Complaints anyone? **possible spoilers**

I know I'm going to be a solitary voice here, but I don't agree that Horatio doesn't do anything. He is often the main interrogator, he provides emotional support for the victims/their familes and supervises.

I would like to see him back in the lab more, collecting evidence and being there for his team, but to say he does nothing is, in my opinion, inaccurate and a bit of a cheap shot.
Oooh... a venting thread. Me likes.

I voted "other"

First... Speed has been dead over a year now. Be fans, miss him, but is his death reason to hate the show? Perhaps for his fans it feels worse... but if I'd feel so bad about character leaving. I'd stop watching the show instead whine every week that "why he wasn't mentioned". But that's just me. I hate Idols and oh wow, I don't watch it. I hate O.C. gee, I don't watch it either. I agree, Wolfe was terrible in season 3 but now season 4 he is like a new Wolfe :D

Newsflash: Speed is not coming back, no matter how much you want it

Calleigh. I do miss her being cheerful, but I see her as great CSI who gets her job done and she simply kicks ass.

Eric. Well, I dislike that character in general and him as a character annoys the hell out of me, as much as Sara and Greg does in LV. Of course it feels bit odd that everytime Eric gets storyline, he's always in trouble :lol:

H. For two seasons creating a storyline and in one episode it all goes "PUFF" and they create whole new background for him. They should have sticked with what they had already created. I also miss him doing labwork, but interrogation etc. takes too much time. Of course he does something now and then. But give him that white lab coat sometimes!

Snake Lady. We really don't need cold case person there. We new enough fresh bodies and what Miami would need is female CSI. I think it's the biggest complaint for the show this season.

The reason why I didn't like season 1 is that in fact, there H had to tell other CSIs what to do next. Rest of the seasons... characters have actually known what they do without H telling them all the time "and next we do this"
DaWacko, I have to agree with nearly all of that.

As for H doing nothing, I think I am watching a different show. Just because he's not pulling on gloves very often, doesn't mean he does nothing. Like Lucy said, there's the interrogations for one. He just kicks ass so well in those. :devil: That's still work. He deals with the authorities, he supervises, and most importantly, he is there for the victims and their families. That's a pretty important role to play and DC plays compassionate so very well.

Also, I've seen Calleigh smile quite alot this season. Granted, not as much as before, but she still smiles.

Eric's story will have a positive resolution I think.

I haven't made up my mind about Natalia yet, but yes, I too would love to see another female CSI on the team.

I love that it's often all about H so I can't complain about that! :D

My main complaint would be the writing and H's past in NY. He already had an interesting past. So much more could have been done with that if only the writers had some sense of creativity.

As for Ryan, I'm liking him more and more as time goes on.
I miss the humor. In the first two seasons there would always be a couple of snarky one-liners, but the show is taking itself so seriously this season, there's been no humor whatsoever.

I am really disturbed the by the fact that the writers feel they can put characters through the ringer and then ignore the fallout of it. Calleigh loses a co-worker, her dad is back on the bottle, she has a gun pointed at her head, her ex blows his brains out in front of her and she quits a job that she one season. And there is absolutely no follow-up to these major events, it's like the writers would rather forget it happened then write scene or two to allow the character to process what happened to her. And if she's smiling again, okay, why is she smiling again after having these major life changing events happen to her? Did she go to therapy off-screen, is she on the bottle too, is she on uppers, did she just shut down--a little follow-up besides half a line saying she quit her job in the premiere isn't enough.

Every time Eric gets a story it's about him screwing up. When did he get to be that guy? How has he not lost his job yet?

There is no reason for Natalia Boa Vista to be on the show. Cold cases? That's nice if the show worked on cold cases but they don't. She doesn't add anything to the show or storylines. Just one extra character to take up airtime and development from the sparse amount alloted to non-Horatio characters as it is.

Too much Horatio story and backstory and reaction shots period but I've kinda come to realize that's never changing.

