
OMG! YES! i saw the preview, and i who doesn't really like leo especially, i was almost crying! AND THAT WAS JUST THE PREVIEW!!! omg... i want to see that episode so badly! *cries* :'(
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after they'v killed Zanku and destroyed the hous and the nexus.. is ther gonna be another season..???!?!?! what are you all talking about... a seeson 8... what... yay....

I thought it was the las becos they aren't the same anymore.. are they gonna stay different or are HollyMarie, Alyssa, Rose and Brian come back..?!?!?!
are they gonna stay different or are HollyMarie, Alyssa, Rose and Brian come back..?!?!?!


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Everyone came back, Leo is going away in today's episode. THe saeson started on 25th September and at first they were different, had aliases that were played by other actresses.Bu the originals were were seen most of the times. A n ew with is too and so much is going on. You should watch an episode (tonight is a great one), and see for yourself

love your siggy...

well I can't watch it tonight.. I live in Sweden so we don't get it yet... roght no(on the charmed time) we have JAG.. last season.. so it'lll be a coupple weeks... awww poor me
I had watch the ep. on last night 11/27 and i didnt like it to much. I still dont understand why the had to kill Leo off but the last 5 min i cried. It was really hard on Piper B/c she didn't want to do it but it was the only way to save Leo. I hope in the nexts couple of weeks Leo will come back to the show.
they kill him off...

I can't handle one more....awww :( I've already lost speed you know

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Leo wasn't killed off.he was kinda frozen. He comes back later this season.

I think it was a great eppy, even though Leo had to leave, because of the budget cuts.
budgetcuts... why continue if they had to make budgetcuts??

welll... I can't wait for the new season anyway so... bring it on
budgetcuts... why continue if they had to make budgetcuts??

the fans are not complaining. and obviously the WB didn't want to lose that 4 million weekly viewership and didn't think that another show could do better on Sunday

Billie: We don't have season 8 here in New Zealand yet so I don't really know anything about her.
Anyone want to fill me in on her background?
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Well, she's a typical teen. She just discovered her powers and think the whole magical world is big video game. She lost her sister to demons and now she is looking for her.
revenge isn't the answer... that's all I haev to say... accept the loss and try make it all better.. but revenge isn't the answer...

what about wyatt and baby chris.. and the sisters father?
revenge isn't the answer... that's all I haev to say... accept the loss and try make it all better.. but revenge isn't the answer...
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she doesn't want the revenge so much as to just find her sister and save her from evil as she belies her sister is still alive.
what about wyatt and baby chris.. and the sisters father?

what about them`?
well they left them with their father and.. are they coming back for them. or is he gonna take care of them... hmmm I wanna know.. so I don't sit there with no clue later on when it air here...
well they left them with their father and.. are they coming back for them. or is he gonna take care of them... hmmm I wanna know.. so I don't sit there with no clue later on when it air here...

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They started the new season with the "funerals" of the sisters and so between the seasons there was only few days in charmed universe. They started continnued living in the Manor and casted a spell so only their loved ones would see the real them and everyone else would see the glamoured versions of them as thir cousins- Jo, Jenny and Julie Bennet. So they changed their looks and identities. SO everything was as it used to be, only the magical and human world thought they were dead.