Celebrity News P2

I think Lindsay needs to be put back in that rehab place and made to stay there for a couple of months at least. I think that would be best for her so she can get her life straightened out as far as drugs/alcohol goes.
I think Lindsay needs to be put back in that rehab place and made to stay there for a couple of months at least. I think that would be best for her so she can get her life straightened out as far as drugs/alcohol goes.

Ah, but she doesn't want to straighten out her life, if she did she would. She likes to drink and do drugs, this has been on going since 2007, and nothing has changed. She's an addict, and apparently no amout of jail or rehab has done anything to change her behavior, but who the H is giving her these drugs?
I think Lindsay needs to be put back in that rehab place and made to stay there for a couple of months at least. I think that would be best for her so she can get her life straightened out as far as drugs/alcohol goes.

Ah, but she doesn't want to straighten out her life, if she did she would. She likes to drink and do drugs, this has been on going since 2007, and nothing has changed. She's an addict, and apparently no amout of jail or rehab has done anything to change her behavior, but who the H is giving her these drugs?

I don't think its that she doesn't want to straighten her life out, I think its that her addiction runs so deep that she's not able to just yet. For the most part, addicts try several times to quit and sometimes it just takes a few tries.
I just don't get why she doesn't do something constructive, take a class, do gardening, make pottery, read a book go swimming, ride a bike, run [and not from the cops] for fitness. There's so many things to do, rather then snorting things up your nose and drinking boos, and it will take it's toll on her looks and age her fast!
Because it's not that easy. An addict be it drinking or drugs, will never stop being an addict, they will be a recovering addict because every day is a fight with in themselves to stay clean. One of the reasons they are called recovering is because of the fact that they will fall off that wagon several times, it may not be because they don't want to stay clean, they can want it will all that is within them, the problem is sometimes that just isn't enough. They have to build strength of will power if you will to be able to fight that fight. -- They can repeat and repeat the ten steps to stay clean, sometimes the strength can come from a shock (like almost dying) to just waking up one day and realizing they have it. Even then it's a fight within to stay that way. Gardening or any of that only gives them a distraction, sort of like when a person quits smoking, staying idle works only for a little while before the craving comes back.

Also what keeps her hooked, she has to face that demon to, is it her parents divorce? is it that her career isn't all she thought it would be, did something happen in her life that she can't face or handle. These are not excuses but rather a contributing factor. Until she faces that, gains strength, takes total responsibility, stays away from those whom she was around or is a bad influence. -- It is a one day, one hour, one minutes at a time trial to stay clean. Yep rehab can help, but no matter how long they keep her in there, it's what she does when she gets out, and until she is fully ready to face and fight the demons (personal and chemical) it's a rise and fall for her, and if she survives those and decides she is worth living, she is worth the fight, and she is willing to go through the cravings and hell, to stay sober, then she will be able to fight and fight and win the battle thing is it will be a win one minute, hour and day at a time.

If she stays true to herself and if she meant what she said on twitter and wasn't trying to making good for the judge and public but really means it. Then she is trying to put the right foot forward and taking responsibility. If she or her handlers are lying to the public then again she shows a total distrust to herself as well as those who care about her. -- All in all I can't really judge her very much, only because I don't know anything other then what I read, and alot of that is to gain ratings, sell papers, etc. Some of it might be totally true, others might be half, and some well... All I can do is hope that she won't be another life lost, hope that she finds herself and her strength and a new beginning to life that will make her happy.

But thats just my thoughts.
All of that is true Destiny, but there are those who "like it" and have no real intention of quitting. I knew [won't go into vivid detail] but someone who I was close with, also drank I even went to AAA meetings with him. One night after a drinking binge, he told me "I like to drink, and like the feeling and have intention of ever quitting" I told him to take a hike.. I think whoever is responsible for giving her these subsatances should also be held responsible, as their enablers. I don't think she wants to quit, or she'd try harder come on, enough is enough:wtf:
We can't say what is in her mind that is the thing, we don't know if she wants to quit, or maybe she feels she can't, or that she doesn't want to.

The person you knew going to AA, when he went to those meetings each time, was he going for himself, for someone else or cause he was told (ie judge) to go. If he didn't really want to quit, wasn't going for someone else and wasn't told to go, then everytime he went to the meeting he lied to himself, and others (family, friends, and others in the meetings) which is sad.

As to Lindsay, again we don't know and if she does then like a kid learning to walk, she will fall many times before she can stand on her own and then its the time factor minute, hour, day. If she doesn't want to stop, she will either die from the addiction or get to the point that her career will be a backseat deal low rated types and trying (as we heard about many stars) to do anything to score her next hit. But if she is trying to figure out herself and this addiction there is nothing anyone can say or do.

As to those who are considered enablers, how are they responsible. Lindsay willingly drank, she willingly took the drugs, some prescriptions she was on should have been monitored more closely (but again going only by what is reported, we don't know she wasn't) if she was then as we know in the world of Celebs you want something like that go to another doc, use another name... Was the prescripts a mis-diagnosis? That can happen, they brush her hyperness off as ADHD and throw her on some pills, but then for a long time that was the fenom if you will when it came to kids like that. As to the illegal substances, she willingly took it.

