Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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VCRs aren't that antique... you're going to make me feel old. :lol: I see what I do. I might just try using the broken DVD-R that we have that almost never actually records. I don't have any VCR tapes, and I'm not even sure that they sell them anymore...

Don't feel bad. I was being a bit sarcastic. I actually still have a standard cable package hooked up through a VCR that's about 15 years old. Still does me fine. So I guess I'm the antique one here. ;)

I'm sure they sell videotapes at chain stores like Walgreens and Wal-mart. I've gotten them there recently when I've had to record stuff on class nights.
Yep, it's true. Hollyweird has run out of ideas. News from TV Guide online:

CBS Moving Ahead with Criminal Minds Spin-Off

Sep 30, 2009 09:32 AM ET
by Adam Bryant

CBS is prepping a Criminal Mindsspinoff for next season, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The new series will be created by Minds executive producers Ed Bernero and Chris Mundy.

Mundy will write the script for the spinoff, which will appear as an episode of Minds in the spring, a la NCIS-NCIS: Los Angeles last season. Details are still sparse, but the new show is expected to feature a new team of FBI agents, not existing characters.

CBS has been successful at this in the past. CSI begat two heavily watched spin-offs, and NCIS: Los Angeles was this season's highest-rated debut for a new drama.

The Criminal Minds spinoff was discussed in 2008, but CBS focused its energy on NCIS: Los Angeles. Minds returned strong this season, winning the night with 15.8 million viewers and its best rating ever in the coveted 18-to-49 demographic.
I think we catch him in the 100th episode. Which will be awesome.

VCRs aren't that antique... you're going to make me feel old. :lol: I see what I do. I might just try using the broken DVD-R that we have that almost never actually records. I don't have any VCR tapes, and I'm not even sure that they sell them anymore...

Certain stores still sell them. I bought some not too long ago. It's hard to find the 8hr ones though. :lol: But the 6 hour ones you can find at Walmart, Walgreen, etc. Don't bother looking for them at Best Buy though. I don't even think they sell VHS movies anymore. :lol:

About the spin-off... hmm... maybe they should use DB Sweeney's Marshall character as the lead. And it can be about FBI Marshalls instead of Profilers. If not, I've got a few ideas for the lead male character.... well some of the actors I'd love to see in one anyway. :lol:

Think Richard Dean Anderson would want to go back to doing a tv show? Or maybe Michael T. Weiss (aka The Pretender). The only thing MTW has done this year (according to imdb) is a voice in one episode of a Batman cartoon.
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I still use two VCRs because there are too many shows I like opposite each other. Whenever tapes wear out, I usually find 8-hour VHS tapes in a 5 or 6 pack at Amazon. WalMart usually just carries the 6 hour tapes these days, but a friend stocks up on 8 hour tapes at Sam's Club.
I know that I am late but have to say that I loved the season premiere.I didn't expected them to catch the reaper on this episode so I was not disappointed.And I sort of like that there is still a villain that can beat the team.. even if eventually he will be found.

I wanted more follow up on Reid and more team moments but overall was good.

And of course my love for Hotch is stronger then ever!!

I am not a big fan of spinoffs.But maybe becouse I am disappointed of the quality of Miami and new York now.
:lol: I got really excited when I saw the words "Criminal Minds" on my TweetDeck, and then I was supremely disappointed when all it said was "Spin-Off in works?" I was all ready for spoilers.

First off, I'm really glad that they're not stealing a character from CM to make this spinoff. This team is too well-structured at the moment, thank you very much. Secondly, I'm not sure if I'm happy about this. I'll watch it because double the CM means doubly happy Alex and even less of a life because who needs a life anyway, but I'm still not so sure. There seems to be only one BAU... so what would a spinoff be about? One of the lower divisions of the BAU, like the Crimes Against Children department from P911? I mean, if they decided to do something awesome like CM: London or CM: Toronto, I'd understand, but there seems to be only one BAU in the States and nobody does out-of-country spinoffs, so... what are they going to do?
I still use two VCRs because there are too many shows I like opposite each other. Whenever tapes wear out, I usually find 8-hour VHS tapes in a 5 or 6 pack at Amazon. WalMart usually just carries the 6 hour tapes these days, but a friend stocks up on 8 hour tapes at Sam's Club.

Me too Dynamo1 I do get mine although at Wal-Mart, the 6 hour one, but with the DVR, it's magical, so glad I have it. I got a great deal from Time Warner. But last week it didn't record for some reason so I re-watched "Family Affair" on the no commericals. I will probably record "CM" tonight and watch it at my convenience~
I think we catch him in the 100th episode. Which will be awesome.

VCRs aren't that antique... you're going to make me feel old. :lol: I see what I do. I might just try using the broken DVD-R that we have that almost never actually records. I don't have any VCR tapes, and I'm not even sure that they sell them anymore...

