Emily and JJ. They each have relatively-small things to stress about [Revelations, Demonology, Minimal Loss] but these things were, in JJ's case, minor things that never went past season two, and, in Emily's case, things that should've caused more issues but never did.) The only team member that at the moment is completely fine is Rossi. He had issues, but they pretty much all went away in Damaged. He might have had a small issue in Zoe's Reprise, but that was more of an immediate-response guilt-trip than PTSD, and that never went past the episode anyway.

That's actually part of the reason that I kind of hope that the TokenInjury this season is Rossi. (Yes, Reid and Hotch have both been injured, but that's 1) Real Life Kills Everyone and 2) Finale Cliffhanger Resolution.) Dave's been just too damn safe for being on this show almost two full seasons now. :lol:
Well thing is I think Strauss was talking about the team, I mean think about it as we know Hotch and Emily weren't suppost to be there.
Garcia lied to Hotch about their transferes and the file that "JJ told her (but didn't) to give him" not to mention the way Garcia answered the phone that time lol,
JJ for questioning her when she reprimanded the cop for not bringing them in sooner,
Morgan for making it clear he didn't like what was happening.
Reid for being smarter then her and Gideon like you said MIA.

Strauss was power hungry she thrived on the fact that and the actress Jayne Atkinson played that part well. Though she was only on for five eps and never seen again after the season three, ep six "About Face" When Rossi was being intro'd.

Hmm reading they say that the character SSA David Rossi's name was chosen by Joe Mantegna in tribute to a Los Angeles police officer who testified in the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995. Now that is interesting.

Remember this scene.
Section Chief Strauss: I really don't understand this, David.
Rossi: What's to understand, Erin?
Section Chief Strauss: You've been retired for nearly 10 years.
Rossi: BAU has a man down, I'm offering to help.
Section Chief Strauss: You've written... how many books? World tours, speaking engagements, big payday private consultations. You've made quite a name for yourself.
Rossi: Well, this is getting boring.
Section Chief Strauss: You know you won't be in charge. Agent Hotchner's the second. I'll be seeking his endorsement.
Rossi: I'm not looking for anyone's permission here.
Section Chief Strauss: So you're coming in... in a subordinate position?
Rossi: Is that a question?
Section Chief Strauss: The question is, why?
Rossi: To help.
Section Chief Strauss: A completely selfless act.
Rossi: That so hard to believe?
Section Chief Strauss: Yes.
Rossi: I missed you too... Erin.
:lol: :lol:
I recently became a huge fan of Criminal Minds. I'm still getting caught up on the episodes, but I have seen most of season 1 and 2, and I saw the season 5 premiere. I've watched mostly all the really "team-signifigant" episodes.

I love Reid and Hotchner. I loved Gideon, too. I was sad to learn that he the actor left the show.

I haven't really looked around for a good site with spoilers. Does anyone have some general season spoilers for me? Pretty please?
DeShadowSeeker, we had a family tree that Ithougth worked pretty well, lol. But they are EXTREMELY family oriented. Only Leverage compares.

Awww, Alex, you are still Obsessive One. =P

Rossi needs to get hurt. Although, he takes care of everyone else, I guess. I don't know. He's been here two season and can't even get any PTSD Events? Not gonna fly.

I'll post more later. I'm getting yelled at to go to bed. =P
I haven't really looked around for a good site with spoilers. Does anyone have some general season spoilers for me? Pretty please?

I made a list of all the spoilers we've had so far. There hasn't been much, though.

Awww, Alex, you are still Obsessive One. =P

Rossi needs to get hurt. Although, he takes care of everyone else, I guess. I don't know. He's been here two season and can't even get any PTSD Events? Not gonna fly.

I'll post more later. I'm getting yelled at to go to bed. =P
1) Hee. Always will be, too, as long as I keep pulling episode titles out of thin air. :lol:

2) Rossi needs to get hurt if only because Hotch has been hurt at least twice and Rossi's been hurt zero times. We already know what happens if the leader of the team is out of comission (sp?). I'd like to know what happens when the unofficial-second-in-command gets taken out. Not that anything would happen to the team dynamic, but we'd be deprived of Rossi's method of FBIing, so we'd need someone to take over the Anger Management Yet Strangely Comforting role. *g*

3) Getting yelled at to go to bed? That sucks. My parents went to bed *checks watch* two hours ago. *laughs*

You know, I've never really thought about that conversation between Strauss and Rossi. She's kind of a bitch to him, honestly. I don't think I noticed it because I was still mad at her for trying to drag Em to the dark side. :lol:
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