Character Development/Screentime Discussion

I'm beginning to wonder if Wendy would've even gotten a goodbye if she weren't main cast and/or in a relationship. Sofia was a main character and she didn't get so much of a mention when she disappeared. Bobby and Mandy are MIA so much they might as well be considered gone, but the writers don't even seem to care...

If you can't tell I'm not exactly sour about Wendy leaving. :rolleyes: Same can't be said for little pop star Beiber's guest starring...
I wanna see how they're going to have Catherine's role downsized, and how they'll explain her lack of episodes and if the romance with Det. Vartanan will come to full fruition. Also Nick, will he have a higher role, and a love interest?And Ray and his wife that will be tantalizing. Who will portray her and where has she been? And what's going on with Sara and Grissom? closure please:confused:And Gregs book, what happend to that?
I would love to see Gregs book. I also want to see Grissom and Sara together. I would also love to see Raymond's wife.

Well CBS theres my demands OH I mean suggestions
Yes I agree with all of this! I especially want to see Nick find a girlfriend ;) he deserves it! Also, Greg's book signing :) && of course a Sara and Grissom explanation please! Tho I wouldn't mind an appearance together...
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I hope to see much character development this season, with may different scenerios, more romance, that's scintillating , and what's going to happen with the main characters, Nick, Cath, Ray, Greg and how will Hodges handle ths loss of Wendy?
I hope to see much character development this season, with may different scenerios, more romance, that's scintillating , and what's going to happen with the main characters, Nick, Cath, Ray, Greg and how will Hodges handle ths loss of Wendy?

Character Development, I agree, I definitely want to see all the characters evolve.

Romance...ugh, no thank you. The occasional scene with Cath/Vartann, or Doc and Dave mentioning their off screen wives once in a while is fine with me, but nothing beyond that. I'd like to see Nick and Greg get girlfriends, but off screen and only mentioned now and then. I'm really not looking forward to Ray's wife - both because I don't like him and I don't like romance.

I want tptb to stop writing the 'Nick and Ray' show and give Greg, Brass, Robbins and SuperDave more screentime- they deserve it after sticking with the show all this time.

(And is it too much to ask for Bobby, Mandy and especially Archie to return tptb?!)
What is so great about Nick's character, no matter how much trauma he's been through , he still comes back full-force. His resilent nature and his enthusiam and optimisim is something to be revered. I think it would be thrilling for the right gal to see all of his great qualities and make him happy. On the rung of the cast, it is Dr. Ray the main lead, followed by Cath as supervisor, then Nick. And with Dr. Ray's splendid aura [he's fantastic] and his enticing work, & how he's so connected to the whole team, it's time to see his wife, That will be so captivating, so engrossing and so enchanting it will be a blockbuster, when we finally meet her and see where she's been. He's so fascinating and so memorizing, can't wait. And to see Cath at long last involved in a real lasting romance also alluring. And I want to know what happened to Greg's book. I hope the writers will introduce this to the fans. It also will be interesting to see how the new gals will fit into the cast~
I'd much rather see SuperDave's wife rather than Langston's. The woman apparently loves all his gory stories about the wierder victims, that's a definite sign that she'd be an interesting character. Besides, Ray's already had two serial killers, stabbing and his relationship with his dad as storylines, adding the wife is, to me, overkill, especially considering he's only been there 1 1/5 seasons.

But of course the A-lister gets all the juicy stuff while long time characters get to sit on the shelf, occasionally getting dusted off and given their own storyline before getting tucked away again :rolleyes:

It's obvious that the writers aren't going to do anything with Greg's book- It was last mentioned nearly two years ago, and I think the writers are insinuating that the book wasn't published (of course dear Ray gets a book that Grissom and Archie have read. :angryrazz: ) I've pretty much giving up hope that the writers are going to ever give Greg anything to work with. :(
The writers hired Laurence Fishburne as the "lead" and are focusing on his personal life this season, I would think because TPTB want it this way, and I think more fans are interested in seeing his wife over another person on the show, by bringing in his spouse. He came on as the "lead" in S/9, were now going into S/11, and he's still the Lead of CSI. Super Daves is cool, but not the star and in that capacity not relevant to all fans in seeing his wife. We've also never seen Docs wife, maybe eventually we sill see them but for now this is what's happening~
I'd much rather see SuperDave's wife rather than Langston's. The woman apparently loves all his gory stories about the wierder victims, that's a definite sign that she'd be an interesting character. Besides, Ray's already had two serial killers, stabbing and his relationship with his dad as storylines, adding the wife is, to me, overkill, especially considering he's only been there 1 1/5 seasons.