Don't feel bad, I still use my VCR and I always buy VCR tapes. Dollar store sells them and Walmart. Thanks for the spoiler!

Cool I didn't know that a spin off was in the works.
Reid and Garcia with the cookies cracked me up.

Reid: I get shot in the leg and I don't get a cookie? :lol:

How come it never shows anyone lock their doors on tv? :lol:

Did JJ change her hair? It looks different as does her makeup.

Hey, the cop's Sheriff Brian Mosley (or something like that) from CSI. :)

Unsub is Sean Patrick Flannery. I knew he looked familiar.

Snippy Hotch.

This unsub needs to be in a mental hospital.

I like how Call smiled at the kids like "you're safe now".

How can Hotch stay in the place where he was attacked? I'd have to move.

Something odd about how much Emily's concerned. Me thinks she has a thing for Hotch. :lol:
^I do use VCR to watch old movies, but I don't think you get to buy tapes (so you can tape) from anywhere....

As for spinnoff.. I don't know are they creating those, so they have something to continue with when the old one cannot live anymore :p of course there is success like CSIs, but so far by two episodes NCIS:LA will fail, even it's not copy - it still doesn't have the same touch than the original. L&O - two working spinnoffs, one fail.

as for the CM, hee, what a great episode. IMO better than the premiere :D And Hotch looks for trouble, and I am sure he'll find those before catching the Reaper.
You know that DVD-R I said was broken? On a whim I programmed it to record from 8:58 to 10:05. And it did. I love technology. My notes:

~Twitchy guy. Poor sales clerk. And poor innocent bystanders.
~“What if he’s got PTSD?” Everyone on that team has PTSD, Morgan. Just admit it.
~Reid! I was worried that with Matt’s injury he just wouldn’t be on the show for a while. And I love the thing with the cookies.
~JJ changed her hair! Although this one is explainable and over a period of time (34 days, thank you Dave.) I think Garcia’s hair is different, too, but hers changes a lot.
~Note the alarm.
~QUOTE! I missed thee, quotes. And yes, I know that you were only missing for an episode. I was still sad.
~Reid’s not in the scene, but they’re using the blue gloves. I’m curious if they even carry regular latex gloves anymore.
~Oh, Hotch. Way to prove Morgan right, dude. And if you take your anger out on Garcia again I will be very mad at you.
~Poor doctor. He was being all helpful, too.
~Once again: Oh, Hotch.
~“I missed the signs.” “We all did.” Listen to Emily, Hotch. She’s right and you know it.
~Dave… you just doubted Garcia. There’s a point, but still. Come on now.
~Well, good news is that he probably won’t hurt the kid. Probably.
~Emily and Dave agreeing with Hotch and then questioning him is nice in a way. And I suppose that Hotch is at least applying his PTSD to the current case…
~Garcia pwned Rossi without actually mentioning it. Ha.
~Dead wives with sons and husbands with pickup trucks… that sounds like it shouldn’t be that easy to narrow down.
~I like that even though Emily cut her hair, it still looks good pulled up.
~“We have to trust him.” I’m really very, very glad that Dave can let Hotch save someone.
~Hotch wins by getting the kid out.
~Is it weird that I was amused that Emily talked to Dave through the mike even though they were just standing on opposite sides of an SUV?
~I liked the wince there. The “oh shit” wince when the gunshots go off.
~I like the smile. It’s over for him now.

Rossi episode! Squee. And I see that it’s Dave’s turn to blame himself for something. Is Hotch going to hand him his gun? *smirk*

I too was curious about Emily's concern. I think it's just the way she is. She has to make sure that the others are okay. We've seen it with every single member of the team at one time or another.

My Review... although things I write are generally stupid, because I have non-existent analyzing skills. *laughs*
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I have become really addicted to this show. It's almost my favorite show.

I really didn't think they would have something so horrible happen to Hotch in the premiere. After the ep was over I felt really lousy as if it had happened to a real person.
Team interaction was great. I love how Emily and Morgan were so worried about Hotch. Garcia's cookies were such a sweet gesture. Hotch made me so nervous when he went in the house with the Unsub. I loved the sepia tones of the flashbacks of the Unsub's childhood. My favorite cases are the ones where you can feel sympathetic toward the Unsub's so that was great.

I'm glad someone wrote down who was playing the killer this week, I was wracking my brain all throughout the episode trying to figure out who he is. He looked really familiar.

Next episode looks interesting, Wednesday can't get here fast enough.
What a friggin' nail biter, I was a nervous wreck, That serial killer was the worst one I think ever, what a freak:klingon: Scary, killing people at random, and the team forging on the get him. kidnapping the poor little kid and had him in horror mode. The nervous tick so beliveable, The actor who portrayed him was great. Great riveting ep.:bolian:
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