Celebrity News

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Let's hope Arnold is smart enough not to let her go free. They will go against him. Fans will survived without her. I'm not a fan of her and never will.

He won't. Arnold is smart. He is a celebrity/govenor. I think he knows not to special-treat other celebrities.

Honestly I don't think Paris has that many fans. They are just people who say they are fans because they admire her stupidity. :D Or whatever. I've never seen what is so special about her. And honesty, I think she is ugly. And an horrible singer (though it was very amusing to listen to her "oh-listen-at-me-I'm-a-celebrity-and-therefore-I-can-sing!" voice.). And I didn't know she was a writer. But honestly, I don't think that it is that good. Not gonna be a classic.
ElinWaffle said:
He won't. Arnold is smart. He is a celebrity/govenor. I think he knows not to special-treat other celebrities.
I agree. Arnold is smart. I don't think he will pardon her. Could you imagine the backlash if he did? It would be exactly like special treatment. That is probably what Paris is hoping for, but I think Arnold has far worthier causes to deal with other than giving Paris a pardon because she is afraid to go to prison (for the long strech of 45 days).

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time!
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The owner of an upscale steakhouse in Louisville said he asked O.J. Simpson to leave his restaurant the night before the Kentucky Derby because he is sickened by the attention Simpson still attracts.

"I didn't want to serve him because of my convictions of what he's done to those families," Jeff Ruby said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "The way he continues to torture the lives of those families ... with his behavior, attitude and conduct."

Simpson, an NFL Hall of Famer and Heisman Trophy winner, was found innocent in 1995 of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman but was found liable in a civil trial that followed.

Ruby — who owns restaurants in Cincinnati, Louisville and Belterra, Indiana — said Simpson, who was in town for the Derby on Saturday, came in with a group of about 12 Friday night and was seated at a table in the back. A customer came up to Ruby and was "giddy" about seeing Simpson, Ruby said.

"I didn't want that experience in my restaurant," Ruby said, later adding that seeing Simpson get so much attention "makes me sick to my stomach."

He said he went to Simpson's table and said, "I'm not serving you." Ruby said when Simpson didn't respond, he repeated himself and left the room.

Ruby said Simpson soon came up to him and said he understood and would gather the rest of his party to leave.

Simpson's lawyer, Yale Galanter, did not immediately return phone calls Tuesday night seeking comment.

"It was the first time since 1994 he has ever shown any class," Ruby said. "He showed it that night in the restaurant" by leaving quietly.

Ruby said after Simpson left, people in the restaurant started applauding him. He said he has received about 100 positive e-mails since the incident.

The walls of Ruby's restaurants are decorated with celebrity photos. A photo of Simpson and Ruby used to be on display, but Ruby said he took it down after the killings.

To be perfectly honest I don't think the restaurant owner should have benn allowed to kick OJ out. I realize this is an unpopular opinion but OJ was founf not guilty by a jury, therefore he is legally innocent. I think what the owner did was both unconstitutional and unethical, because he treat OJ as a guilty man when legally he is not and it's based on law and not popular opinion.
I harbour a hatred for OJ Simpson that even surpass my hatred for David Caruso's Donald Trump-like hair. *shudders* I still believe he did it. I mean, come on! Writing a book called "IF I Did It"? How stupid is he?

Probably stupid enough. As for the whole paris-travesy? Arnold, our hopes lies within you...Be a good govenor and extend her prison time to two months instead!

Ok, switching topic for a while? Anyone knows what happened to the Mel B"Scary Spice"/ Eddie Murphy-story? Actually I hate Eddie Murphy (I hate a lot of things, I know :D)and even more after this. Could be that I'm a former die hard Spice Girls fan (To my defense, I was about 6 and EVERYBODY adored them), what do I know? She had a daughter right? I read something about her naming her Angel Iris Murphy ( :eek: ) Brown. Is that correct?
So happy to hear about Sheryl's new addition! I've seen how much she loves kids. She used to be a school teacher. Love the name Wyatt! Wyatt Steven - after her father & brother. how sweet!
ElinWaffle, I think they are doing a paternity test to verify Eddie is the father, but Mel did put his name on the birth certificate. He's still denying it, but him doing that back when the news first broke, well, my opinion of him plummeted to new depths.
From TV Guide online:

(New movie planned) Tim Allen is a troubled action-movie star who lures a Jiu-jitsu master (Chiwetel Ejiofor) into the biz in the David Mamet-penned Redbelt.

I can just imagine it...
Chiwetel: Belt sander left, belt sander right, Timmy-san.
Tim: More power, Master. Arrr arrr arrr.

'Makeover' Designer Sanders Welcomes Triplets

"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" designer Ed Sanders could will get the feminine touch in his household.

The actor-carpenter and his wife Gioia, a make-up artist, welcomed three daughters into the family on May 5 in Los Angeles, reports People.

The triplets are named Scarlette (3 lbs., 15 oz.), Azure (3 lbs., 15 oz.) and Lucia (4 lbs., 2 oz.). The girls will grow to terrorize their brother Max, who turns five in June.

Sanders, 32, is a London-born actor who learned carpentry to earn a living between acting jobs. In England, he played Eddie Moliano in the series "Dream Team," was a reporter for the morning show "RI:SE" and hosted the UK version of "Fear Factor."

He moved to the U.S. in 2004 and landed the part of the carpenter on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition." He is also the host of "National Bingo Night," which premieres on ABC on Friday, May 18.
desertwind said:
Paula Abdul, smashes schnozz--triping over her Chihuahua doggie! amonst other juicy tid-bits of these wild and crazy celebrities :eek:

On one of our local radio stations they were telling this story today and they said, "Paula Abdul broke her nose this past weekend when she tripped over her dog Tulip.....yeah, because she was DRUNK!!" :lol: :lol: She just can't catch a break *snicker*, can she?
Paula says, she doesn't drink and never has :eek: and I'm a bit stunned at this news, NBC's "DATELINES" Stone Phillips was let go after 15 years. I loved him, a solid amazing broadcaster, one never knows :(

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