Crazy Caption Contest

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I love the prayer one!!!

Mac: No.
Danny: Pleeeeeeeeease.
Mac: No.
Danny: Why not?
Mac: Because I said so.
Danny: But Maaa-aaac!
Aight, time for a new pic then, peeps!

:D :D :D

Hawkes: Hey, what's this doing in Mac's desk?

Hawkes: Either someone's hiding something inside this thing or the bear's just happy to see me...
Stella (OS): Hawkes, why are you pointing the light at the bear's you-know-where?

Hawes: I was just...

Stella: (Looks shocked) That poor thing. Have some respect, Hawkes!
Hawkes: OK, someone tell me which of the writers has been watching too much "Angel"...I mean, how else would they get the idea of turning Mac into a stuffed toy? (to Mac) Don't worry, it'll wear off in a day or so....then how about you and me go after some writers?

I love greekies for the other one!
Hawkes: Come on, admit it, I am so hotter than you
Mac: Are not!
Hawkes: Am to!
Danny:(os)Oh quiet, you both know I'm hotter than both of you.
Okay guys! This is my first try at captioning, so here goes...

Hawkes: *sighs* No Danny, the bear is not anatomically correct.
Hawkes: I could never do those shadow puppets with my hands. I'll just hold this bear up and...
Hawkes (in deep voice): Only YOU can prevent forest fires.
Hawkes (in another voice): Hey, Boo Boo, I'm Yogi Bear.
Hawkes: Stella told me this was from Mac... Gasp! Why did the luminol show up? (Though this caption is not correct, heehee. *apologies*)

Hakwes: Upon further examination, I can conclude that this is not Mr. Snookums.
Danny (os): NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mac: (OS) Hawkes? What are you doing with that bear?
Hawkes: Looking for signs of your relationship with Stella.
Hawkes: Uh-oh, I'd better put Mr. Teddy back in my locker before anyone else realizes that I can't be in a different building from this bear. Honestly, I have got to wean myself from this dumb teddy bear. I've had it since I was an infant. *sobs* Oh, Mr. Teddy, I'm sorry! I love you, I really do! But I'm just too old for you! *breaks down crying*

Danny (O.S.): Hawkes, WTF is wrong with you?

Hawkes: (thinking) Crap, this is not good. (aloud) Uh, nothing... just my allergies acting up... uh, yeah.

Danny: In December? :rolleyes:
Hawkes: Under further examination I...(looks away) OMG Danny! Lindsay! What are they doing?! Look away...look away...Noooooooooooo!
Hawkes: For the last time, Danny. This is evidence. You canNOT have it for your afternoon nap!
Danny (offscreen): But Haaawkes!

Hawkes: *thinking* If I destroy this one the teddys will stop attacking me, look at them whith there evil beedy eyes and fake stich smile.
Danny: What are you doing whith Mr Teddy
Hawkes: Um I.. um
Danny: You better not be trying to sacrafice him again
Hawkes: no problem whith teddys *runs away*
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