You could say but if she wasn't offered it... It doesn't matter she could have turned it down, she could have said no thanks. She didn't. Thing is maybe someone didn't offer it to her, maybe she went looking for it, to medicate herself from underlying problems, or to suppliment her other prescribed meds as they weren't doing enough (which means if she was monitored then they refused to raise the dose meaning she ran into docs that actually had ethics, wierd I know) in her opinion. But it all came down to her and her choices. And why she made the ones she did.

Like many stars confronting the demons (sometimes from in and outside the "celeb" status) is very difficult, many manage to do it, and many feel they need to self medicate. If or until Lindsay does this she has a long road ahead, and if she truely wants to stop she has to want to. She says she does and right now that is all we have to go on. Part of the problem is the fact that the public perception is like that with many child stars, who go out and party, they will either kill themselves or they shouldn't be in the business. But there are plenty who haven't gone the route she did, and others who have cleaned up their ways and committed to trying to stay clean.

They will slip, and they will pick themselves up, but before all that they had to want to, they had to find the strength and they had to face and/or fight the reason they started. And do this every single day for the rest of their lives.
*The United Farm Workers union says Stephen Colbert will visit Capitol Hill today to testify at a U.S. House committee hearing on farmworkers who are illegal immigrants. Colbert will appear as an expert witness. He has focused on the "UFW's Take Our Jobs" campaign on his nightly show on Comedy Central..The Stephen Colbert Report He had spent a day last month picking vegetables on a farm in upstate New York. The UFW launched the "Take Our Jobs" campaign in June to invite U.S. citizens and legal residents to replace illegal immigrants who work on farms~

The judge overturned the decision to have Lindsay Lohan stay in jail for 4 weeks until her trial and let her out after only one day in jail. This girl needs to be in a treatment facility like yesterday. And she needs to be made to stay there for at least six months if not a year. Totally agree with her dad on that front.
*Movie fans are investing in Michael Douglas and Oliver Stone in "Wall Street:Money Never Sleeps" which opened as the No.1 weekend movie with $19 million, according to studio estimates Sunday. The 20th Century Fox release led a crop of so-so to weak newcomers, though the sequel to Douglas and Stone's 1987 hit "Wall Street" did not quite set off a bull market at the box offce. The "Wall Street" dequel reunites Stone with Douglas, who reprises his role as investment shark Gordon Gekko. The movie co-stars Shia LaBeouf, Carey Mulligan and Josh Brolin, in a tale set against the 2008 economic meltdown. The Warner Bros. anitimated adventure "Legend Of The Guardians:The Owls Of Ga-'Hoole" was No.2 with a soft opening of $16.3 million. It finished barely ahead of the $16 million haul for Warner's "The Town"/b], the Ben Affleck heist drama that was the previous weekend's No.1 release. "The Town" held up well and raised it's 10-day ttotal to $49.1 million. Sony's teen comedy "Easy A" which had been No. 2 a weekend earlier, also held up well with $10.7 million to fnish at NO. 4 "Easy A" lifted it's 10-day total to $32.8 million. Disney's mother-daughter comedy "You Again", staring Kristen Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis and Sigourney Weaver, debuted at No.5 with an anemic $8.3 million. Playing in narrower release, the Will Farrell produced teen comedy "The Virginity Hit" flopped with just $300,000~

*Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake are the hottest duo in hip-hop-for the moment. Their medley of rap hits on "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon", is becoming a viral hit. Fallon and Timberlake started off with Sugarhill Gang's classic "Rappers Delight", and then performed jams from artists including the Beastie Boys, Notrious B.I.G., Jay-Z and Eminem. Fallon, 36, said he;s surprised by the success of the skit. "We never know what's going to go viral or get picked up, and this one's beyond what we thought it would do", he said Thursday~

*Britney Spears has met with a judge overseeing her convervatorship, but no changes are being made. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz also met Thursday with the singer's father Jamie, [who retains control] with attorneys over his daughter's personal and financial affairs~

* Movie fans are spending some thime with a story about the founders of "FACEBOOK". "The Serial Network" director David Finch drama about the quarrelsome creaton of the online juggernaut, debuted at No.1 weekend film with $23 million. The weekend's other new relases had weak starts. Paramount's horror flick "Case 39" staring Renee Zellweger, opened at No.7 with only $5.35 million, while Overture Films vampire tale "Let The Right One In", debuted at No. 8. with $5.3 million. The Warner Bros. animated adventure "Legend Of The Guardians:The Owls of Ga'Hoole", held up well, retaining the No. 2 spot in it's 2nd weekend with $10.9 million, raising it's total to $30 million. The previous weekend's top earner, 20th Century Fox's "Wall Street:Money Never Sleeps", slipped to 3rd place with $10.1 million, lifting it's total to $35.9 million. "The Social Network" traces the history of Facebook from Harvard University, were computer whiz Mark Zuckerberg Jesse Elsenberg and his best friend Edurado Saverin Andrew Garfield launched the site, through it's meteoric rise with over 500 million members and a stock value of in the billions. The film also follows the nasty legal fight as Zuckerberg faces lawsuits by Saverin, who says he was cheated out of millions, and 3 other students who claim he stole the idea from them. Justin Timberlake co-stars as Napster founder Sean Parker. Facebook has called the film "fiction" about it's founder, the notorious private Zuckerberg~
