Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)


CSI Level One
As is the case with many of my topics, if this has been done already, let me know. I did two searches this time and didn't find anything like it, so there :p

TV commercials. They're a part of your life if you've watched more than 10 minutes of TV ever. There have been some good ones, and some very, VERY bad ones. So share your favorites (and least favorites).

I like the Geico commercials. The ones with the gecko are OK, but I really liked the one with the squirrel crossing the road, and it looks like a car is going to hit it, but swerves at the last second (I think you can hear it crash into something). The squirrel is off to the side of the road with another squirrel, and they start high-fiving each other. I SWEAR that's what squirrels do!

There was this other one I saw while my parents were watching NASCAR recently. There's this driver (Karl Edwards I believe) that when he wins a race he backflips off the car. Well, this other driver (Mark Martin) has some guy put on one of his racing uniforms, and do a bunch of backflips in a row, landing behind a pile of tires. Then you see Mark Martin stand up in back of the tires, and everyone starts cheering. :p

There are so many commercials I just roll my eyes at. The new Milky Way commercial is one of them, with the woman in the Milky Way wrapper. "Why so blue, panda bear?" :mad: The ones for Axe body spray are kinda dumb too. "The Order of the Serpentine?" :rolleyes:
I like some of the comercials they show in movie theaters. When I go to the movies with some of my friends they always make me get there really early(I have no clue why) so I always see and I would have to say my favorite is the comerical when scientists are evaluating what is funny on TV and they do "a mime thats pretending to be in a box..or a mime that is actually in a box":D
I love the Budweiser commercials.

I like the new Jell-O commercial the one with the kid and cow doing the wiggle and jiggle dance.
Riesen commercial I hate. Seriously. It annoys me a lot.
Samewith that Coca-Cola Christmas commercials. Where that grandpa reads a story for a kid and ooooh those cocacola trucks come and blahblahblah.

Volkswagen has had great commercials :D Then one Finnish one was for Donald Duck comics. It was great. And same with Pepsi commercials.
These new Volkswagen commericals are hilarious! The one with the really stiff German man and he "pimps" out these peoples cars. I love those! :D
I used to love the Geico commericals like for instance when he was in the back of the van with the kids and started signing "everybody was kung fo fighting high ya!" but now...not so much.

But my favorite commerical ever is for haynes underwear were the apple is signing. I can't for the life of me remember how the song goes exactly right now but I know it goes soemthing like this. "in the cold kentucky run, but even tho his hamster died, he finds comfort this i swear, because you can't over love your underwear! cuz comfort ain't just found in teddy bears."

I dunno why I love that commerical. I just do and then it goes to like the editing room and the grape is like "that sure is a whole lot of apple."
I love most of the Jack In The Box commercials. Nice and smarta**ed, ust the way I like 'em. I also like the one, I can't even remember whether it's Sonic or Dairy Queen or one of those fast food places, where the guy is shaking the cow...I don't know what it is, the guy isn't spectactularly hot, it's a kind of a dumb commercial, but he "sells" it, he just puts so much earnestness into shaking this cow... :lol: Can't help myself, I like it. The new Washington Mutual ones are cute too...

I can't stand most commercials, though. And I agree, the Axe "Order of the Serpentine" spots are dense. Even my husband responds to those like, "WTF?!?!" And the NBA spots with Ali G have to go bye-bye. I already live in a city rampant with sad, clueless people who think they're hip/smart/hot...give us back the "Trophy Love" spots from last season, those were funny!!!
yeah those commericals get on my nerves to. yeah let's shove a guy threw mud and then make his teeth all white and shiny! :rolleyes:
Hey, I actually like the Orbit commercials :)

korbjaeger reminded me of that Sonic commercial where the guy and the girl are sitting in the car and the guy is going on and on about how "he knows all about bacon because being a man it's encoded in his DNA." And the girl is like "I have things encoded in my DNA too, like I can tell when you're full of it." LMAO :lol:

BTW, korbjaeger, sorry I don't know which one that commercial was for, but it strikes me as something DQ would do. :p I kinda like the WaMu ones too.
I love the Staples commercial with the "copy cat" because they can't afford a copier machine they show a cat painting a pie chart with it's paws. I squee everytime it is so cute :D