Christmas's meaningless without you (smack)


Lab Technician
I 've been struggling with this story for over a month 'cause S5 is really discouraging. :( Anyway, I like to share since I've finished half of it. :)

Disclaim : I don't own any character of CSINY.

Christmas’s meaningless without you

Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright……
Somewhere out of the ward, people sang the beautiful song to celebrate Christmas Eve.
Inside the ward, Mac was sitting in a chair beside the bed, resting his head on his fisted hands. Nothing exited in his world except the person who lay in the bed. The one he cared most, Stella Bonersera. She has been lying there for over ten hours, all paled and motionlessly.
Someone knocked and opened the door. It was Lindsay.
“Mac, you OK? You should go home and try to have some sleep. I’ll call you if she woke up.”
“No. I wasn’t there for her then. I want to be here with her when she wakes up.” Mac bent forward and caressed Stella’s pale face.
“Mac, please don’t blame yourself for what had happened. Stella wouldn’t blame you either.”
Mac didn’t answer. His thought was back to four days ago.
Stella knocked on Mac’s apartment door. She was surprised when a beautiful blonde woman opened the door.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I…hmm…I…” Stella took a step backward to check the number.
“You didn’t get the wrong door. You must be Stella. Mac told me about you. I’m Jennifer Hanford, a friend of Mac.” The woman said cheerfully and extended a hand to Stella.
Stella took her hand automatically. “Oh! Hi!”
Stella didn’t know what else to say. She didn’t know Mac had company tonight. She just shook Jennifer’s hand and smile friendly. Then she took a closer look at Jennifer. She was about forty, had a pretty round face, two or three inches shorter than Stella.
Mac came up behind Jennifer. “Stella. What’s up?”
They looked like a couple answering the door. Stella felt she was an outsider.
Jennifer was amused to see Stella’s face changed from embarrassing to surprise to jealous in two minutes.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mac. I didn’t know you have company tonight. I was in the neighborhood. I thought you might want cannoli.” Stella handed Mac a paper bag.
“Thank you.” Mac took the bag. “This is Jennifer. She just came from Chicago today. We’re going out for dinner. You want to join us?”
“No, thanks. I already have dinner. Nice to meet you, Jennifer! So, see you tomorrow Mac.” Stella waved them goodbye. She left without hesitation.
“Oops. You didn’t clear her confusion. It might need some efforts to explain later.” Jennifer said.
“What confusion?” Mac was puzzled.
“You really don’t feel a thing? Or, you just don’t care?” Jennifer pouted. “She might think I’m your girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend or not, it wouldn’t bother her. She’s a very good friend.”
“Yeah, like you told me twenty five years ago. I’m sorry Jennifer, I like you but you’re just like a little sister to me.” Jennifer mimicked Mac’s tone.
Mac laughed. “You have to bring it up every time I see you, don’t you?”
“Do you know how much you did hurt me? That’s why I’m still single. I’m seeking for some compensation.” Jennifer said exaggeratedly.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go. You can tell me why you suddenly show up.” Mac grabbed her elbow and led her out.
Dear Kikii, you should notify me next time about you posting new story in FF section. :) I seldom check FF section, dear. I checked them once in a while to subscribe them.

Aw, a sad one.. It made me jealous for Stella too. :lol: Mac being so close to someone but not Stella. But I'm sure he'll realise soon that Stella is not just a "GOOD FRIEND" to him. What happened to Stella? Is she hurt? Or was she unconcious? I'm worried for her.. :( I love the title of your story. "Meaningless without you", it is soo true. Everything would be meaningless if they're not together. :adore: A christmas Mac/Stella story.. This would be great! :thumbsup: Can't wait for the next chapter.

EngleBarn, would you like to join us in the Mac/Stella thread? It will be great to have you there, discussing SMacked with us.. :D

Take Care - Asprine
I'd sure love to, i'll check it out the minute i have the least bit of time, right now i have class in 7 minutes, and i hope to finish the next chapter of my own fanfic.. :D

but again, i love your story shell_kikii
Thank you for the nice feedbacks, everyone! :) Here's part 2.

