Starting at the beginning I thought that I was on the wrong channel, especially when the motorcycle cops were involved in the chase. As soon as the gun was tossed from the garbage truck window I knew this was the right show. The beginnging was a high point for me.
The case was a good one, Beth Brodrick made my evening by being the ex mob wife she is terrific in whatever she does. Her sheer shock as to what happened was a true motherly reaction. It was interesting to see how her son was interacting with all her husbands old friends and Jason didnt even notice it. Nice touch with yet another Wisconsin reference.
Warrick...dude you need to see the depaertment shrink. As for how he looks physically could very well be a reaction to the different meds that he's been taking. Some make people gain weight, while others make people lose weight. Though I do think he looks good, glad to see Gary wasn't afraid to do a shitless scene.
He made some interesting choices this ep, starting with letting his personal life effect his job. Yes he's upset about feeling disconneted from the team, but to let Tina effect it more isn't going to play well.
Not listening to Grissom at all is going to cost him as well. Saying he's being paid when he's hanging out in the strip club and Grissom finds him was the biggest fictional slap to the face he's ever had, also the biggest wake up call. Taking off with the stripper in the condition he was in was another bad move, now she's dead and he's going to be pointed at first. Looks like someone else is getting a bit of a vacation coming to him.
Moving on to other aspects, loved Nick being in Warrick's face about the pills and needing to get a handle on things. Also liked Nick being all over the lab with his work.
The club owner reminded me of Sweeny Todd with the barber chair torture, nice addition. But his size was also good for intimidatation and force that he used on people that needed to be put back in line.
Another nice moment was Greg firing the gun in the ballistics lab, even if Bobby wasn't there. Nice to see they heard the small cries that Greg needs to hand a gun more than just evidence. Though he said firing 4 and they only showed 2 being fired, the joys of continunity! But Greg did mention the book, so that's a good sign one of the writers was atleast paying attention!
I'm excited for next weeks ep to find out what happens. I give this one an 8/10.