Celebrity News

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desertwind said:
Here's some more news, about these wild..weird & wacky celebrities, and nothing about Britney's supposed suicide attempt :(

I'm having a feeling she didn't actually try to do it and this is a fake story.

I even checked that TMZ site before you listed it, notta.
Rosie's opinion comes with no credibility at all. What has she every done or accomplish, besides be overweight.
mrb105 said:
Rosie's opinion comes with no credibility at all. What has she every done or accomplish, besides be overweight.

excatly.. good one. I totally agree.. wished she'd just go away :mad:
From the police department's celebrity booking desk:

John Popper arrested in Washington
03/07/2007 11:55 PM, AP

Blues Traveler singer and harmonica player John Popper was arrested after the vehicle he was riding in was clocked going 111 mph, the Washington State Patrol said Wednesday.

Popper, 39, was arrested Tuesday afternoon on Interstate 90 near the Spokane/Lincoln county line, the Washington State Patrol said.

Inside the black Mercedes SUV, officers found a cache of weapons and a small amount of marijuana, the Patrol said. A police dog searched the vehicle, finding numerous hidden compartments containing four rifles, nine handguns and a switchblade knife. Authorities also found a Taser and night vision goggles. The vehicle was seized.

Full story at Yahoo News
Depps daughter seriously ill - full story.

Johnny Depp's seven-year-old daughter Lily-Rose is seriously ill in an English hospital, according to the Daily Mirror newspaper.

The Pirates Of The Caribbean actor, 43, and his partner Vanessa Paradis, 34, are holding a vigil at the child's bedside after she was struck down by the undisclosed illness nine days ago.

The Mirror claims it knows what medical condition Lily-Rose is suffering from, but have decided to withhold it from the press out of respect for the privacy of Depp's family.

That's just horrible.. so sad, I always loved her name..Lily Rose, so pretty, prayers go out to him and his partner :( and on John Popper. isn't he a bit old do be doing these kind of antics? :confused:come on!! speeding, guns, and pot.. once again WHY?????
poor johnny! he seems like such a good dad and that he loves his children so much. i will hope for the best for lily rose and that she overcomes whatever has happened to her, also that the press leave her and the family alone. i guess it shows people in the business do have a conscience if they have found out details but are not reporting them.
From the police department's celebrity booking desk

`Prison Break' Actor Charged in Crash
Mar 8, 4:26 PM (ET)

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) - Lane Garrison was charged Thursday with manslaughter and drunken driving in a car crash that killed a 17-year-old boy last year.

The 26-year-old "Prison Break" actor was charged with felony vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, felony driving under the influence causing injury to multiple victims, felony driving with a blood-alcohol level above the .08 percent legal limit causing injury, and a misdemeanor count of furnishing alcohol to a minor.

If convicted, Garrison could face up to six years and eight months in prison.

He was expected to surrender Thursday afternoon for arraignment at Beverly Hills Superior Court. Prosecutors will recommend that Garrison be held on $200,000 bail, said Jane Robison, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney's office.
I just read the Johnny Depp's daughter is doing much better. It had something to do with a rusty nail (Im assuming a puncture) that went untreated, which created a blood infection. They're treating her now and she appears to be fine. I'll try and find the link to where I read it.
I don't know if this should go in Celebrity News in this forum or Weird News in Misc. Since it has to do with a movie, I'll put it here. But this is WEIRD.

The 'Burger King' Will Have His Own Movie ... Sigh
Posted Mar 7th 2007 10:02AM
by Scott Weinberg

By now everyone's seen those bizarrely creepy Burger King commercials in which the massive-headed mascot appears in the most weirdly unlikely of places. Apparently this ad campaign has been something special for the BK corporation -- it even spawned a series of Xbox video games that some of my friends call "addictively awful." (I played the one called Sneak King ... for about 3.3 minutes.) But now comes word that the King of Burgers is about to make the leap to the silver screen. Yes, that's right: A feature film centered around a corporate mascot.

According to MSN, Burger King already has a studio and a distribution deal in place for Burger King: The Movie* -- and they're threatening to have the movie finished by the end of this year! The head marketing guru for the fast food franchise indicates that the flick will be an "origin story," although I doubt it will be a re-enactment of the character's true origins. Who'd want to watch a movie about a mid-70's marketing meeting, anyway? ("Hey, I know! We're called Burger King, so let's use an actual burger king!") It's a horrible idea to make a Burger King movie, obviously, but at least the company is being honest about it. I distinctly remember a few movies that felt like feature-length McDonald's commercials, only they were advertised as actual films.

From Cinematical.com
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