Part 2

It was three in the afternoon. Stella and Hawkes were at the crime scene. A man was found dead in his friend’s apartment.
“Steven Fox, 40, attorney from Chicago. He borrowed this place from a friend. His work partner came to visit. Door was opened. He got in and found the vic.” Flack filled them in.
The victim was lying in the bed wearing a pair of boxers only. He was blindfolded. His hands were bound together with a tie to the headboard. The bed sheet was wrinkled by his struggle. Lot of blood soaked the mattress.
Hawkes checked on the body. “Three stab wounds to the heart. The wounds are small and round in shape. There are two distinct impressions on the bed sheet at his waist level. Killer’s knee marks. The vic was strong. The killer might sat on top of him to stop him from struggling.” Hawkes lifted the vic’s right hand up. “Hey Stell, check this out.”
Stella took a look. “What’s this? A grinned cartoon sheep. A club stamp maybe? I found two curly red hairs on the pillow. Might be our vic met this woman at the club and brought her here.”
Stella turned to Flack. “Did his partner say anything about clubbing?”
“Nope. He said they had an appointment with a client yesterday. But the vic was no show and didn’t return calls. So he came over to check on him.”
“I don’t think a woman could subdue him although she sat on the top of him. She might drug him before killing him.” Hawkes said while taking photos.
Stella picked up one of the two wine glasses on the coffee-table. There was some wine on the bottom. “This might answer your question. Let’s work.”
“Sid. What do we have?” Stella asked when she walked into the Autopsy room.
“Three stabs directly to the heart are deep and fatal. Either one of the attacks could’ve kill him. The killer made it three. She was in rage and hatred. The murder weapon should be some long, sharp objects in 5mm diameter. There was no trace of sexual activity although he was half naked. He might be ready but he was too drunk to act.” Sid looked at Stella from the top of his glasses.
Mac walked in while Sid was speaking. Stella didn’t see Mac since last night. He was not in the office in the morning. Stella thought he might be busy with his case OR with his girlfriend. Mac never told her about this ‘friend’. She wondered where he met her and how deep was their relationship. Meanwhile, she understood Mac needed not to tell her everything. They were close but they had their own lives. But she was still uncomfortable about it.
“You want to see me?” Mac asked Sid.
“Yes, there is something interesting.” Sid motioned them to follow him to the other autopsy table. There was a male victim from yesterday’s case. Vincent Lane was a librarian. He died from seafood allergy. Mac and Danny worked the case.
“Although the COD are different, these two victims had the same club stamp from Silly Dolly on their hands and bite marks in the neck. I think your cases might be related. I’ve swabbed and molded the teeth marks.” Sid handed Mac and Stella two casts and two swabs.
“Silly Dolly?” Stella was interested.
“Yeah. It’s an amazing place. The hostess, Dolly, and the waitresses are in different animal costumes. In a sexy version, of course. I’ve been there once. I like llamas. They are smart and beautiful. Miranda, that’s the llama at SD, she said I have their face.” Sid made a face.
“You’re much handsome. Trust me.” Stella winked at Sid. Both she and Mac were unsuccessfully suppressing a smile.
“They looked identical.” Mac moved closer to Stella when he showed her the casts. It was all normal and natural whenever they examined the evidence together. But today, Stella just took the casts from Mac and turned to the other side to examine it under the light.
“What did you get in your case, Stella?”
“There was no force entry. I think the vic brought his killer to the house. I found red hairs on the pillow and wine glass with lip print and fingerprints. I’ve sent wine sample to tox. You?”
“We found two coffee cups. One of them had residue of Chitosan, a health product derived from crabs and shrimps shells for the purpose of weight losing. There is lip stick and fingerprints on the other cup. We found semen and virginal fluid on the bed sheet, DNA matched to the vic and the woman’s DNA from the coffee cup. My vic had a relationship with his killer. But we couldn’t found anything in his apartment to ID her.”
“OK. I’ll take these to DNA. Lindsay and Hawkes are processing the bed sheet and the tie used to bind the vic. I’ll see what they got. Thank you, Sid.” Stella turned to leave not waiting for Mac.
“Is she alright? She’s a little up tight.” Sid said thoughtfully.
Mac didn’t comment. He was thinking about the same question.
“Hey, do you know this Steven Fox was from your hometown, Chicago?” Sid said absently while filling some forms.
“Steven Fox?”
“Yeah, you know him?” Sid looked up from his documents.
“Thank you, Sid.” Mac left.
“Everyone acts strange today.” Sid shrugged and continued on his job.
Thank you again, gals! :)
:lol: I like to read spoilers but I don't trust them. :lol:

