Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)

only the Aussies will understand this, but my favourite ad is the Carlton Draught 'it's a big ad' ad...its absolutely hilarious :lol:
I've got a stuffed Taco Bell Chiahuahua.
My brother bought the Crazy Frog CD and made me listen to it as a form of torture.
Aaannnddd...If my grandma was walking around in a bikini, married to a man, like, half her age, I would try my hardest to get a new grandma.
The end.
I have to admit, I cried at a commercial once. In my defense, it was Hallmark -- those guys are ruthless. It basically surrounded this old lady who went out to her mailbox every day and never got any mail. So the across-the-street neighbors gave her a Hallmark card and then she was so happy and they got together and had tea and cookies or something. When you care enough to send the very best. ;)
Another funny one is the one where its raining beer! :lol: and the Magic Fridge one is great too. :lol: I see those 2 all the time on SpikeTV while watching CSI reruns~ :D
I hate the KFC commercials where the families don't know what a family dinner is...mostly because I'm afraid that there are people like that...
cfar said:
I hate the KFC commercials where the families don't know what a family dinner is...mostly because I'm afraid that there are people like that...

Yeah I am afraid there are. :(

araSgerG I like your avatar. I love that comic strip.
I love the baugette comerical. The guy is speaking French and the captions are way off. In the end he smells the bread and says Bibliotheque! and the capions say Delicious when he really said Library. The entire commerical is like that.
LoneWolf13 said:
I completely forgot about the Gnome! He is so awesome :D I like the one where he is on a flying chair trying to tell customers that the pool is closed at their hotel and he ends up in the stadium lights :lol:

:lol: I also like the one when that couple is on their honeymoon and he's like following them! :lol:
iluvEricSzmanda said:
Another funny one is the one where its raining beer! :lol: and the Magic Fridge one is great too. :lol: I see those 2 all the time on SpikeTV while watching CSI reruns~ :D
Krystal I LOVE those ones especially the magic Fridge one
Awwwwrighhht! Magic fridge rules!

And Get Fuzzy rules, right Missing?
How about the Burger King commercial for the "Kong-Sized" Whopper? The lady doesn't know what it is outside and screams and then realizes that it's "the king" and stops screaming. Dude, if I saw that plastic-mask headed freak outside my window I would scream twice as least King Kong had being a monkey going for him, "the king"'s just scary...and apparently very lonely, cuz don't you wanna "Wake up with the king?"...Yeah, no...definately no...never...never ever ever ever...oooh, that's an easy word to type ever ever ever...
Oh... annoying commercials.
car commercials. First one is Renault where they do that NCAP crashtest but instead of cars there's first a sausage and then sushi... kind of presenting German cars and japanese cars..

And another one.. I don't remember is it Audi's commercial. First there's people touching skin and then you get text "You know the feeling" and that car on the road.

Hesburger (Finnish version of McDonalds... tho 100 times better place :D ) has had lately annoying commercials. Seriously the dude with curly hair is annoying.
i love the one whereit is raining beer!...i'm not sure if we're talking about the same ad considering i live in Australia, but we have one where it's raining beer also..and its hilarious!
DO you guys remembr the comercial where it was like the little girl and her mom and it seems like their in jail visiting room:

girl: "When are you gonna get out of here"
Mom: "In a while, i have to get back"
*The mom goes down and she's cleaning the batheroon*
gilr: "I love you momma"
mom: "I love you too baby"

I thought that was lame a laugh at first but really lame :D