Crazy Caption Contest

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Mac: Alas, poor Yorrick. I knew him, Horatio.
Stella (off screen): Horatio went back to Miami. Now quit the Shakespeare and get back to the case.
The picture was changed to a link--remember, only post images from your own sites, otherwise it's hotlinking and that's not allowed. Thanks!
LOL Dynamo, I love yours!

Mac: Maybe if I practice, Stella will be more impressed with my next kiss.

Mac: Shouldn't we call in the anthropologists for a bone case?
Stella: I know, you just want to flirt with Dr. Brennan.

Mac: Neck swelling, black skin, snot....*drops bust and notes* It's captain trips, I knew there was a reason I couldn't touch the body! run for your lives!!!
Stella: You watch too many movies, you know that right?

Mac: I really wish management would put out the money for a holodeck. Or maybe I should just go work at the Jeffersonian instead.

Mac: Other than makeup or a facial defect, I can't explain this appearance....I've heard of real-life vampires but they usually use willing donors....(looks behind) Oh, hi, glad you're all right. How's your neck?
Stella:, let me show you *bites him*

Mac: Hm...."Mac loves Stella..." Okay, who's the wise guy?
Mac: Hey, who wrote "Mac is totally hot and sexy" on here? Someone's gonna pay!
Mac: Don't worry, Mr Mannequin Head. I won't let my mom throw you out like she did with Mr Potato Head. Now let me try out these eyebrows on you.
I guess I could give y'all a new pic, then, huh?


My caption to that:

Hawkes: Hey, Danny, I like your hair."
Danny (in a cocky tone): I know you do.

I got that quote from Joe and Mike of Linkin Park. The most hilarious guys in the band.
Hawkes: Danny, is there a reason you're walking funny?

Danny: Hawkes I'm trying to work here. (thinking) Flack is so going to pay later . . .
^I love both of those!!! :D :D :D

Hawkes: *thinking* If I grab Danny's ass, how badly will Flack pummel me? It just might be worth it...

Hawkes: (thinking) Oh that is just nasty! (Speaking) Hey Messer, you, uh... you should really think about using some serious dandruff shampoo... there's enough white stuff on your shoulders to host the Winter Olympics, and you're leaving a trail of stuff down the hall.

Danny: (very snarkily) Well look at it this way: if we get lost in the lab, we'll be able to find our way home.
Hawkes: Hey, Messer did you know your pants are ripped in the back?

Hawkes: Eww, there are bug guts on your shoe!

Hawkes: You do know you stepped in dog poop out there, don't you?
Danny: You mean you didn't just fart?
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