Conquences: The Trial

Lindsay looks back at Sofia and smiles.

She leans a little over to her and asks, "Did I give you your invitation?"

Lindsay was just as worried as flack and sofia, but shes trying hard to not let it affect her like it did this morning.
As she smiles at Sofia, her hand flies up to her head as a wave of dizzines overcomes her. 'Maybe it's just hunger...' she thinks, 'Or maybe I really am pregnant....' She blinks a couple of times as she sways slightly.
Catherine got up. She had never attended such a short hearing.
Delko was really a great actor, she thought.
"We have an appointment, Linds. I have this huge hamburger waiting for me, and franly...I'm starving"
{Sorry Guys, Had to do the birthday thing, lol, thanks you guys}

Stella sighed as she finally reached the floor, Thank god Mac gave her directions, she hoped she didn't miss anything, or Mac would have her head. She looked at the directions again on the paper, It was the wrong floor and wrong room number, 'How in the hell did she get the wrong one?' She knew she should've just road over with Mac. She hoped he wouldn't be to mad at her, and hoped that Lindsay was okay.
About a million thoughts were running through Horatio's head. The names of the people he let die interrupted his thought process.

'There was no way-- Marisol-- there was no way they could lose this case-- Speedle. Eric hurt Calleigh, he put-- Raymond-- a gun to her head. That was unexcusable-- Mom,' he rubbed the bridge of his nose, defeated. He broke away from Calleigh and walked to the bathroom. He rubbed his shoulder where Eric had shot him. Then, he leaned against the sink, looking at himself in the mirror, he felt so tired, when Delko walked in.
Flack looked between the CSI's, Delko and his attorney and Sofia, and frowned.
"Something tells me that this is no0t going to be as open and shut as I thought." He sighed and hugged Sofia tightly.
"No, he can't get away with it, we're all eyewitnesses, and why would we lie, most of us didn't even know Eric." He rubbed his eyes wearily and sighed again.
"I think we should all go grab a bite to eat, then hit the sack, because Im so tired, and I'd hate to fall asleep in the middle of the trial!" He managed a weak grin, and then pulled Sofia close to him.

((Man, Im sorry Im so late guys, You miss a day you miss a lot huh? Phew! :eek:))
"You got lucky...although I'm still not happy. The judge granted a 24hr recess because Delko said he was sick. I think he was faking. I'm still a little worried about LIndsay, she was having a panic attack of sorts until a couple minutes ago. She's really scared."
Lindsay smiles at Catherine. "I am so hungry, I could eat a horse!" She giggles as She and Danny got up, Danny supporting her weight.

She was scared to death about the fact Delko wasn't going back to jail for the night ot await the next day of his trial. Shes supposed to be this strong woman from the country, and independant who can pull her own weight......but......It's not really owrking. When They get up, she lightly runs her fingers along the small scar from where her wound was from Delko throwing her in the hell room.
(sorry about the short post lol)
Flack stood next to Sofia and looked over Lindsey with a look of concern.
"Are you OK? Do you guys need a lift or anything, my cars out front if ya want."
With her hand still tracing the scar on her head, she mumbles with a lsightly shaky voice, "Yeah, we're ok Flack. Thanks for being so caring, I honestly don't know, besides beating my poor Danny up, what I'd do without you" She smiles and hugs flack gently.
sofia looked at lindsey. 'yeah, you did gave me your invitation, it fell on the ground when you hugged us, but, i picked it up, thanks for inviting me, it means a lot to me..' she was concerned though about lindsey, because of this whole trial. if delko wasn't put in jail, she'd draw her gun and shoot him. or at least, that was what she wanted. 'hey flack, can we go eat something? what do you prefer, hamburger, or something more healthy?', she laughed to flack, while looking at him with her most flirty look.
Catherine squeezes Warrick's shoulder, as he's still sitting on the bench.
"Shall we go?"
Then she notices Delko's attorney entering the room, without her client. Where was Eric?
"That's cool, I'll be wanting to talk to you, Catherine, Sara, Calleigh, Stella & Mac later though......" She flashes a small smile, not giving away much.

(sucky short post lol)
((People keep forgetting about H... :lol:))

Horatio stood up slowly as Delko entered the restroom. He was sure that Eric had feigned sickness in the courtroom. He stood up straight, waiting for him to make a move, slowly putting his right hand on his gun, ready for any of the stunts Delko might try to pull.

((Oh!! I updated my fic, Kidnapped, in case anyone from the RP was following it. :) Hope you like it. ))
((Oh My Gosh, yeah! I'll ask about him now, poor H!!! *Sorry Horatio, we didn't mean to!!!* :eek:))

Flack smiled back down Sofia and chuckled.
"Yeah right, healthy! Lets go get a burger, which can be healthy, its got those green pickle things and lettuce and things!" He laughed and hugged Lindsey back.
"Hey don't worry about it....Hang on, isn't that Eric's attorney? Where's Eric? And, aren't we one CSI down? Where's," he stopped for a second, surveying everyone, counting up, "Horatio, where did he go?"

((BTW, ChristineCaine? I love your fic, update again soon!!!))
Delko eyed Haratio up. He wanted so bad to make his move then and there. He knew that he could take Haratio out before anyone else could interfere. However, there was something he felt inside that stopped him. Something that perhaps would be stronger than his hatred for Haratio. His feelings for Alyssa. He found that he wanted to get out of this situation so that he could be with Alyssa. He found himself becoming more and more infatuated.
"Haratio I find myself between a rock and hard place. Remember this, if I am convicted your world will be turned upside down. However if I get off, then you won't hear from me again. I am feeling something much stronger than my hatred for you. Besides I saw what happened to you after we last spoke. I think you finally realize what I said is true. So you living with a lifetime of heartache is better than anything else."