Eric and Natalia's relationship was more of a fling.
A fling IMO is basically the same as a one night stand (IMHO) and Eden definitely had more than one night. But, whether it was a full fledged relationship is up to interpretation, but I don't think it's fair to call it a "fling"... it was a little bit more than that. Natalia for one wanted it to be more. She even told Eric in one ep (can't remember the title though), "all
I know is, we could have had something real and you blew it"... so clearly she thought of them as more than a fling.
Believe it or not, most of the people want to see EC happen.
I have to respectfully disagree with this. It's not that most of the people want to see it, its just that ones who did are more vocal than the rest which makes it seem like a larger number. By that I mean that a lot of those who wanted to see it happen let tptb know that they wanted it (by emails, letters, etc). While it may be accurate to say "a lot" of people wanted to see the relationship happen, I'm not sure its really accurate to use the word "most". JMHO.
First of all, the "garbage" comment was about the way TPTB have written them out.
I was just going to say that cause I knew that's what you meant.

To some it may feel like this was too fast paced. We didn't get to see them on a date yet and all of a sudden they're gonna kiss. It's frustrating to some because some feel that the way it's been written is more fairytale-like than it is realistic.
Honestly, it feels like some past things have been swept under the rug to accomodate this current storyline. Remember how Calleigh and Jake had to break up because of that stupid rule? (Yes, I think it was a dumb rule because they are basically workaholics, where if not at work are they supposed to meet someone? They aren't required to be like nuns and Catholic priests and give a vow of lifelong celibacy for crying out loud lol.) Now Calleigh's suddenly with someone she works with EVERY DAY not just one case here and there and where is that rule now, will it return to cause a prob for them? I'm curious to see if the rule
is going to come back into to play. Could make for some interesting dynamics. Will Calleigh react the same way as she did when she and Jake had to break up because of the rule? Or will she react differently? It'll seem a little unfair to some if the rule doesn't return and it'll be very frustrating (especially to Cal/Jake fans) and if it was reversed, the people on the other side would feel just as frustrated I would think.
The constant will they won't they stuff kind of felt like the writers couldn't make up their minds, in all honesty. And as much as I may not be a fan of the E/C pairing, at least it seems that the writers have finally made up their minds :lol: .
I'm happy for all the E/C fans that you get to finally see your pairing on the show, but I'm a little disappointed for myself at the same time since it's not my preference. :lol:
I just honestly hope that the writers will focus primarily on what the show is intended to be about... the crime solving and not focus primarily on the relationship. When Vegas did that GSR, it turned off a lot of viewers and even lost a lot of viewers. I fear that if Miami makes that same mistake, they will lose a lot of viewers and maybe even moreso than Vegas did because there are a lot more things than a pairing that some people (in general) are disappointed in where Miami is concerned.
As for Ryan's upcoming predictament, I'm really hoping that the team will (once they realize what is truly going on) rally around him and be supportive and understanding... because he's trying to do right by Billy. He may be doing something "wrong", but he's doing it for all the right reasons... to save a little boy's life. If it was his own life and only his own life on the line, he'd said "then just kill me and get it over with", but since it's an innocent little boy's life that is threatened, it isn't something he can risk... he's been trained to protect the innocent. Hopefully the team will understand that's what he's doing.
I heard that we get to see calleighs sister in episode 722 or 723..i cant remember
I thought Cal was an only child?

Maybe they're confused with Natalia cause she does have two sisters: Anya (whom we met in Dark Room) and Christine I believe is the other one's name (we haven't yet met her).
I like little snippets of family, nothing major, just letting us know that they(the team) wern't found in the cabbage patch or brought down by aliens.
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:That cracked me up!