The show feels like it changed direction mid-stream this season and I'm not sure why. The show is so dark and takes itself way too seriously and there's a chill in the air between all of the CSI's this season that has yet to be explained. It's like they're all strangers but everyone acts like this is business as usual and nothing is off.
I don't like the whole Eric drug storyline
and what's happening between him and ryan.
since when does he have trust problems???
Okay..more time to fume anyone??

CSI:Miami is a CRIME DRAMA. Yes, we're seeing plenty of drama but what happened to the CRIME aspect of it?? It seems the cases are just getting in the way of everything that's happening. And I just want to make an observation here, but does it seem to anyone else that the interrogations last forever?? They get kind of boring if every 5 minutes someone is sitting in the hotseat, and it has nothing to do with the cases, unless it's the murderer. Okay, yeah they need to interrogate people to find the murderer, but it just drags on and on. Let's get in the lab for more than 10 seconds, and figure this baby out without all the talking for one person for 45 minutes. Okay, yes, some people like the interrogations, and they play in important role in the case's and the show's development as and episode but.....I WANT MORE LAB. (Yes I am acting like a two-year old :lol: )

I had actually originally written something above about the whole "Speed" thing, but I don't want to dwell on it forever. We all know how I feel about it.
I want to see Yelina and Tyler back. They contributed so much to the show. Also, that is one of the many complaints I have of the show so far this season. :)
Why do they feel the need to snatch characters away??? Do they realize that fans get attached to the characters and that inadverdently they watch the show to see that certian someone? I think that the writers should take a moment to gather themselves out of the funk that they have written themselves into and fix these characters!!!!!! And stop adding characters if they won't serve a purpose. I mean, Boa Vista is smart and well observant, but really, since when did Miami Dade start focusing on cold cases???? Is this another contrived plot that they just snatched out of thin air??? I hope that they will start using her more...
Try the first three options..

Why the hell is everyone so depressed and why are they bitching to each other? I miss the group dynamic.
The depressing things that happen to the characters are simply not believable anymore
-Horatio's brother that suddenly came to life
-His secret love went with him
-His niece has got cancer.
-His girlfriend got killed.
-He has a former enemy that now wants to screw up his life.
-He presumably killed someone in the past, which causes him to have trauma's nowadays.
-Lost one of his CSI's last year, under his supervision.

-Calleigh's ex-boyfriend killed himself
-A good friend and collague of her got killed

-Delko is depressed because of the death of his close friend.
-Starts using drugs.
-He argues a lot with his collague.

-Ryan argues a lot with his collague
-He will get the 'thingy' in his 'thingy' in monday's episode.

Oh my god, drama drama drama!!!!!!!!!

Episode stories
Way too much action based. A lot of fake maffia gangs, drugs, sex, jealousy. What ever happened to a normal plain story?

Storylines, I basically got that all summened up above.

What happened to my dear CSI: Miami??
If things will continue like this, it might as well be Miami's last season if it's up to me. Things will only get worse, I think.
Very, very well put across Fabian. I wish you could put that in writing to TPTB! It would be so great if someone affiliated with the show read this thread. Thanks speed_cochrane for starting it off. Inspired idea, and it's good to have an 'I would like to get this off my chest' thread! ;)

Just one thing...

**Possible spoiler**
I think the whole Eric drugs thing is going to turn out to be a positive storyline for him. I think he's helping out a sick member of his family. If this turns out to be the case, I will give the writers credit for that at least.
....and Yelina Ducky. You forgot Yelina! :eek:

:eek: So now I did get caught pants down with two miniors! :eek:
(I'm sorry, I justlike that phrase even it works better when a guy says it)

so here we go..
writing Yelina off the show and giving her 0,0 screentime in season 3 was probably Miami's biggest mistake.
It's like TPTB couldn't wait for her to dissapear.

Yelina was always in the background. We never got to see things through her eyes, I hated that.