Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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Rossi episode? *excitement*

It was pretty cool. Except he didn't look like Rossi because he was young and had no facial hair.
:lol: You know Rossi isn't really that old. But no facial hair? I can't watch it now, I'll be confused. *g*

So this would be the.... fourth Rossi episode? About Face, Damaged, Zoe's Reprise, and now Reckoner. Unless you count Masterpiece, but I don't count that one for much of anything Rossi-wise because it was all things that he could avoid in thirty seconds. *laughs* But this would really only be the second episode that actually deals with his life. (Okay, so I suppose Limelight could count as well. But all of Rossi's episodes are things that aren't really that focused on him, just deal with him [that probably doesn't make sense, but it does to me], so I'm allowed to be excited.)

I like New York episodes. They make me enjoy mocking CSI:NY by being cooler. :lol:
WOW:wtf: I recorded this one, but didn't get to watch it till last night, This show makes me so nervous a real nail biter. The serial killer again, the doctor who didn't remember anything till later, and Hotch missing, and found all messed up in the hospital, for also no reason The killer what a freak. I see that Reid has his hair longer, he's a cutie. So many twists and turns, mind boggling, baby girl with her comglomeration of mis-matchedjewerly:eek: she's a trip. Reid getting shot for no reason, that guy was so out of control. The poignant reunion with Hotch and his wife and little boy in the hospital, going into the witness protection program wow, so riveting~
*swoops in before thread drops closer to page 2*

Has anyone besides me noticed that on the CBS Criminal Minds page, Reid isn't on the background? Unless I'm blind, which is quite possible.

No new spoilers... I'm quite upset by this. I want at least a promo pic or two, jeez, way to hold out on me...
I think they might have just forgotten to put him there, because Garcia isn't there either...

RE: Nielsen rankings
Well, at least it's on there. That's got to be good for something. Although I must point out that it's tied with 60 Minutes, yet got more viewers. Thank you very much. *g* None of the other CSIs even made it onto that list. *is proud of favorite show*
My pleasure TC there is a site that has the top 20, I want to see where other shows like "COLD CASE' came in and the rest, I'll try and search for that, meanwhile it is in the top ten and that's good, but CSI #9, and it used to be #1 and how "Greys' Lobotomy" came in over it is hard to fathom~
Well, IMO CM should come above all, but I'm so incredibly biased that it's not even funny. :D

*eye twitch* I'm going to miss tomorrow's episode. My grandmother had better appreciate that I'm going to miss CM for her birthday party... (I'm joking; I love my grandmom. But not even cake will make me happy about missing CM.)
Well, IMO CM should come above all, but I'm so incredibly biased that it's not even funny. :D

*eye twitch* I'm going to miss tomorrow's episode. My grandmother had better appreciate that I'm going to miss CM for her birthday party... (I'm joking; I love my grandmom. But not even cake will make me happy about missing CM.)

TAPE OR RECORED IT girlfriend:confused: I've got so many shows already on my DVR, I've got to catch up CM was one and I finally saw it, BTW did you know Joe Mantegna played opposite Billy Petersen in "The Rat Pack" as Dean Martin good role, and Billy was JFK;)Have fun at grandma's~
I miss about every other episode because of my work schedule, I wish the CBS website would post the episodes.Those free sites always want you to download or install something and I don't trust them.
I don't have DVR and I can't seem to record without cable,so I rely on repeats and the DVDs.
I... may or may not have a way to watch it by Friday... even though I don't have a DVR... :shifty:

Either way, I won't be able to comment on it first-airing, which makes me sad. But we're surprising my gram for her 70th birthday, so I guess I shouldn't complain. It'll make me sound like a jerk. :lol:

I never understood why they didn't have CM on CBS's site or on iTunes. The back of the DVDs has a CBS logo as well as an ABC logo, so I've wondered if perhaps its a rights issue? W/e.
I wonder if they'll have the ep on CBS's website. If not, you might be able to watch it for free on fancast.

Unfortunately, CM has NO presence on, Hulu or Fancast. It's not even on So, I don't think it will be up. We really need to write CBS some nastygrams about that.

GRRR! That irks the hell out of me. Yes, I prefer watching on TV, but if I don't get the chance, or want to see something again, I like the option.


If you don't have DVR, Maybe bust out the VCR (antique and quaint, I know) and do it that way. I've done that before when I was taking classes on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Late commenting on last week's episode, but better late than never. I was excited about this episode and I feel let down. I was hoping they would find the man who attacked Hotch but they didn't and it looks like they won't for a while at least that's the impression I got after seeing the preview for this week's episode.
I think we catch him in the 100th episode. Which will be awesome.

VCRs aren't that antique... you're going to make me feel old. :lol: I see what I do. I might just try using the broken DVD-R that we have that almost never actually records. I don't have any VCR tapes, and I'm not even sure that they sell them anymore...
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