Part 3

Stella turned to see Lindsay ran after her with a file in hand.
“Stella. You left this.”
“Thank you, Lindsay.” Stella took the file.
“Are you OK? You’re distracted today.” Lindsay was concerned.
“I’m fine. Thank you.” Stella started to walk again. A golden head in Mac’s office caught her attention.
“Stella.” Mac motioned her to come in.
“Great. That’s what I need.” Stella muttered. She got into his office.
Jennifer stood up and smiled sweetly. “Hi Stella, remember me?”
“Sure. How do you enjoy your stay at New York, Jennifer?” Stella offered her a halfhearted smile.
“I’m not here for sight seeing actually. I stayed at hotel the whole morning. But all the Christmas decorations are so attractive. I was about to go out and explore when Mac called. Hopefully, we would have some night adventures.” Jennifer winked at Mac. Mac didn’t speak or smile. He looked serious.
Stella didn’t see any woman ever flirt with Mac in the way Jennifer did.
“Good for you. Hmm…I have to follow up the case. Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee before you leave New York.” Stella turned so quick that she dropped the file she was holding. An autopsy photo of Steven Fox slipped out of it.
Jennifer picked the photo up before Stella could. Her face turned pale instantly. Her hands were shaking. “Steven! What happened to him? Is he dead? How?”
“Jenny, I am sorry you have to find out this way. He’s the reason I called you. He was murdered. We found his body this afternoon. Stella is working the case.”
Stella looked at Mac surprisingly. “Mac, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Steven was my fiancé. He came here for work three days ago. I couldn’t get in touch with him the last two days. I called his friends. They didn’t see him too. He would call me daily when he was in business trips. I know something’s wrong. So I seek for Mac’s help.” Jennifer covered her face with the handkerchief Mac gave her.
“I’m so sorry, Jennifer. I should’ve been more careful.” Stella said apologetically.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Jenny, I need to ask you some questions. Do you know Steven’s client?” Mac asked.
“All I know it’s about a bad divorce case. The wife moved here with the kids but didn’t tell the husband. Steven was supposed to talk to her. I don’t know her name. And Steven wanted to see his friends.”
“Did he have a friend named Vincent Lane?”
“No. I know most of his friends. I called them before I came to New York. Steven had dinner with them the night before yesterday. They didn’t hear from him since then.”
“Did he have any enemies?”
“No. He was a funny guy. Everybody loves him. Why would somebody wanted him dead?” Jennifer started to cry again.
“We’ll find out.”
“Jennifer, do you have any friends or family in New York that you can stay with?” Stella was brushing slightly on Jennifer’s back.
Jennifer shook her head.
“Well…” Stella looked at Mac.
“Stella, I was thinking if Jenny can stay at your place tonight. I don’t want her to stay at the hotel alone. I’ll call her sister see if she could come tomorrow.” Mac said.
“Sure. But I have to finish some work first. You stay with Mac for few more minutes. I’ll be right back.” Stella glanced at Mac. He nodded.
Stella felt sorry for Jennifer. At the same time, she was relieved to know Jennifer was not Mac’s girlfriend. But she could tell from Jennifer’s body language that she didn’t feel the same as Mac.
Poor Jennifer.. Is he cheating on Jennifer? Going to night clubs and brought some girls home? Hmm, I hope that Jennifer stay away from Mac. Since her fiance is dead already, I'm afraid that she needs someone to lean on. Maybe not Mac. But one thing I'm for sure, Mac won't fall in love with other girls no matter what they try to attract Mac's attention. Mac belongs to Stella. :p Looking forward to next chapter. Thanks for this, Kikii. :)
I can give you this : Sometimes people going to clubs just for fun, like Sid. :) Of course Mac wouldn't fall for the other women. He's Stella's man. :adore: Otherwise, I'm the first one to kill him, in a fanfic. :p