Crazy Caption Contest

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Pfff... :lol: *burst into laughter* That is a good one awesomepossum :lol:

Stella: quick get in here, before Mac spots us
Mac: *off camera* Hey, where are you two going? You better be getting my cheese pizza otherwise I'm gonna be mad and you don't like me when I'm mad.
Hawkes: Dammit Stella you just had to wear those heels. Now everyone can hear you when you walk down the halls.
Stella: Hey, I'm female and I can't help it. Besides, this is the only outfit that goes with them.
Mac: *off camera* Less talking more walking!
MAC: Stella? Hawkes? What are you two up to?

HAWKES: (To Stella) Uh-oh... ACt Natural...

STELLA: (To MAc) Nothing's going on, Mac... Hawkes and I weren't making out...

MAC: WHat the...?

HAWKES: Stella!!

Time for a new pic...

Danny: See Flack I knew it was you who drank my coffee. I lifted your fingerprint off the mug!
Flack: *off camera* Of course it was me. I'm the only one here you wack job!
Danny: I know but I wanted it to be fun.
Okay, here' my cap:

DANNY: *thinking* This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine...
*Danny starts humming*
STELLA: Danny, are you singing "This Little Light of Mine?"
DANNY: Huh? No.
Hi, everyone. Long time...reader? First time player.

DANNY: But-I don’t get it...he said if I shone the light on the print, a magic pony would appear and grant me three wishes!

STELLA: *stares disbelievingly* At least you have your looks...
Hi, everyone. Long time...reader? First time player.

DANNY: But-I don’t get it...he said if I shone the light on the print, a magic pony would appear and grant me three wishes!

STELLA: *stares disbelievingly* At least you have your looks...

Loved the whole "good looks"

Can I get another amen?

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