I would actually prefer not to see Mrs. Phillips. Like Doc Robbins' wife, the fact that we get this secondhand information about them and they remain unseen makes them a little more interesting in my eyes. Kind of like Marice on "Frasier" only less... freaky. :lol:

As for Ray's wife, I really don't care. She doesn't appear to offer anything to the table. The love interests of Grissom, the previous lead character, all were introduced due to their respected fields that directly related to either the job or a case (Teri Miller, Lady Heather and to some extent Sofia and Sara). Yes, it was only a plot device for Grissom, but they also brought something that was genuinely required. It seems very contrived to bring Mrs. Langston in out of the blue just to give a little angst to the ultimate "Mary Sue", Ray Langston.
Agree with everything, Praetor. I meant to say that IF we had to see someone's wife on the show, then I'd rather it be Dave's than Ray's. I'm perfectly content with letting Mrs Phillips stay off the screen.

Oh, and technically, he'd be a Marty Stu, since he is male :lol:. But damn, you got me tempted to run Ray though a Sue litmus test, cause I'm guessing he'd come out pretty high.

Besides, from what I've heard many fans (myself included) would much rather see one of Greg's relatives instead of Ray's, which not a lot of people seem to care about (surprise surprise)
Besides, from what I've heard many fans (myself included) would much rather see one of Greg's relatives instead of Ray's, which not a lot of people seem to care about (surprise surprise)

Oh, I'm right there with you! Although I have no strong desire to see Greg's parents - something concerning his love life would be nice. Does he have a girlfriend (or boyfriend, cause at this point do we even know anything about his private life :rolleyes:)? Hell, does he even have a dog, cat, fish, mutant?

I always forget what the male equivalent of a Mary Sue is. :lol: But seriously, Ray is one. I have nothing against LF or his portrayal, its the way he's written. The man's a wunderkind. And everyone love's him. Even Ecklie. Apart from a maybe a handful of scoldings from Brass, has anyone ever truly gotten mad at him? Riley did, and now she's no longer on the show. Can you name any other character on the show, past or present, who didn't ruffle any feathers? (Be warned, I'm prepared for this one).

Again, I'm not saying anything bad about LF or his acting. He's actually very good. It's the character. I know he's the lead. I'm not arguing about his screen time compared to others. It's just the character.
Maybe we should also see Greg's parents. He did mention his overprotective mom in season 7, so how about she finds out he's in the field? If she didn't already, of course. Did he ever tell her? It was never mentioned actually.
I think and will try and put this delicately, that when Carol Mendelshon said "LF was at the top of our dream list" and then Anthony Zuiker [creator of CSI] who recently came back to the writers table, also raved about hos "lucky they were to have him" plus all the cast has stated how "thrilled they were as well. From Jorja on YouTube, "I was so excited to meet him & had watched his movies since forever, and when he came on the set & walked towards me, I was shaking an saying OMG. it's Laurence Fishburne" then we had eye contact way to long:wtf: and I looked into his soul and saw nothing but kindness". Marg on "The View "He's amazing a "class act". George and Eric basically the same type of comments, all seemly geuinue and authentic. Point::it's how they all interact with him that's compelling, and a major key.. and I think the writers look for positive comments refering to him from fans, not negative ones, they choose him and are happy wth their selection, as his fans are. Now as far as other characters spouses, if that happens great. but beings he is the lead and he's married, I believe that the writers feel by now it's of paramount importance to bring her on the scene.
Like others, I'd rather not see anyone's wife (or girlfriend) on the show. I love how Mrs. Phillips has developed just through little comments every now and then. I also like hearing about Greg's Papa Olaf - but feel no desire to actually meet the guy. :)

I really watch CSI for the investigative work, not the personal romances. Relationships like Grissom/Sara, Catherine/Vartann, and Hodges/Wendy.. they're workplace relationships, and both characters already exist fully on the show before they become romantic, so it's just a natural progression. Introducing a new character as nothing more than a plot device to bring more drama for a character just doesn't seem natural. I found Teri Miller rather awkward too, but at least she had an excuse to be there from time to time.

Praetor, I agree completely about Ray (and like you, nothing against LF - he's a great actor, and I'm sure every bit as nice as everyone says). It's just that Ray's practically psychic sometimes, figuring out exactly what the antagonist is about. I get that he's got a background in criminology, but from time to time, I'd like to see him be clueless or wrong (Grissom was sometimes, even about bugs!).