Crazy Caption Contest

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Stella: *baby voice* If you're a good wittle CSI, Mommy Stella will bwing you out to the playground to play with other kids, alright?

Hawkes: *thinks* If being a CSI turns out like that, I'd go back to the morgue!
^What, that is so not true. Nobody here is better then one another. If you read all the posts that I've written in this thread you'll notice that the majority of them aren't that funny and good. But really, I don't care if everybody doesn't laugh. I just post for the heck of it. Nobody here is a Jerry Seinfeld so don't beat up on yourself. C'mon, let's see what you have to come up with. I'm sure it rocks!
Stella: Awww Hawkes you are so adorable I just want to eat you up.
Hawkes: Damn woman what the hell. Are you on crack or something?
Stella: *hic* No. I think it's from all that ouzo in the baklava.

:lol: Funniest pic of Stella EVER!

I imagine Stella to be drunk in this...
Stella: *baby voice* If you're a good wittle CSI, Mommy Stella will bwing you out to the playground to play with other kids, alright?

Hawkes: *thinks* If being a CSI turns out like that, I'd go back to the morgue!

Really funny...
I'm in the mood to change the pic...

*Sorry 'bout the previous one... the others couldn't see it)


Sorry again, peeps!
Thanks :D!

Hawkes: You say shit like that to me again and I'll twist your neck like this.
Danny Woah slow down I was kidding.
Hawkes: You better...haha I was just kidding too. The look on your face was priceles man.
Stella: *off camera* I think someone wet themselves heh heh.
OMG wtf is Hawkes holding?!?! That looks like something you'd get at an... *ahem*... "adult" store... LOL.

Danny: DUDE Hawkes what the hell is that???

Hawkes: IIIII am the DILDO ZOMBIEEEEEE... I have come to take your SOUUULLL...

[is that appropriate?]
Hawkes: Yeah, so he was really pissing me off so I went like this... and so that's why he's in here. *under breath* I just hope Mac doesn't find out I did it.

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